Update 32708 is a patch accompanying the launch of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, released on November 14, 2019 along with the Definitive Edition and The Last Khans.
- New Barracks technology – Supplies: Militia-line costs -15 food.
- Tracking is now automatically researched in Feudal Age for free (this technology is no longer visible in Barracks).
- Watch Tower HP reduced from 1020 to 700 before the Castle Age. No longer "unlocks itself" if placed at the start of the game in maps like Fortress.
- Arbalest renamed Arbalester.
- Camel renamed Camel Rider (with its upgrade line renamed accordingly).
- Elite Skirmisher upgrade cost increased from 200 wood, 100 gold to 230 wood, 130 gold.
- Herbal Medicine effect increased by 50% (now speeds up building healing rate to 6 times).
- (Palisade) Gate armor decreased to 0/0 while under construction.
- Palisade Gate cost increased from 20 wood to 30 wood.
- Elite Battle Elephant attack reduced from 16 to 14.
- Dry Dock and Berber ship speed bonus no longer reduce gold per trip for Trade Cogs.
- Eagle Scout -1 line of sight and search radius in the Dark Age.
- Trebuchets now deal damage after packing or getting destroyed.
- Fixed the issue which made Houses, King, and some other buildings able to attack.
- Fixed the issue with Chemistry not increasing the attack of secondary Castle arrows.
- Fixed the issue with side parts of diagonal gates being walkable during construction.
- Fixed the issue where the Burmese Relic bonus would permanently reveal spots on the map.
- (Elite) Genitours receive +2 attack vs the Spearmen line.
- Cavalry +20% HP bonus only available from the Feudal Age.
- Slingers -1 attack (reduced from 5 to 4).
- Couriers renamed Fabric Shields.
- Fixed the issue with Ballista Elephant attack being inconsistent.
- Fixed the issue with Chemistry not increasing attack of secondary Ballista Elephant bolt.
- Receive Faith and Hussar.
- Lose Shipwright.
- Military units (except siege weapons) cost -15% wood.
- Fortifications no longer built faster.
- Mercenaries renamed Corvinian Army.
- Harbors minimum range increased to 1 (from 0). Requires Murder Holes to reduce to 0 range (only works properly since update 36906).
- Harbors base attack reduced from 6 to 3. Bonus attack vs Ships increased from 9 to 10.
- Harbors properly affected by Chemistry and Heated Shot (properly works since update 36906).
- Forced Levy changes gold cost into additional food cost (instead of removing it).
- Forced Levy cost decreased from 1,000 food, 600 gold to 850 food, 500 gold.
- Gbetos no longer have the same voice as female Villagers.
- Receive Fast Fire Ship.
- Lose Galleon.
- Increased the base cost of (Elite) Plumed Archers by +5 wood, +5 gold (+4 wood, +4 gold considering the discount).
- Destroyed house foundations no longer provide population space with the Nomads technology.
- Town Centers and Docks work +5% faster in the Dark Age.
- Boiling Oil replaced by Kamandaran. Kamandaran (200 food, 200 gold) replaces the gold cost of Archer-line with the additional wood cost.
- Archer line +3 attack vs Standard building.
- Market costs -100 wood (instead of -75 wood).
- (Elite) Mameluke firing delay reduced.
- Halberdier -5 attack vs Mamelukes.
- Receive Faith.
- Supplies is free (since Tracking was made free for all civilizations).
- Farmers work 10% faster (lowered from 15% faster).
- (Elite) Boyar training time reduced to 15s (from 23s/20s).
- (Elite) Conquistadors receive damage from anti-cavalry archer attacks.
- Missionaries heal as quickly as normal Monks.
- Missionaries affected by Husbandry.
- Receive free Herbal Medicine.
- Receive Husbandry.
- Paper Money cost reduced from 800 food, 200 gold to 500 food, 300 wood and research time increased to 60s (from 40s).
A proper changelog has not been found yet. The linked patch notes list every change from the launch of the Definitive Edition to the April 2021 update, which makes the exact launch changelog difficult to find. The method used was to check if the change was present a second time in the list. If no, it was a change implemented with the launch.