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The Rajputs is the fifth and final scenario of the Babur campaign in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Dynasties of India. It depicts the Battle of Khanwa in 1527.


Having established myself as the new ruler of northern India, I set out to explore my new realm — but wherever I went I experienced only shock and disappointment.

The people here lacked all good manners and never paid their taxes on time. None of the cities that I visited had a university and there were no good horses to be found, no tasty grapes or sweet melons — nothing!

The one saving grace was the enormous deposits of gold and silver, riches which made the Rajput empires in the west regard me with envy and suspicion. I knew better than to underestimate these independent princes, whom even Lodi had failed to subjugate, but motivating my men to do battle with them proved difficult.

Many of the soldiers who had traveled with me from Kabul were disappointed that our campaign had not ended with a traditional Timurid pillaging. Like a sword that had seen too many battles, their loyalty had been blunted.

I had to use all of my eloquence to convince them to stay: in a humbling act of sacrifice, symbolic of what I now asked of my followers, I publicly spilled a whole batch of Afghan wine that I had been looking forward to for months.

My men were moved to tears when I announced that I would never again drink wine, for they knew very well how devoted I was to such wordly pleasures. When I asked Allah for his blessing, my soldiers held up their weapons in assent.

With my warriors' loyalty sharpened, I began preparing for war.

Scenario instructions[]

Starting conditions[]


Main objectives[]

Choose one of the following two objectives:

  • Defeat both Rajput factions (the Kingdom of Amber and the Kingdom of Mewar).
  • Construct and defend a Wonder.

Secondary objectives[]


  1. Babur can support a population of 200.
  2. Once again, Babur is confronted with enemies that are superior in numbers. Explore the map and seek out allies who can assist you in the fight against the Rajputs.
  3. In contrast to the defeated Delhi Sultanate, the Rajputs use gunpowder obtained from Portuguese traders. Driving the Europeans out as early as possible may be wise.
  4. You can choose a defensive strategy and build a Wonder, or you can take the offensive yourself. Expect your opponents to react to your strategy, however.
  5. As Hindustanis, you can build Carvanserais to increase the speed of nearby Trade Carts. Indian villages that have joined you will open their Markets for you.


  • Babur (1, Orange) resides in his new capital, Agra, a former power center of the Delhi Sultanate. The city is well fortified and Babur's subordinates have gathered enough resources to enable him to build a wonder or recruit a large force early on.
  • In the west, the opposing Rajput confederation consists of the kingdoms of Amber and Mewar. Amber (2, Blue) will primarily train infantry, but will also field Elephant Archers and Chakram Throwers.
  • Mewar (3, Purple) will primarily rely on heavy cavalry, Camel Riders, Chakram Throwers, and archery units in battle. The Rajputs will also train gunpowder units as long as they maintain trade relations with the Portuguese.
  • Mercenaries of Afghan origin (4, Green) roam the north seeking a new lord to serve. With enough gold, Babur may be able to win over the mercenaries and their cavalry.
  • Portuguese merchants (5, Red) have been sighted on the western coast doing business with the Rajputs. It might be beneficial to put an end to this dangerous alliance.
  • The ongoing war has badly affected many villages (6, Grey). Babur may be able to win their residents over by restoring their destroyed villages.



  • Player (Hindustanis AoE2 Hindustanis): starts in Agra in the southeast with most structures.


  • Devastated Villages (Gurjaras AoE2 Gurjaras): are scattered around the map, numbering four. Each has a damaged Town Center, a Market (unusable for trade unless the village is no longer devastated) and a Caravanserai.
  • Allied Villages (Gurjaras AoE2 Gurjaras): are those devastated villages whose Town Centers are repaired by the player. They allow the player to trade with their Markets.

Neutral → Ally/Enemy[]

  • Purbiya Mercenaries (Hindustanis AoE2 Hindustanis): They have set up a military camp in the north-east of the map. They will ally with the player when their base is located, and fight alongside the player upon meeting their demands; they will ally with the Rajputs instead if the player delays in confirming the deal. They train Heavy Camel Riders, Heavy Cavalry Archers, and Armored Elephants.



Though risky, it is worthwhile to immediately build about 13-15 Petards (or a smaller number of Trebuchets) right from the get-go. The Portuguese are enabling the enemies to build gunpowder units - especially Bombard Cannons. If the player decides to build Petards, proper selection of the path to take is important. It is important that once the player reaches the water crossing next to the Feitoria, avoid straying too far north. Ranged units are stationed there, and will quickly destroy the Petards if they are caught. Should the raid be successful, the Portuguese will resign shortly after that.

Trebuchets are probably the better choice for this task, though, since their high pierce armor will let them survive much longer against the units that the Portuguese field. Adding some Elite Skirmishers to protect the Trebuchets would also help. However, Trebuchets are vulnerable to the enemy Cannon Galleons located in the river, which can easily destroy them. Additionally, if the player wishes to move the base to the southern part of the map (see below), the player may find themselves short of wood when they need it most.

Additionally, it is worthwhile to quickly dispatch Villagers to repair 3 of the 4 damaged Town Centers around the player's starting base. Doing so will allow the player to secure tributes from them early on, before the player inevitably becomes besieged by the enemy AIs. Concurrently, defensive-minded players may wish to consider abandoning their original base. Holding onto the original base is hard due to frequent attacks, which include Trebuchets and Bombard Cannons (unless the player takes out the Portuguese early).

Option 1: Eastern base[]

Just to the east of the player's original base lies a Local Village with Gold Mines, a Relic, and more importantly, a Market. It is also situated at the corner of the map, which means that it is largely protected on two sides. It is helpful, though not absolutely necessary, to build a Dock near the bottom of the map. This will allow the player to build a fleet of Galleons to protect not only the Dock, but also hold off part of the enemy forces crossing towards the player's base via the bridge.

Option 2: Southern base[]

Alternately if the player plans to destroy the Portuguese base, the player may decide to move to the southern corner of the map instead. Because the path leading to that area is mostly walled off by trees, it is extremely narrow. Hence, it can be walled off and defended while suffering minimal damage using a combination of a Castle, normal Galleons, and Cannon Galleons.

Gold income can be secured by trading with Yellow's Docks conveniently situated nearby.

For this to work, though, the player must destroy the Portuguese and research Chemistry very early on. The former, because the Portuguese are located beside this location, and possess Dock(s) and Cannon Galleons. The latter, because Cannon Galleons are necessary to protect the base from enemy Trebuchets and Bombard Cannons, which are deployed very early on. Even so, with only one clear path into the base, most players will find this base location more defensible than the other alternatives.

Afghan mercenaries[]

The player will be offered the option of hiring Purbiya mercenaries (Green) sometime during the game, in return for a tribute of 1,000 gold. They are useful as a harassing force against the enemy, but they are especially useful if the player decides to move bases to the east corner, since their base lies in the way of Amber's (Blue's) attack route - allowing them to slow down and/or weaken Amber's attacks on the player. Furthermore, their base does not seem to suffer many enemy attacks, either - which means that as long as they have sufficient resources, they will remain useful throughout the game.

That said, they are only able to slow down Amber's attack, but not stop it. Also, the player only has a limited amount of time to tribute them, and if they fail to do so, the Purbiya mercenaries will become an enemy. Their main threat lies in the ability to deploy Siege Elephants, but they are otherwise easy to handle.

Wonder victory[]

If going for a Wonder victory, the player should ideally move their base to one of the two alternatives mentioned in the guide, with defenses surrounding it so it doesn't get attacked by siege units. Losing the Wonder doesn't mean defeat, but it will prove very costly if the player has to build another one. Expect the enemy to attack more aggressively if a Wonder is built, and that they will dedicate their efforts to destroying it. Building it in the eastern corner of the map will also increase the time needed for enemy armies to cross the map to reach it, stringing out their attacks, but the advantages from this may be negated by the military buildings the enemy AIs will build next to the player's base.

If going for a military victory, the player should primarily use Imperial Camels, Trebuchets, or Bombard Cannons, and a few Hand Cannoneers to take out any Chakram Throwers. Since both foes are Gurjaras, the player doesn't need to worry too much about their Spearmen, as they cannot even be upgraded to Pikemen. Ghulams won't be necessary, even against Amber, as Elephant Archers can be dealt with via Imperial Camels and Gurjaras cannot get Arbalesters.

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With the Rajput alliance crushed, there was no one left who dared challenge me.

A grand feast was held to celebrate my victory. Everyone who had stood by my side on my arduous path to power received an invitation — as did of course, all of the descendants of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane.

Forty thousand guests accepted the invitation, including princes from Persia, veterans from Kashmir, and even commoners who had done me a favor in one way or another.

Yet what pleased me most was the arrival of about a hundred Afghan peasants from Transoxiana who had given me shelter during my days in the wilderness. I had never forgotten the bravery of these common shepherds — and they, evidently, had not forgotten me either!

While I laughed at the follies of my fellow commanders and danced to my heart's content with the cheerful peasants, it was all just for show.

On the inside I remain a stranger, alone in a foreign land.


  • The Rajputs is about the Battle of Khanwa between Babur and the coalition of Rajput clans led by Rana Sanga, the first time they had united to fight a foreign invader since the time of Prithviraj Chauhan. However, Sanga suffered a major defeat in the Battle of Khanwa due to Babur's skillful positioning of troops and modern tactics and firepower. The Battle of Khanua was one of the most decisive battles in Indian history, more so than the First Battle of Panipat, as the defeat of Rana Sanga was a watershed event in the Mughal conquest of northern India.
  • The Hindustani Wonder is the tomb of Humayun (Babur's son), which makes the Wonder victory dark-humored.
Campaigns in Age of Empires II
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings
CampaignIcon-WilliamDE William Wallace Difficulty easy PC: Marching and Fighting · Feeding the Army · Training the Troops · Research and Technology · The Battle of Stirling · Forge an Alliance · The Battle of Falkirk
Xbox: Preparing for Battle · The Battle of Stirling · Forge an Alliance · The Battle of Falkirk
CampaignIcon-JoanDE Joan of Arc Difficulty easy An Unlikely Messiah · The Maid of Orleans · The Cleansing of the Loire · The Rising · The Siege of Paris · A Perfect Martyr
CampaignIcon-SaladinDE Saladin Difficulty medium An Arabian Knight · Lord of Arabia · The Horns of Hattin · The Siege of Jerusalem · Jihad! · The Lion and the Demon
CampaignIcon-KhanDE Genghis Khan Difficulty easy Crucible · A Life of Revenge · Into China · The Horde Rides West · The Promise · Pax Mongolica
CampaignIcon-BarbarossaDE Barbarossa Difficulty easy Holy Roman Emperor · Henry the Lion · Pope and Antipope · The Lombard League · Barbarossa's March · The Emperor Sleeping
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors
CampaignIcon-AttilaDE Attila the Hun Difficulty easy The Scourge of God · The Great Ride · The Walls of Constantinople · A Barbarian Betrothal · The Catalaunian Fields · The Fall of Rome
CampaignIcon-ElCidDE El Cid Difficulty easy Brother against Brother · The Enemy of my Enemy · The Exile of the Cid · Black Guards · King of Valencia · Reconquista
CampaignIcon-MontezumaDE Montezuma Difficulty easy Reign of Blood · The Triple Alliance · Quetzalcoatl · La Noche Triste · The Boiling Lake · Broken Spears
Battles of the Conquerors Icon Battles of the Conquerors Tours · Vinlandsaga · Hastings · Manzikert · Agincourt · Lepanto · Kyoto · Noryang Point
Hidden scenario The Saxon Revolt
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten
CampaignIcon-AlaricDE Alaric Difficulty hard HD: All Roads Lead to a Besieged City · Legionaries on the Horizon! · Emperor of the West · The Sack of Rome
DE: The Battle of the Frigidus · Razing Hellas · The Belly of the Beast · The Giant Falls · A Kingdom of Our Own
CampaignIcon-DraculaDE Vlad Dracula Difficulty medium The Dragon Spreads His Wings · The Return of the Dragon · The Breath of the Dragon · The Moon Rises · The Night Falls
CampaignIcon-BariDE Bari Difficulty medium HD: Arrival at Bari · The Rebellion of Melus · The Great Siege
DE: Arrival at Bari · The Rebellion of Melus · Loose Ends · The Best Laid Plans · The Onrushing Tide
CampaignIcon-SforzaDE Sforza Difficulty medium HD: An End and a Beginning · O Fortuna · The Hand of a Daughter · The Ambrosian Republic · A New Duke of Milan
DE: Mercenaries and Masters · His Own Man · Prodigal Son · Blood and Betrayal · Viva Sforza!
El Dorado Icon El Dorado (removed) Tales of La Canela · The Split · The Amazones · The Cannibals
CampaignIcon-PrithvirajDE Prithviraj Difficulty medium HD: A Promising Warrior · The Digvijaya · The Elopement · Battles of Tarain
DE: Born of Fire · The Digvijaya · Hand of a Princess · The Fate of India · The Legend of Prithviraj
Battles of the Forgotten Icon Battles of the Forgotten Bukhara · Dos Pilas · York · Honfoglalás · Langshan Jiang · Kurikara · Cyprus · Bapheus · Kaesong (cut)
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms
CampaignIcon-TariqIbnZiyadDE Tariq ibn Ziyad Difficulty medium The Battle of Guadalete · Consolidation and Subjugation · Divide and Conquer · Crossing the Pyrenees · Razzia
CampaignIcon-SundjataDE Sundjata Difficulty medium Hunted · The Sting of the Scorpion · Djeriba Gold · Blood on the River Bank · The Lion's Den
CampaignIcon-FranciscoDE Francisco de Almeida Difficulty hard The Old World · Lion of Africa · Ruins of Empires · Estado da India · A Son's Blood
CampaignIcon-YoditDE Yodit Difficulty hard Path of Exile · The Right Partner · A Fallen Crown · Broken Stelae · Welcome Home
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas
CampaignIcon-GajahMadaDE Gajah Mada Difficulty medium The Story of Our Founders · Unconditional Loyalty · The Oath to Unify Nusantara · Serving the New King · The Pasunda Bubat Tragedy
CampaignIcon-SuryavarmanIDE Suryavarman I Difficulty easy Usurpation · Quelling the Rebellion · A Dangerous Mission · Challenging a Thalassocracy · Nirvanapada
CampaignIcon-BayinnaungDE Bayinnaung Difficulty hard The Burmese Tigers · The Mandalay Cobra · The Royal Peacock · The White Elephant · The Old Tiger
CampaignIcon-LeLoiDE Le Loi Difficulty hard The Dai Viet Uprising · The Mountain Siege · The Battle at Hanoi · Reaching South · A Three-Pronged Attack · The Final Fortress
AoEIIDE icon Definitive Edition
CampaignIcon-TheArtOfWar The Art of War Difficulty easy Early Economy · Booming · Rushing the Enemy · Fast Castle Age · Defending Against A Rush · Land Battle · Destroying a Castle · Naval Battle · Battle Formations
CampaignIcon-Pachacuti Pachacuti Difficulty medium A New Power Arises · The Field of Blood · War of Brothers · The Falcon's Tent · Like Father, Like Son
00 historical battles normal Historical Battles Difficulty easy Scn 09 bukhara normal Bukhara · Scn 10 dos pilas normal Dos Pilas · Scn 01 tours normal Tours · Scn 11 york normal York · Scn 12 honfoglalas normal Honfoglalás · Scn 02 vinlandsaga normal Vinlandsaga · Scn 03 hastings normal Hastings · Scn 04 manzikert normal Manzikert · Scn 13 kurikara normal Kurikara · Scn 14 cyprus normal Cyprus · Scn 15 bapheus normal Bapheus · Scn 16 lake poyang normal Lake Poyang · Scn 05 agincourt normal Agincourt · Scn 06 lepanto normal Lepanto · Scn 07 kyoto normal Kyoto · Scn 08 noryang point normal Noryang Point
Event scenarios E3 2019 Demo · Mongol Raiders · Barbarossa Brawl · Mangudai Madness · The Siege (co-op)
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last Khans
CampaignIcon-Tamerlane Tamerlane Difficulty easy Amir of Transoxiana · Gurkhan of Persia · Harbinger of Destruction · Sultan of Hindustan · Scourge of the Levant · A Titan Amongst Mortals
CampaignIcon-Ivaylo Ivaylo Difficulty hard A Most Unlikely Man · An Unlikely Alliance · Tsar of the Bulgars · Echoes of Heroes · Where the One-Eyed Man is King
CampaignIcon-Kotyan Kotyan Khan Difficulty hard Raising the Banners · The Battle at the Kalka River · Saving the Huts · Blood for Blood · A New Home
AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West
CampaignIcon-EdwardDE Edward Longshanks Difficulty easy Vain Ambition · A Man of God · Of Castles and Kings · Toom Tabard · Hammer of the Scots
CampaignIcon-DukesDE Grand Dukes Difficulty medium A Kingdom Divided · The Wolf and the Lion · The Cleansing of Paris · Unholy Marriage · The Hook and Cod Wars · The Maid Falls
CampaignIcon-HautevillesDE The Hautevilles Difficulty hard Guiscard Arrives · Roger in Sicily · Bohemond and the Emperor · Bohemond in the East · Wonder of the World
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes
Algirdas icon Algirdas and Kestutis Difficulty easy Family Affairs · No Man's Land · The Tatar Yoke · A Worthy Opponent · In the Shadow of the Throne
32 jadwiga normal Jadwiga Difficulty hard The Matter of the Crown · Star of the Poles · Duel of the Dukes · The Siege of Vilnius · Vytautas' Crusade · The Fruits of Her Labor
Jan Zizka icon Jan Zizka Difficulty medium The One-Eyed Wanderer · Courage and Coin · The Iron Lords · The Golden City · The Emperor's Fury · Warrior of God
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India
Babur Icon Babur Difficulty easy Pearl of the East · The Last Timurids · Into India · The Battle of Panipat · The Rajputs
Rajendra Icon Rajendra Difficulty hard The Successor · Deeds of the Father · Rising Star · Sacred Waters · Slaying the Vritra
Devapala Icon Devapala Difficulty easy Dissatisfaction · Desire · Renunciation · Liberation? · Enlightenment
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals
Ismail Icon Ismail Difficulty medium The Red Hats · Road to Royalty · Alexander Safavi · The Fallen Amir · Khata'i
Thoros Icon Thoros II Difficulty easy Outlawed · The Emperor's Revenge · Caught in the Crossfire · Bloody Crestwaves · Of Turncoats and Traitors
Tamar Icon Tamar Difficulty hard Takeover · Yury's Revenge · The Protectorate · Tamar the Builder · The Queen in the Panther's Skin
Aoe2 hb Victors and Vanquished
VictorsAndVanquished Campaign Icon
Victors and Vanquished
Difficulty easy Scn 23 charlemagne Charlemagne · Scn 39 drake Drake · Scn 26 finehair Finehair · Scn 25 ironside Ironside · Scn 38 nobunaga Nobunaga
Difficulty medium Scn 36 fetih Fetih · Scn 21 gaiseric Gaiseric · Scn 24 ragnar Ragnar · Scn 27 robert Robert · Scn 37 shimazu Shimazu · Scn 32 stephen Stephen · Scn 33 temujin Temujin · Scn 22 vortigern Vortigern
Difficulty hard Scn 35 constantine Constantine XI · Scn 30 karlsefni Karlsefni · Scn 31 komnenos Komnenos · Scn 34 mstislav Mstislav · Scn 28 otto Otto · Scn 29 seljuk Seljuk