Age of Empires Series Wiki

A tamed wolf that obeys you and can hunt. Good against treasure guardians and other pets.
—In-game description

The Tengri Wolf is a pet native warrior introduced in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition that can be trained at a Trading Post built on a Tengri Shrine holy site.


The Tengri Wolf is a pet which is similar to Buck the Tame Wolf. The units have similar stats, except Tengri Wolves have a slightly increased food cost, train slower, and have a reduced build limit, but in addition to their attack multiplier against Treasure guardians, they have a bonus against other pets, making Tengri Wolves more effective against tamed animals, such as Explorer Dogs, or the ones trained by Heroes (Explorers, War Chiefs, or Monks).

However, their reduced build limit (only 5 per Tengri Shrine), and due to being available only by building a Trading Post or Tambo makes Tengri Wolves very situational units. Usually, players would favor infantry or cavalry with higher hit points and damage. Like other native warriors (and pets), Tengri Wolves cost no population and are thus always a good addition to a maxed-out army.

As Tengri Wolves are classified as native warriors, they will benefit from upgrades and Home City Cards that increase their statistics, build limit, or training time.


Tengri Wolves are automatically upgraded in every Age, but unlike other units, its name is not changed to reflect this.

  • Colonial age up +20% hit points and damage
  • Fortress age up +30% hit points and damage
  • Industrial age up +40% hit points and damage
  • Imperial age up +60% hit points and damage

Further statistics[]

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Treasure guardians, pets
Weak vs. Everything, especially villagers
Hit points Maya Cotton Armor Maya Cotton Armor (+20%)
Infantry Breastplate Infantry Breastplate (+10%)
Gadaa System Gadaa System (+5%; Ethiopians only)
Tar kilns Tar Kilns (+5%)
Attack Zapotec Cult of the Dead Zapotec Cult of the Dead (+20%)
Carib Kasiri Beer Carib Kasiri Beer (+10%)
Master Lessons Master Lessons (+10%)
Wind horses Wind Horses (-10% Rate of Fire)
Speed Push of Pike Push of Pike (+10%; Swedes only)
Apache Endurance Apache Endurance (+5%)
Wind horses Wind Horses (+0.5)
Line of Sight Town Watch Town Watch (+3)
Train time Cree Kinship Cree Kinship (-45%)
Immigrants Immigrants (-10%)
New Mexico Immigration New Mexico Immigration (-10%; United States only)
Strangers' Quarters Strangers' Quarters (-10%; Africans only)
Cost Somali oryx shields Somali Oryx Hide Shields (-10%)
Other Yoruba herbalism Yoruba Herbalism (regenerates hit points when close to a tree or Berry Bush)
Penalties Push of Pike Push of Pike (+10% train time; Swedes only)

Home City Cards[]

Click for a list of Home City Cards related to the Tengri Wolf
Some cards are highlighted with:
Green TEAM Shipment that is sent to each player in a team
Red Shipment that can be sent twice
Blue Shipment that arrives fast (5 seconds)


Card Description Age
Japanese Home City 3 (Native Alliance) Native Alliance Native warrior train limit +20% and cost -10% (also +1 Hindu Villager for the Indians)
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 3 (Native Warriors) Native Warriors Native warriors cost -25% (also +3 Uhlans for the Germans)
Age III tech tree aoe3
French Home City 3 (Native Warrior Combat) Native Warrior Combat Native warriors get +15% hit points and damage
Age III tech tree aoe3
Iroquois Home City 3 (Native Warrior Societies) TEAM Native Weapon Trade Native warrior train limit +20%
Age II tech tree aoe3
  • "Native Alliance" is available to the Aztecs, Inca, Indians, and Japanese.
  • "Native Warriors" is available to Europeans, the Lakota and Mexicans.
  • "Native Warrior Combat" is available to the French, Haudenosaunee, and Inca, and also Mexicans upon revolting to the Maya, and British upon revolting to Haiti.
  • "TEAM Native Weapon Trade" is available to the Dutch and Lakota, and also British and French upon revolting to Canada.


Card Description Age
Trainspeed africa Feudal Armies All units' train time -15%; hero respawn time -15%
Age III tech tree aoe3
Loyal warriors Loyal Warriors Native warriors, mercenaries, and outlaws cost -15% (also affects shipments)
Age III tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Native Warrior Hitpoints Native Warrior Hitpoints Native warriors get +30% hit points and +10% speed (also +1 Hindu Villager for the Indians)
Age III tech tree aoe3
Japanese Home City 3 (Native Warrior Attack) Native Warrior Attack Native warriors get +30% damage and -25% train time
Age III tech tree aoe3
  • "Native Warrior Hitpoints" is not available to the Japanese.
  • "Native Warrior Attack" is not available to the Indians.


Card Description Age
Western reforms Western Reforms All units get +8% hit points and damage
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Acupuncture aoe3 Acupuncture All units' (except monks) train time -20%; Heavy Cannon, Flying Crow, and Summer Palace banner army spawn time -5%
Age III tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Ignatian spirituality Ignatian Spirituality All units get +5% hit points and regeneration capability even while in combat
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


Card Description Age
Loyal warriors Loyal Warriors Native warriors, mercenaries, and outlaws cost -15%; "TEAM 4 Zenata Rider", "Recruit Xebec", "Recruit Xebecs", and "15 Berber Allies" cost no coin
Sevites Sevites Maroons, native warriors, and villagers now regenerate hit points at a rate of 0.25% per second when idle; Yoruba Eso Rider hit point degeneration rate -60% and Militiaman hit point degeneration rate -10%, and for both stops at 25% hit points
Citizenship Haiti Louverture Liberation Delivers 6 Citizens; Citizens can be trained at Town Centers for 70 coin; Fishing Boats can be trained at Docks; native warriors get +20% hit points and +5% speed
South Africa Home City (Wanderlust) Wanderlust Land military units and land villagers get +5% hit points; land villagers and construction wagons get +5% speed
  • "Loyal Warriors" is available to the Italians, Maltese, Ottomans, and Portuguese upon revolting to the Barbary States.
  • "Sevites" and "Louverture Liberation" are available to the British and French upon revolting to Haiti.
  • "Wanderlust" is available to the British and Dutch upon revolting to South Africa, and can be sent 3 times.

Federal Americans[]

Card Description Age
Mexican Home City 3 (Chimayo Genizarios) Indian Friendship/Chimayo Genizarios Each different allied native tribe sends a large shipment of their respective native warriors and upgrades them to Elite and Champion; native warriors train time -10%; native warrior shipments and "Native Treaties" arrive time -50%; costs 500 food, 500 wood
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
  • "Indian Friendship" is available to the United States and "Chimayo Genizarios" to the Mexicans.


Card Description Age
French Home City 3 (Wilderness Warfare) Wilderness Warfare Coureurs des Bois, Cree Coureurs des Bois, native warriors, Skirmishers, and Settlers get +20% hit points
Age II tech tree aoe3
French Home City 3 (Improved Native Warrior Combat) TEAM French Auxiliaries Combat Native warriors get +10% hit points and damage
Age II tech tree aoe3
Revolutionary French Home City (Cult of the Supreme Being) Cult of the Supreme Being The player gains +10% XP from training units and other players receive -10% XP from defeating them; Sansculottes gather resources from Crates 50% faster; food from Berry Bushes and Cherry Orchards 25% faster; wood from trees and Mango Groves and coin from mines 20% faster; food from huntable and herdable animals, Mills, Farms and coin from Estates 15% faster


Card Description Age
Cheap Natives Native Warrior Conscription Native warrior cost -25% and train limit +20%
Age III tech tree aoe3
Haudenosaunee Home City 3 (Wampum) Wampum Training units and constructing buildings grants +35% XP; unit train time -20%, siege unit and artillery train time -5% instead
Age III tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Hausa Home City Cards 5 (Sahelian Kingdoms) Sahelian Kingdoms Native warriors get +15% hit points and damage; mercenaries and outlaws get +10% hit points and damage
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


Card Description Age
Inca Home City 2 (Road Building) Road Building Land military units get +10% speed
Age II tech tree aoe3
Inca Home City 2 (Couriers) Couriers Infantry, cavalry, and shock infantry train time -45%
Age III tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Dravidian martial arts Dravidian Martial Arts All units get +15% all melee attack damage; Rajputs get +20% all melee attack damage instead; +1 Hindu Villager
Age II tech tree aoe3
Shivajis tactics TEAM Shivaji's Tactics All units get +5% hit points and damage
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


Card Description Age
Bakufu Bakufu Daimyo and Shogun Tokugawa get +5% speed, +10 Line of Sight and train units 15% faster; land military unit train time -20%, artillery and banner army train time -10% instead
Age III tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Sioux Home City 3 (Black Arrow) Black Arrow Native warriors train time -85%
Age III tech tree aoe3
Winter counts Winter Counts Training units grants +40% XP and constructing buildings grants +20% XP
Age I tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Maltese Home City 2 (TEAM Knights of the Round Table) TEAM Knights of the Round Table Delivers 1 Hospitaller for each Town Center and Command Post build; all units get +2% hit points
Age I tech tree aoe3
Maltese Home City 3 (Squires) Squires Military buildings train and research work 80% faster, except Forts which train and research work 260% faster
Age III tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Mexican Home City 2 (TEAM Mariachi) TEAM Mariachi For the next 30 seconds, military buildings work 400% faster and units get +10% speed
Age I tech tree aoe3
Federal card colegio de san nicolas Colegio de San Nicolás Delivers Books of 500 XP; units get +4 and buildings (except Walls) get +8 Line of Sight; sees what enemies can see for 20 seconds
Age II tech tree aoe3
Federal card national servant National Servant All units get +10% hit points; Padre healing 200% faster
Imperial Age


Card Description Age
Spanish Home City 1 (Hand Infantry Attack) TEAM Hand Infantry Attack Hand infantry get +15% damage
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Hitpoints) Archaic Infantry Hitpoints Hand infantry and foot archers get +15% hit points; Rodeleros get +20% hit points instead
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Combat) Archaic Infantry Combat Hand infantry and foot archers get +15% hit points and damage
Age III tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 3 (Inquisition) TEAM Spanish Inquisition Delivers 1 Inquisitor; all units get +10 Line of Sight
Age II tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
German Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Attack) Hand Infantry/Hand Cavalry Attack Hand infantry and hand cavalry get +15% damage
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Hitpoints) Hand Infantry/Hand Cavalry Hitpoints Hand infantry and hand cavalry get +15% hit points
Age II tech tree aoe3

United States[]

Card Description Age
Federal card indiana mobilization Indiana Mobilization Delivers 1 Carbine Cavalry for each shipment sent so far this game including this one; unit train time (except Heavy Cannons), technology research time, and age-up time -10%; costs 250 food, 250 wood
Age III tech tree aoe3
  • "Indiana Mobilization" is available upon selecting the Indiana Federal State.



The domestication of canine animals already started in prehistoric times. Scientific hypotheses assume that individual wolves with a higher acceptance for humans were more likely to be tolerated – and less likely to be killed – by humans as opposed to more aggressive counterparts. The raising of orphaned wild animals has particularly high chances to foster lasting familial bonds with humans. Relationships of trust between humans and canines as well as the increased food dependency ultimately led to the domestication of canines and enabled their use as guard animals and hunting dogs.
In Turko-Mongol folklore wolves are worshiped as legendary founders and ancestors of their peoples, akin to the founding myth of the city of Rome telling of two brothers – Romulus and Remus – nursed by a she-wolf. According to written Mongol sources Genghis Khan is said to be a distant relative of "Borte Chino", a gray-blue wolf from the sky.


Native warriors in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III
Aztec native icon aoe3de AztecsAztec eagle warrior portrait aoe3de Aztec Eagle Warrior · Aztec jaguar warrior aoe3de Aztec Jaguar Warrior
Carib aoe3de CaribCarib blowgunner aoe3de Carib Blowgunner
Cherokee aoe3de CherokeeCherokee rifle aoe3de Cherokee Rifleman
Comanche icon aoe3de ComancheComanche aoe3de Comanche Horse Archer
Cree aoe3de CreeCree tracker aoe3de Cree Tracker
Iroquois aoe3de HaudenosauneeTomahawk aoe3de Haudenosaunee Tomahawk · Iro mantlet de Haudenosaunee Mantlet
Sioux aoe3de LakotaLakota axe rider aoe3de Lakota Axe Rider · Lakota dog soldier aoe3de Lakota Dog Soldier
Maya aoe3de MayaHolcanspear aoe3de Maya Holcan Spearman (former) · Holcanspear aoe3de Maya Holcan Javelineer*
Nootka aoe3de NootkaNootka de Nootka Clubman · Nootka warchief aoe3de Nootka War Chief
Inca native icon aoe3de QuechuaInca huaminca aoe3de Quechua Huaminca · Inca bolas warrior aoe3de Quechua Bolas Warrior
Seminole aoe3de SeminoleSharktooth bow aoe3de Seminole Sharktooth Bowman
Tupi aoe3de TupiTupi archer aoe3de Tupi Blackwood Archer
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs
Apache aoe3de ApacheApache Cavalry aoe3de Apache Cavalry
Cheyenne aoe3de CheyenneCheyenne Rider aoe3de Cheyenne Rider
Huron aoe3de HuronHuron Mantlet aoe3de Huron Mantlet
Klamath settlement portrait KlamathKlamath Rifleman de Klamath Rifleman
Mapuche icon aoe3de MapucheMapuche Ironwood de Mapuche Ironwood Clubman · Preview mapuche bolas rider icon Mapuche Bolas Rider*
Navajo aoe3de NavajoNavajo Rifleman de Navajo Rifleman
Zapotec icon aoe3de ZapotecZapotec de Zapotec Lightning Warrior
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties
Bhakti aoe3de Bhakti TempleTiger claw aoe3de Tiger Claw · War elephant aoe3de War Elephant**
Jesuit aoe3de Jesuit MissionConquistador aoe3de Conquistador
Native shaolin site icon portrait Shaolin TempleRatten shield de Rattan Shield
Sufi aoe3de Sufi MosqueSufi qizilbash portrait Qizilbash*
Udasi aoe3de Udasi TempleChakram aoe3de Chakram Thrower
Zen aoe3de Zen TempleSohei aoe3de Sohei Naginata
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition
Lenape warrior portrait LenapeLenape warrior portrait Lenape Warrior
AOE3DE Tengri Tengri ShrineTatar archer portrait Tatar Archer · Pet wolf aoe3de Tengri Wolf
Age3DE Icon The African Royals
Akan Settlement Icon AkanAkan ankobia portrait Akan Ankobia · Akan Tufohen Portrait Updated Akan Tufohen
Berber Settlement Portrait BerbersBerber camel rider portrait Berber Camel Rider · Berber sultan portrait Berber Sultan
Somali Settlement Portrait SomalisSomali Issa Warrior Portrait Somali Issa Warrior · Somali Darood Militia Portrait Somali Darood Militia
Sudanese settlement portrait SudaneseSudanese dervish portrait Sudanese Dervish
Yoruba settlement portait YorubaYoruba legionary portrait Yoruba Oyo Legionary · Yoruba Eso Rider Portrait Yoruba Eso Rider
Age3DE Icon Knights of the Mediterranean
Bourbon icon portrait-1 House of BourbonBourbon royal musketeer portrait Royal Musketeer · Bourbon royal dragoon portrait Royal Dragoon
Habsburg icon portrait-1 House of HabsburgHabsburg mounted infantry portrait Mounted Infantry · Habsburg line infantry portrait Line Infantry
Hanover icon portrait-1 House of HanoverHanover totenkopf hussar portrait Totenkopf Hussar · Hanover black brunswicker portrait Black Brunswicker · Hanover drummer portrait Drummer
Jagiellon icon portrait-1 House of JagiellonJagiellon lipka tatar portrait Lipka Tatar · Jagiellon shock rider portrait Shock Rider
Oldenburg icon portrait-1 House of OldenburgOldenburg royal huntsman portrait Royal Huntsman · Oldenburg northern musketeer portrait Northern Musketeer
Phanar icon portrait-1 House of PhanarGuardian klepht portrait Evzone · Phanar boyar portrait Boyar · Phanar sacred band infantry portrait Sacred Band Infantry
Vasa icon portrait-1 House of VasaVasa royal arquebusier portrait Royal Arquebusier · Vasa winged hussar portrait Winged Hussar
Wettin icon portrait-1 House of WettinWettin trabant portrait Trabant · Wettin saxon cuirassier portrait Saxon Cuirassier
Wittelsbach icon portrait-1 House of WittelsbachWittelsbach mountain trooper portrait Mountain Trooper · Wittelsbach chevauleger portrait Chevauleger
* added in the Definitive Edition
** formerly Sufi Mosque unit