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Age of Empires Series Wiki

โ€œ The Greeks turn their attention to the wealthy city of Byzantium - but with Pausanias behaving like a violent despot, and the Persians torching anything of value in the city, will there be anything left worth conquering? โ€
—In-game summary

Wrath of the Regent is the sixth scenario of the second act of the Battle for Greece grand campaign in Chronicles: Battle for Greece, and the thirteenth scenario overall.


The Greeks were in high spirits - how could they not be, after the miraculous victory at Salamis, and then the daring strike against Cyprus? And so for their next target, they chose Byzantium: no mere city, but a gateway between continents, its harbors crowded with merchants from a hundred different lands.

But trouble loomed over the Greek fleet. The Spartan leader Pausanias began to treat allies as a despot treats his slaves: using threats in place of persuasion, issuing demands rather than seeking counsel. The allies, enraged by the arrogance of Pausanias, whispered their protests to that most incorruptible of statesmen - the Athenian Aristides.

And Aristides - whether irked by injustice or sensing an opportunity for Athens, or perhaps imbibing some of Themistocles' talent for scheming - began to wonder whether Athens, not Sparta, should lead the Greek alliance.

Scenario instructions[]

Starting conditions[]


Main objectives[]

  • Prepare to besiege Byzantium.
  • Capture the Acropolis of Byzantium before Pausanias.
  • Do not let the Persians destroy 9 Markets/Ports. 0 Buildings lost.

Secondary objectives[]

  • Stop the Persians from destroying the Market.
  • Use flares to direct the Greek Navy.
  • Capture the Statue of Helios before it leaves the city.

Choose who should receive the Statue of Helios:

  • Take it to Pausanias' Town Center.
  • Take it to Polycritus' transport ship next to your base.


  1. Pausanias has gone rather mad, and will no longer respond to your flares. In fact, you can expect his behavior to be erratic and unhelpful!
  2. However, once the assault on Byzantium begins you can use flares to direct the allied fleet. PC: button left of the minimap; Xbox: RT + D-Pad Up.
  3. The city is arranged into tiers, separated by walls and gates. When you or your ally are close to entering a new tier, the Persians will begin to destroy any important assets there!



  • Player (Athenians Chronicles Athenians): The player begins with a small force and a base set up along the coast. The base has most military buildings already, and plenty of nearby resources.


  • Greek Navy (Athenians Chronicles Athenians - Greeks): The Greek Navy is located just across the water from the player, and does not come under direct attack at any point, making them a safe trade partner. They build up a fleet to assist the player from the coastline.
  • Merchants of Byzantium (Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids): This player has several buildings, Markets and Ports typically, inside the city that the player can save for extra resources. Saving all of them unlocks an achievement.

Ally โ†’ Potential Enemy โ†’ Ally[]

  • Pausanias (Spartans Chronicles Spartans): Pausanias begins with a small base in the western corner of the map, and quickly builds up a small force of rams, Hoplites, Skirmishers, Hippeis, Polemarchs, Scorpions, and Mangonels. He aggressively pushes directly for the Acropolis. Pausanias will attack the player if the Greek Navy receives the Statue of Helios, but turns back into an ally after 30 seconds.


  • Persian Garrison (Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids): The Persian Garrison is two players as the same faction. One player does not create many, if any, units, and consists of the already-existing units spread throughout the city. The other player does create units, and guards the Acropolis, making it tougher to take down.
  • Byzantium (Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids): Byzantium has no true base, making up much of the cityscape's buildings, but is also the player trying to burn down the Merchants' buildings. They spawn several Bowmen around each Merchant building anytime the Gate to the next layer of the city is destroyed.


Speed will be important in this scenario, particularly if going for the "Thundering Zeus!" achievement: saving all 9 Merchant buildings. This strategy assumes this is the case.

The first thing to do is focus on economy. Train Villagers to gather gold and food in particular. Cavalry will be the only units fast enough to save all of the buildings, so Lancers will be the bulk of the player's forces until much later. Research the technologies that benefit them and get the player's economy in order. The player can safely trade with the Greek Navy's farthest Port for gold.

Do not advance to the Imperial Age until the player has two good forces of Lancers. It may be a trigger for Pausanias to attack, and the player needs the forces ready to move as soon as the gate comes down. Using flares to get the Greek navy to attack the harbors can help draw some ships away from the player's forces trying to save the northern Ports and ease things along.

Once the gate comes down, allow Pausanias in first, to take the brunt of a nearby Fort, then race one group of cavalry up, and one down. At each building, the player will find a number of Byzantine archers called "Persian Saboteurs" attacking the building, guarded by Persian Garrison troops. Focus on the Saboteurs, as the Garrison players never attack the buildings. Once the Bowmen are dead, and the player is notified they saved the building, they should move the cavalry on to the next building. Keep in mind, Garrison troops will pursue, even if the player outruns them a good distance. The player's cavalry are not expected to survive any longer than necessary.

While the player does this, move the infantry into the city, and lead them slightly down. The player will get an objective about the Statue of Helios to recover and give to one of the allies. If the player gives it to the same color player as the previous scenario, the player unlocks a corresponding achievement, one for each group. Giving it to the Greek Navy helps bolster their ships, but Pausanias becomes hostile for 30 seconds. Giving it to Pausanias bolsters his forces, but the player is ultimately competing against him.

While the player is saving the buildings, the player needs to be training more cavalry, as Pausanias will move straight through to the next gate, and can even bring it down before the player saved the initial buildings. Thus, the player needs more cavalry to rush in and save buildings in the second tier ready to go. Repeat the same strategy of killing the Bowmen and moving on immediately. Keep cavalry coming and rush to save the buildings above all else.

Once the last tier has been breached, there is again a Fort right behind the Gate. However, this time, do not wait for Pausanias to attack it first. Run past it and repeat the building-saving strategy. The player may or may not have noticed that, when every Merchants building in a district is either saved or destroyed, several buildings in that tier convert to the player. This Fort is one of them, placed near a bottleneck to the Acropolis that the player can draw defenders out of. This Fort can be incredibly useful for securing an area to build a forward base.

Once the player has control of the third tier, the Greek Navy should have built a Leviathan. If the player carefully directs them around the city's coastline, it can take out several military buildings producing units in the Acropolis section. The player can also build a more diverse army to hold the bottleneck after Pausanias breaks down the Gate, and have Palintonons pick off other military buildings and Forts that the Greek Navy cannot reach. This can make taking the Acropolis a much easier time. The player can also wall off the broken Gates behind the player to keep Pausanias out.

From here, simply flood the player's troops into the Acropolis, and once enough Persian Garrison troops are killed, the player gains control of the entire last tier and wins the scenario.

If needed, wall off the walls broken so that the Spartans can't come in. Then, use Transport Ships to move Themistocles and Aristides to the battlefield if needed. Now, the player can rely on infantry instead of cavalry.



Campaigns in Chronicles
Battle for Greece
Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids Prologue: Gates of the Gods ยท Greeks Bearing Gifts ยท The Ionian Revolt ยท A City Ablaze ยท Chasing Smoke ยท Death to Traitors ยท Earth and Water
Athenians Chronicles Athenians The Battle of Marathon ยท Raise the Sails ยท The Hot Gates ยท Divine Salamis ยท Across the Wine-Dark Sea ยท Wrath of the Regent ยท The Fruits of Empire ยท Within the Long Walls
Spartans Chronicles Spartans I am Brasidas ยท Pyres on the Coast ยท Speeches and Spears ยท To the Wall! ยท Blood and Gold ยท The Fall of Athens