Age of Empires Series Wiki

Powerful ranged cavalry that can fire while moving.
Age of Empires IV description

The Tower Elephant is a unique ranged cavalry unit of the Delhi Sultanate in Age of Empires IV, which is also an elephant unit. It can be trained at the Archery Range starting in the Castle Age. It is also available to the Byzantines as a mercenary unit.


The Tower Elephant behaves somewhat differently to most units, because it can be considered three units in one, or one unit with three independent attacks. Each Elephant has two mounted Archers which deal ranged damage, and also a separate melee tusk attack as well. The mounted archers can attack while the elephant is moving, allowing them to fire while retreating. These Archers are not the same as their dismounted counterparts. For example, each Archer on the Elephant does 15 damage with an attack speed of 1.38s, whereas a standard Veteran Archer does 7 damage with an attack speed of 1.5s, but with a bonus against light melee infantry, which the Elephant's archers don't have. With its melee tusk attack, it can attack buildings, including Stone Walls, and it does not possess a Torch attack.

The Tower Elephant does not have a standard Elite upgrade; rather, it is upgraded by an Imperial Age technology called Howdahs, which essentially acts as the Elite upgrade. With this upgrade, the Archers are upgraded to Crossbowmen, gaining +11 bonus damage vs heavy units. However, these mounted Crossbowmen retain the same attack speed as the mounted Archers (1.375s for the Crossbowmen on the Elephant vs 2.125s for normal Crossbowmen), so the Crossbowmen mounted on the Elephant are ~50% better than normal Crossbowmen.


At first glance, Tower Elephants can seem like an unstoppable force with no obvious counter. With their very high hit points and multiple attacks, they can take down most units 1 on 1. However, in addition to being balanced by their extremely high resource and population cost, they can be taken down by the appropriate counters. A common mistake that many players make is thinking that they are countered by Crossbowmen, but they are not classified as Heavy units, meaning they don't take any extra bonus damage. In fact, their very high pierce armor makes them explicitly designed to counter Archers and Crossbowmen.

Instead, the main counters are Horsemen and Spearmen, because of their bonuses vs ranged units and cavalry, respectively. Unlike versus other ranged cavalry, Spearmen do quite well against Tower Elephants because they can't be kited, and even though they may suffer some losses from range as they get close, it is worth the trade, since a single Tower Elephant costs more than 12 Spearmen. Because of these counters, Tower Elephants function well in compositions with Men-at-Arms, which do well against both Horsemen and Spearmen. The high armor of Knights and Men-at-arms is not as effective vs Tower Elephants because of the latter's high damage, so they have a fairly neutral matchup in the Castle Age, and an even worse matchup once Howdahs is researched and Tower Elephants gain the +11 bonus damage versus heavy units. Mangonels do bonus damage vs Tower Elephants, but are not very cost- or population-effective, and function better as an auxiliary damage source. In the Imperial Age, Handcannoneers are also an effective counter because their very high damage, which will normally overkill other units, can be used to full effect against the high hit points of the Tower Elephant. Bombards can also be used to reasonable effectiveness because of their high damage and range.

Sultan's Elite Tower Elephant[]

The Sultan's Elite Tower Elephant is a variation of the Tower Elephant with Archers replaced with Handcannoneers which deal much higher damage. Its other stats are the same. It spawns automatically at the Palace of the Sultan every with a base training time of 200 seconds that can be improved by garrisoning Scholars inside the landmark. While it is affected by the armor and health bonuses of the Howdahs, it does not gain any attack bonus.

Further statistics[]

Strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Archers, Crossbowmen, heavy (after Howdahs)
Weak vs. Spearmen, Horsemen, Javelin Throwers, Handcannoneers, Camel Riders
Hit points AoE4 Biology Biology (+20%)
AoE4 SiegeElephant Howdahs (+30%)
Attack AoE4 Bloomery Bloomery (+1 melee)
AoE4 Decarbonization Decarbonization (+1 melee)
AoE4 DamascusSteel Damascus Steel (+1 melee)
AoE4 SteeledArrow Steeled Arrow (+1 ranged)
AoE4 BalancedProjectiles Balanced Projectiles (+1 ranged)
AoE4 PlatecutterPoint Platecutter Point (+1 ranged)
AoE4 SiegeElephant Howdahs (+11 vs heavy units, ranged only)
AoE4 IncendiaryArrows Incendiary Arrows (+20% ranged)
Armor AoE4 FittedLeatherwork Fitted Leatherwork (+1 melee)
AoE4 InsulatedHelm Insulated Helm (+1 melee)
AoE4 MasterSmiths Master Smiths (+1 melee)
AoE4 IronUndermesh Iron Undermesh (+1 ranged)
AoE4 WedgeRivets Wedge Rivets (+1 ranged)
AoE4 AngledSurfaces Angled Surfaces (+1 ranged)
AoE4 SiegeElephant Howdahs (+4 ranged)
Movement speed AoE4 Mahouts Mahouts (+10%)
Creation speed AoE4 MilitaryAcademy Military Academy (+33%)
Aura enhancements
Attack speed AoE4 ZealEnhancement Zeal (+50% for 3 seconds)
Creation speed AoE4 GarrisonedScholar Garrisoned Scholar (+100%, requires Efficient Production)

Mercenary Tower Elephant[]

The Byzantines can purchase Mercenary Tower Elephants with Olive Oil from a Mercenary House after researching Eastern Mercenary and Elite Contracts. Once unlocked, they can train automatically from the Golden Horn Tower. In addition to generic upgrades, they benefit from the following Byzantine unique bonuses:

Hit points AoE4 EliteContract Elite Contract (+30%, grants Howdahs)
Regeneration AoE4 Triumph Triumph (+2 hp/s while active)
AoE4 PilgrimFlask Pilgrim Flask (25 hp/s for 6 seconds, requires Cistern of the First Hill)
Attack AoE4 EliteContract Elite Contract (ranged attack +11 vs heavy units, grants Howdahs)
AoE4 Triumph Triumph (+4 while active)
Armor AoE4 EliteContract Elite Contract (+4 ranged, grants Howdahs)
Movement speed AoE4 SpeedEnhancement Naval Deployment (+50% speed for 12 seconds after unloading from a Transport Ship)
AoE4 Triumph Triumph (+10% while active)
Creation speed AoE4 InfluenceBuff AoE4 Conscriptio Conscriptio Influence (+20% per Cistern water level)
AoE4 TradePost Trade Post (+50%)


  • Originally, Tower Elephants had 960 hit points. With Season Two Update 17718, they had 860 hit points. With patch 20249, they have 600 hit points.
  • Originally, Tower Elephants had 4 ranged armor. With Patch 20249 they have 7 ranged armor.
  • Originally, Tower Elephants had a Siege Tusk with 100 siege attack. With update 6.0.878, they have +50 attack vs buildings. With update 7.0.5861, the siege tusk is removed. The melee tusk can attack buildings and gains +40 attack vs buildings to give approximately equal DPS as before.
  • With update 7.0.5861, Incendiary Arrows correctly benefits Tower Elephants.


Units in Age of Empires IV
Miscellaneous AoE4 GenericVillager Villager · AoE4 Trader Trader · AoE4 FishingBoat Fishing Boat · AoE4 TradeShip Trade Ship · AoE4 TransportShip Transport Ship · AoE4 Monk Monk/Imam/Shaman · AoE4 Leader Monarch
Melee infantry AoE4 Spearman Spearman · AoE4 ManAtArms Man-at-Arms
Ranged infantry AoE4 Archer Archer · AoE4 Crossbowman Crossbowman · AoE4 Handcannoneer Handcannoneer
Melee cavalry AoE4 Scout Scout · AoE4 Horseman Horseman · AoE4 Knight Lancer/Knight
Siege AoE4 SiegeTower Siege Tower · AoE4 BatteringRam Battering Ram · AoE4 Springald Springald · AoE4 Mangonel Mangonel · AoE4 CounterweightTrebuchet Counterweight Trebuchet · AoE4 Bombard Bombard · AoE4 Ribauldequin Ribauldequin · AoE4 Culverin Culverin
Military ship AoE4 ArcherShip Archer Ship: Dhow, Galley, Hunting Canoe, Junk, Light Junk, Lodya Galley
AoE4 SpringaldShip Springald Ship: Baghlah, Hulk, Lodya Attack Ship, War Canoe, War Cog, War Junk
AoE4 IncendiaryShip Incendiary Ship: Demolition Ship, Explosive Dhow, Explosive Junk, Lodya Demolition Ship
AoE4 Warship Warship: Baochuan, Carrack, Xebec
Cheat AoE4 PhotonMan Photon Man
Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 CamelRider Camel Rider · AoE4 CamelArcher Camel Archer · AoE4 Ghulam Ghulam
Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids AoE4 Atabeg Atabeg · AoE4 BedouinSkirmisher Bedouin Skirmisher · AoE4 BedouinSwordsman Bedouin Swordsman · AoE4 CamelLancer Camel Lancer · AoE4 Dervish Dervish · AoE4 DesertRaider Desert Raider · AoE4 Ghulam Ghulam · AoE4 TowerOfTheSultan Tower of the Sultan
Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines AoE4 Cataphract Cataphract · AoE4 VarangianGuard Varangian Guard · AoE4 Cheirosiphon Cheirosiphon · AoE4 Limitanei Limitanei · AoE4 Dromon Dromon
Chinese AoE4 Chinese AoE4 ImperialOfficial Imperial Official · AoE4 ZhugeNu Zhuge Nu · AoE4 PalaceGuard Palace Guard · AoE4 NestOfBees Nest of Bees · AoE4 FireLancer Fire Lancer · AoE4 Grenadier Grenadier
Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Monk Scholar · AoE4 WarElephant War Elephant · AoE4 TowerElephant Tower Elephant · AoE4 SultansEliteTowerElephant Sultan's Elite Tower Elephant · AoE4 GhaziRaider Ghazi Raider
English AoE4 English AoE4 Longbowman Longbowman · AoE4 King King · AoE4 WynguardRanger Wynguard Ranger · AoE4 WynguardFootman Wynguard Footman
French AoE4 French AoE4 RoyalKnight Royal Knight · AoE4 Arbaletrier Arbalétrier · AoE4 Galleass Galleass · AoE4 Cannon Cannon
HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire AoE4 Monk Prelate · AoE4 Landsknecht Landsknecht
Japanese AoE4 Japanese AoE4 Warship Atakebune · AoE4 BuddhistMonk Buddhist Monk · AoE4 KatanaBannerman Katana Bannerman · AoE4 MountedSamurai Mounted Samurai · AoE4 OnnaBugeisha Onna-Bugeisha · AoE4 OnnaMusha Onna-Musha · AoE4 Ozutsu Ozutsu · AoE4 Samurai Samurai · AoE4 Shinobi Shinobi · AoE4 ShintoPriest Shinto Priest · AoE4 TreasureCaravan Treasure Caravan · AoE4 UmaBannerman Uma Bannerman · AoE4 YumiAshigaru Yumi Ashigaru · AoE4 YumiBannerman Yumi Bannerman
Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc AoE4 JeannesChampion Jeanne's Champion · AoE4 JeannesRider Jeanne's Rider · AoE4 RoyalKnight Royal Knight · AoE4 Arbaletrier Arbalétrier · AoE4 Galleass Galleass · AoE4 Cannon Cannon · Jeanne d'Arc [AoE4 JdA Peasant Peasant · AoE4 JdA WomanAtArms Woman-at-Arms · AoE4 JdA Hunter Hunter · AoE4 JdA Knight Knight · AoE4 JdA MountedArcher Mounted Archer · AoE4 JdA BlastCannon Blast Cannon · AoE4 JdA Markswoman Markswoman]
Malians AoE4 Malians AoE4 Donso Donso · AoE4 MusofadiWarrior Musofadi Warrior · AoE4 JavelinThrower Javelin Thrower · AoE4 WarriorScout Warrior Scout · AoE4 Sofa Sofa · AoE4 Cattle Cattle · AoE4 MusofadiGunner Musofadi Gunner
Mongols AoE4 Mongols AoE4 Khan Khan · AoE4 Mangudai Mangudai · AoE4 TractionTrebuchet Traction Trebuchet · AoE4 HuihuiPao Huihui Pao · AoE4 Keshik Keshik
Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon AoE4 GildedSpearman Gilded Spearman · AoE4 GildedManAtArms Gilded Man-at-Arms · AoE4 GildedLandsknecht Gilded Landsknecht · AoE4 GildedArcher Gilded Archer · AoE4 GildedCrossbowman Gilded Crossbowman · AoE4 DragonHandcannoneer Gilded Handcannoneer · AoE4 GildedHorseman Gilded Horseman · AoE4 GildedKnight Gilded Knight · AoE4 GenericVillager Gilded Villager · AoE4 Monk Prelate
Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans AoE4 Sipahi Sipahi · AoE4 Mehter Mehter · AoE4 Janissary Janissary · AoE4 GreatBombard Great Bombard · AoE4 GrandGalley Grand Galley
Rus AoE4 Rus AoE4 FishingBoat Lodya Fishing Boat · AoE4 WarriorMonk Warrior Monk · AoE4 HorseArcher Horse Archer · AoE4 Streltsy Streltsy · AoE4 Militia Militia
Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy AoE4 ImperialOfficial Imperial Official · AoE4 ZhugeNu Zhuge Nu · AoE4 PalaceGuard Palace Guard · AoE4 NestOfBees Nest of Bees · AoE4 Grenadier Grenadier · AoE4 ImperialGuard Imperial Guard · AoE4 YuanRaider Yuan Raider · AoE4 ShaolinMonk Shaolin Monk