Update 17.22308 is a patch in Age of Mythology: Retold, released on August 31, 2024. It is the first update after the game's Advanced Access release. According to the official patch notes, it was "aimed at addressing stability, improving localization and a variety of improvements".
- Various crash fixes from Advanced Access release to further improve game stability.
- Villager Prioritization System: A variety of bug fixes focused on AI behavior and options.
- Localization fixes (some missing voice-over and improved translations).
- A fix to ensure Achievements earned offline do not have to be redone once online.
- Added pantheon overview videos to the Learn tab.
- The new Greek overview video can now be properly viewed.
- The Learn menu is now divided into Pantheons and Lore, the latter containing the history entries in the Compendium.
- Minor bug fixes to the mod manager per input from Advanced Access release.
- Fixes to some known issues on the support website:[1]
- When DLC is enabled, God Portraits show some placeholder art in the Compendium
- Spectators have a harder time loading into the match the longer it has been played
- AI Units get stuck at walls when attempting to attack other units behind it
- Walk Paths on Controller may have issues
- Standard Difficulty AI does not function properly
- Pharaoh is no longer classified as a scout.
- Renamed Hades Tree to Dead Tree.
- Renamed some units in the Scenario Editor, mostly to add parenthesis around their suffix when missing.
Old unit name New unit name Ajax Older Ajax (Older) Ajax SPC Ajax (SPC) Amanra Older Amanra (Older) Arctic Wolf SPC Arctic Wolf (SPC) Arkantos God Arkantos (God) Arkantos Uber Arkantos (Uber) Automaton (spc) Automaton (SPC) Chiron SPC Chiron (SPC) Deer SPC Deer (SPC) Hippeus SPC Hippeus (SPC) Hoplite SPC Hoplite (SPC) Horse SPC Horse (SPC) Kastor Young Kastor (Young) Odysseus SPC Odysseus (SPC) Pig (spc) Pig (SPC) Pirate Ship Egyptian Pirate Ship (Egyptian) Pirate Ship Norse Pirate Ship (Norse) Shade SPC Shade (SPC) Sky Passage SPC Sky Passage (SPC) Tree Hades Tree Dead Underworld Passage SPC Underworld Passage (SPC) - Corrected some mistakes in some history entries (Giraffe, Hero of Ragnarok, Lion and The Argo).
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.