Age of Empires Series Wiki

โ€œ A servant of the Circle of Ossus. โ€
—In-game description

The White Jaguar is an exclusive Jaguar of the Circle of Ossus featured in the campaign of Age of Empires III.


The White Jaguar has the appearance of a leucistic Jaguar, using the same model as the common Jaguar but with white hair between the spots instead of golden. In this it is reminiscent of the White Tiger and Snow Leopard introduced in The Asian Dynasties, but unlike them, it is not present as a Treasure guardian (outside of the campaign) or a Home City Card shipment. Unlike its equivalent, it does not have the pet tag. The White Jaguar is accessible in the Scenario Editor under the Units category, as "SPC White Jaguar".

Campaign appearances[]

The White Jaguar appears to be a symbol of choice of the Circle of Ossus, although it is never elaborated on (not unlike most aspects of the Circle). Through the campaign, White Jaguars have recurring appearances as hints or confirmation of the Circle's involvement as enemies of the Black family. For example, two White Jaguars are painted on the stone library found by the Knights of St. John in the caves of Malta. Later on, a White Jaguar stalks Morgan Black's party when he arrives in the New World, and kills one of his Highlanders before being shot. Before the final scenario, Sahin The Falcon points at the "white animals" in the Circle's camp near the Moon Lake as evidence that Alain Magnan is an ally of the Circle.

The Circle of Ossus can train White Jaguars in scenarios where the player must defeat them, such as The Fountain of Youth? and Last Stand of the Boneguard.

Scenario Editor units in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires IIIAztec jaguar warrior aoe3de Aztec Chief ยท Boneguard (Boneguard musketeer portrait aoe3de Musketeer ยท Boneguard swordsman portrait aoe3de Swordsmanยท Cherokee rifle aoe3de Cherokee Archer ยท Comanche aoe3de Cherokee Horse Archer ยท Fishing ship aoe3de Dinghy ยท SPC Fire ship aoe3de Fire Ship ยท AoE 3 Flag Bearer Flag Bearer ยท Aoe 3 DE Lakotachief Great Plains Chief ยท Greta icon AoE3DE Greta ยท Hoop thrower aoe3de Hoop Thrower ยท Galleon aoe3de Lizzie's Flagship ยท Miner AoE3DE Miner ยท Galleon aoe3de Morgan's Flagship ยท Cherokee rifle aoe3de Native American Chief ยท Native boy aoe3de Native Boy ยท Miner AoE3DE Railroad Worker ยท Galleon aoe3de Treasure Ship ยท White buffalo portrait aoe3de White Buffalo ยท Jaguar white portrait AoE3DE White Jaguar ยท White wolf portrait aoe3de White Wolf
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefsSpc wagon aoe3de Black Powder Wagon ยท Flat-bottomed boat aoe3de Flat-bottomed Boat
3ADIcon48px The Asian DynastiesBird unit icon AoE3DE Bird
Age3DE Icon Definitive EditionBedouin horse archer aoe3de Bedouin Horse Archer ยท Berber archer aoe3de Berber Archer ยท Berber spearman aoe3de Berber Spearman ยท Berber arquebusier aoe3de Berber Arquebusier ยท Javelin rider aoe3de Javelin Rider ยท Knife thrower aoe3de Knife Thrower ยท Shotel warrior aoe3de Shotel Warrior ยท Somali arquebusier aoe3de Somali Arquebusier ยท Spearman aoe3de Spearman ยท Tribal horseman aoe3de Tribal Horseman
Age3DE Icon The African RoyalsWarrior de Akan Archer ยท Aoe3de zebu Cash Cow ยท Aoe3de zebu Wood Cattle
Age3DE Icon Knights of the MediterraneanCity Militia City Guard