The Tupi Blackwood Archer is an archer with fewer hit points and ranged resistance while having a stronger attack. It has the same range as a Skirmisher since the Definitive Edition. Despite the weak hit points and ranged resistance, it has a devastating ranged attack with a quick rate of fire and also has the same multiplier as the Skirmisher versus heavy infantry.
For comparison, a Veteran Skirmisher deals 36 damage to heavy infantry for every 3 seconds in the Fortress Age without any upgrades, whereas a Tupi Blackwood Archer deals 76 damage to heavy infantry for every 3 seconds in the Commerce Age without any upgrades. However, this does not factor in the setup animation of the Tupi Blackwood Archers, which does not let players kite with them.
They also inflict superior hand damage than most archer type units (same hand damage as an Iron Troop) and cost only slightly more than a Crossbowman.
Ranged infantry get +10% damage; French and Hausa-only ranged infantry get +15% damage instead
Native Treaties
Each different allied native tribe sends a shipment of their respective native warriors (also +2 Uhlans for the Germans)
Native Alliance
Native warrior train limit +20% and cost -10% (also +1 Hindu Villager for the Indians)
Native Warriors
Native warriors cost -25% (also +3 Uhlans for the Germans)
Native Warrior Combat
Native warriors get +15% hit points and damage
TEAM Native Weapon Trade
Native warrior train limit +20%
Blood Brothers
Upgrades native warriors to Elite/Disciplined/Veteran and Champion/Honored/Royal Guard; Native Embassies get +40% hit points and +5 build limit (also +4 Uhlans for the Germans)
"TEAM Senegalese Riflemen" is available to the French and Hausa.
"Native Treaties" is available to Africans, Europeans (except the Maltese), Federal Americans, and Native Americans, and ships 4 Tupi Blackwood Archers if the player had built a Trading Post on a Tupi settlement.
"Native Alliance" is available to the Aztecs, Inca, Indians, and Japanese.
"Native Warriors" is available to Europeans, the Lakota and Mexicans.
"Native Warrior Combat" is available to the French, Haudenosaunee, and Inca, and also Mexicans upon revolting to the Maya, and British upon revolting to Haiti.
"TEAM Native Weapon Trade" is available to the Dutch and Lakota, and also British and French upon revolting to Canada.
"Blood Brothers" is available to the Aztecs, French, Germans, Haudenosaunee, Lakota, Portuguese, Russians, and Spanish, and also British upon revolting to Canada or Haiti.
"Liberation March" is available to the Mexicans and Spanish.
"Fencing School" is available to Europeans (except the French, Maltese, Ottomans, and Spanish), the Aztecs and Indians.
"15 Tupi Allies" is available to the Inca and Portuguese.
Each different allied native tribe sends a large shipment of their respective native warriors and upgrades them to Elite and Champion; native warriors train time -10%; native warrior shipments and "Native Treaties" arrive time -50%; costs 500 food, 500 wood
"Indian Friendship" is available to the United States and "Chimayo Genizarios" to the Mexicans.
"Indian Friendship"/"Chimayo Genizarios" ships 8 Tupi Blackwood Archers if the player had built a Trading Post on a Tupi settlement.
The player gains +10% XP from training units and other players receive -10% XP from defeating them; Sansculottes gather resources from Crates 50% faster; food from Berry Bushes and Cherry Orchards 25% faster; wood from trees and Mango Groves and coin from mines 20% faster; food from huntable and herdable animals, Mills, Farms and coin from Estates 15% faster
"Cult of the Supreme Being" is available upon revolting to Revolutionary France.
Delivers 1 Carbine Cavalry for each shipment sent so far this game including this one; unit train time (except Heavy Cannons), technology research time, and age-up time -10%; costs 250 food, 250 wood
"Indiana Mobilization" is available upon selecting the Indiana Federal State.
"Native Treaties" is available to Europeans (except the Maltese) and Native Americans, and ships 4 Tupi Blackwood Archers if the player had built a Trading Post on a Tupi settlement.
"Native Warriors" is available to Europeans and Native Americans (except the Iroquois).
"Native Warrior Combat" is available to the French and Iroquois.
"TEAM Native Warrior Societies" is available to the Dutch and Native Americans.
"Blood Brothers" is available to the Aztecs, French, Germans, Iroquois, Portuguese, Russians, Sioux, and Spanish.
"Fencing School" is available to the Aztecs, Europeans (except the Ottomans), and Indians.
With update 13.58326, Tupi Blackwood Archers have a ×2.5 ranged multiplier against light cavalry and ranged shock infantry, ×0.6 vs. cavalry and ×0.5 vs. shock infantry.
With update 14.43676, Tupi Blackwood Archers have a ×0.6 ranged multiplier against shock infantry.
Tupi warriors wore little or no clothing when they went into battle, though often they would paint themselves red or black. They would not fight after dark, but dawn would bring the sound of their horns calling the warriors to fight. The Tupi primarily used bows, which they fired rapidly and with an accuracy that amazed the Europeans - mostly Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch - who encountered them. Fighting between family groups was commonplace among the Tupi, and they did not hesitate to add the European invaders to the list of their enemies.
The Blackwood Archer's history portrait
An in-game Tupi Blackwood Archer
In-game Tupi Blackwood Archer in the Definitive Edition