Age of Empires Series Wiki

Vision is an Egyptian Archaic Age god power in Age of Mythology that is available to worshipers of Set. When invoked, it reveals a large area of the fog of war for twenty seconds.


The usage of Vision is straightforward. It can be used to reveal the location of an enemy town early in the game, or later on to plan out an attack. The effect is fairly useful but limited and is not much of a game changer by itself. Vision also enables the use of many other god powers, especially offensive ones, or teleportation powers like Shifting Sands, since these powers need to have Line of Sight to be used.

Set players who select Ptah as a minor god for the Classical Age can combine Vision with Ptah´s Shifting Sands, allowing the player to perform a very efficient rush, though the player must first find the enemy Town Center to do this. In team games, Vision enables players to use offensive powers, such as Meteor, Deconstruction, or Tornado, directly in the core of enemy towns without launching a full-scale attack.


  • On random maps, if the enemy AI worships Set, it will always invoke Vision at the beginning of the game exactly above the Town Center of the player or of one of their allies.
    • Likewise, an allied AI player worshipping Set will always invoke Vision at the beginning of the game above or close to the starting Town Center of an enemy player.
  • The Retold icon is an eye painted with the Eye of Horus (left Wedjat Eye), and as such, is reminiscent of the icon for the Spies technology seen in Age of Empires II.


AoMIcon-Retold Retold[]

  • Vision can be reused for a Favor cost, after a cooldown.


God powers in Age of Mythology
AoMR Greeks icon Greeks
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Bolt icon Bolt · AoMR Lure power icon Lure · AoMR Sentinel power icon Sentinel
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Pestilence icon Pestilence · AoMR Restoration icon Restoration · AoMR Ceasefire icon Ceasefire
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Underworld Passage icon Underworld Passage · AoMR Curse icon Curse · AoMR Bronze icon Bronze
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Earthquake icon Earthquake · AoMR Lightning Storm icon Lightning Storm · AoMR Plenty Vault icon Plenty
AoMR Egyptians icon Egyptians
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Prosperity icon Prosperity · AoMR Vision icon Vision · AoMR Rain icon Rain
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Eclipse icon Eclipse · AoMR Shifting Sands icon Shifting Sands · AoMR Plague of Serpents icon Plague of Serpents
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Locust Swarm icon Locust Swarm · AoMR Citadel power icon Citadel · AoMR Ancestors icon Ancestors
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Tornado icon Tornado · AoMR Meteor icon Meteor · AoMR Son of Osiris power icon Son of Osiris
AoMR Norse icon Norse
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Dwarven Mine icon Dwarven Mine · AoMR Great Hunt icon Great Hunt · AoMR Spy icon Spy · AoMR Gullinbursti icon Gullinbursti
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Healing Spring power icon Healing Spring · AoMR Forest Fire icon Forest Fire · AoMR Undermine icon Undermine · AoMR Asgardian Bastion icon Asgardian Bastion
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Frost icon Frost · AoMR Flaming Weapons icon Flaming Weapons · AoMR Walking Woods power icon Walking Woods · AoMR Tempest icon Tempest
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Fimbulwinter icon Fimbulwinter · AoMR Nidhogg icon Nidhogg · AoMR Ragnarok icon Ragnarok · AoMR Inferno icon Inferno
AoMR Atlanteans icon Atlanteans
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Deconstruction icon Deconstruction · AoMR Shockwave icon Shockwave · AoMR Gaia Forest icon Gaia Forest
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Spider Lair icon Spider Lair · AoMR Valor icon Valor · AoMR Carnivora power icon Carnivora
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Chaos icon Chaos · AoMR Traitor icon Traitor · AoMR Hesperides icon Hesperides
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Tartarian Gate power icon Tartarian Gate · AoMR Vortex icon Vortex · AoMR Implode icon Implode
ChinesePortrait Chinese
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age IconYearOfTheGoat Year of the Goat · IconRecreation Recreation · IconTimberHarvest Timber Harvest
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age BarrageIcon Barrage · GreatJourneyIcon Great Journey · CallToArmsIcon Call to Arms
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age GeyserIcon Geyser · UprootIcon Uproot · ImperialExaminationIcon Imperial Examination
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age GreatFloodIcon Great Flood · InfernoIcon Inferno · EarthDragonIcon Earth Dragon
Other (except Campaign-exclusive)
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age All civilizations: AoMR Titan Gate power Greek iconAoMR Titan Gate power Egyptian iconAoMR Titan Gate power Norse iconAoMR Titan Gate power Atlantean iconAoMTT Titan Gate power Chinese icon Titan Gate
Cheat MeteorIcon Chicken Storm · Goatunheim Goatunheim · WalkingWoodsIcon Walking Berry Bushes
Cut Brambleiconmpalpha Bramble · Enragebeta Enrage · DivineBlood Rebellion · AOMShepherdGodPowerIcon Shepherd · AOMSightGodPowerIcon Sight · God power snowstorm icon Snowstorm · EarthquakeIcon Volcano