Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki

Xyphos is a unique technology in Chronicles: Battle for Greece available to the Spartans at the Fort upon reaching the Classical Age. Once researched, it increases the attack of Hoplite line and Monoreme line by +1 (up to a maximum of +3) for every 10 nearby enemy military units in a 10 tile radius.

The player can research only either Xyphos or Helot Levies. Once either is chosen, the option to research the other is removed.


  • Xyphos is the name of an ancient Greek double-edged shortsword.
    • The way this relates to the Spartans is that they adopted a shorter version of the xyphos, allowing them to strike more precisely while in close quarters or in formation.
  • The way this technology is implemented, it upgrades "Hoplite" and "Elite Hoplite" units to "Hoplite with Xyphos" and "Elite Hoplite with Xyphos" units, since there is no way to enable different types of auras.
  • The way the effect of the bonus works is by inverting the "direction" of the aura. In this case, said units are the source of the aura, and instead of affecting enemy units, the aura is making the enemy units affect the source.
    • A side effect is that it also inverts the Hoplite's natural aura of providing each other extra armor. However, this is not usually a concern, since the effect of the bonus is the same even if the "direction" of the aura is inverted.
  • The aura is similar to the Monaspa's aura. Both auras increase the attack of the source unit based on the number of units nearby.
Technologies in Chronicles
Economic technologies
Military technologies
Villager female ChroniclesVillager male Chronicles VillagerLoomDE Loom · SapperDE Sappers
InfantryForging aoe2de ForgingIronCastingDE Iron CastingBlastFurnaceDE Blast Furnace
ScaleMailArmorDE Scale Mail ArmorChainMailArmorDE Chain Mail ArmorPlateMailArmorDE Plate Mail Armor
Suplliesicon Supplies · SquiresDE Baggage Carriers · ArsonDE Arson · Battle Drills Chronicles Battle Drills
ArchersPaddedArcherArmorDE Padded Archer ArmorLeatherArcherArmorDE Leather Archer ArmorRingArcherArmorDE Ring Archer Armor
ThumbRingDE Thumb Ring · ParthianTacticsDE Parthian Tactics
CavalryForging aoe2de ForgingIronCastingDE Iron CastingBlastFurnaceDE Blast Furnace
ScaleBardingArmorDE Scale Barding ArmorChainBardingDE Chain Barding ArmorPlateBardingArmorDE Plate Barding Armor
BloodlinesDE Bloodlines · HusbandryDE Husbandry
Ranged unitsFletchingDE FletchingBodkinArrowDE Bodkin ArrowBracerDE Bracer
Target Practice Chronicles Target Practice · Flaming Arrows Chronicles Flaming Arrows
ShipHypozomata Chronicles Hypozomata · DryDockDE Drums · ShipwrightDE Shipwright
Priestess Chronicles PriestessEvocatio Chronicles Evocatio · Syncretism Chronicles Syncretism · Hemlock Chronicles Hemlock · Apotropaic Magic Chronicles Apotropaic Magic · FervorDE Fervor · Exorcism Chronicles Exorcism · Purification Chronicles Purification · Haruspicy Chronicles Haruspicy · Mystery Cults Chronicles Mystery Cults
BuildingMasonry aoe2de MasonryArchitectureDE Architecture
TownWatchDE Town WatchTownPatrolDE Town Patrol
HerbalDE Herbal Medicine · ConscriptionDE Conscription · MurderHolesDE Murder Holes · TreadmillCraneDE Treadmill Crane · ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits · Lighthouse Chronicles Lighthouse · HoardingsDE Hoardings
Siege unitsSiegeEngineersDE Siege Engineers
Unique technologies
Achaemenids Chronicles AchaemenidsClassical UT 1 Chronicles Sparabaras · Classical UT 2 Chronicles Reed Arrows · Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Scythed Chariots · Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Karda
Athenians Chronicles AtheniansClassical UT 1 Chronicles Taxiarchs · Classical UT 2 Chronicles Iphicratean Tactics · Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Eisphora · Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Delian League
Spartans Chronicles SpartansClassical UT 1 Chronicles Helot Levies · Classical UT 2 Chronicles Xyphos · Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Krypteia · Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Peloponnesian League
Unique gameplay elements
Achaemenids Chronicles AchaemenidsTown Center upgrades: Economic Town Center Chronicles Economic Town Center · Military Town Center Chronicles Military Town Center · Defensive Town Center Chronicles Defensive Town Center
Athenians Chronicles AtheniansPolicies: Economic Policy Chronicles Economic Policy · Military Policy Chronicles Military Policy · Naval Policy Chronicles Naval Policy
Spartans Chronicles SpartansPolemarch technologies: Ephorate Chronicles Ephorate · Morai Chronicles Morai · Skeuophoroi Chronicles Skeuophoroi · Hippagretai Chronicles Hippagretai