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This article is about the technologies in Chronicles. For technologies in other games of the series, see Technology.

Civilizations in Chronicles have access to most of the same technologies as those in the base game. A number of technologies receive new names or icons when playing Chronicles civilizations, but retain the same effect. A few have effects which differ slightly to those in the base game. Only those technologies with new names and icons compared to their Age of Empires II counterparts are listed here.

Common technologies[]

Barracks aoe2DE Barracks[]

Info icon Note: There is no equivalent of Gambesons

Port Chronicles Port[]

Shipyard Chronicles Shipyard[]

Academy Chronicles Academy[]

Info icon Note: There is no equivalent of Bombard Tower

Temple Chronicles Temple[]

Info icon Note: There is no equivalent of Devotion

Unique technologies[]

Main article: Unique technology (Chronicles)

In the Classical and Imperial Ages, there are two mutually exclusive technologies that can be chosen at the Fort for each civilization. Players can research only one of two unique technologies in the Classical Age, and one of another two in the Imperial Age.

Unique gameplay mechanics[]

  • Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids - Town Center upgrades: Civic Age onwards, the Achaemenids can choose to upgrade their Town Centers individually, improving them and/or granting specific buffs in a radius. Each Town Center can be upgraded permanently by one of three upgrades - Economic Town Center, Military Town Center, and Defensive Town Center.
  • Athenians Chronicles Athenians - Policies: The Athenians can choose one policy out of three at any Town Center which provides an additional bonus to the player, viz. Economic Policy, Military Policy, and Naval Policy, switching between them for a small cost.
  • Spartans Chronicles Spartans - Polemarch technologies: The Spartans have a unique hero unit that empowers nearby allies. They get one for free in the Civic Age, and are limited to one. They get another one in the Classical Age, and are henceforth limited to two. The Polemarch can choose between one of two additional technologies to add an additional effect to its aura, in addition to increasing its aura radius. The Polemarch itself becomes stronger with Age ups and two other dedicated technologies.

Campaign-only technologies[]

These technologies are created using triggers and are available only in specific campaign scenarios.

Battle for Greece logo Battle for Greece[]

The following technologies can be unlocked in the Raise the Sails scenario of the Battle for Greece grand campaign. These technologies, if researched in this scenario, will be available in subsequent scenarios in which Themistocles appears as a warship (i.e. The Hot Gates, Divine Salamis, and The Fruits of Empire).

  • Fishing Ship upgrade 1 CBfG Fishing Baskets (200 food, 200 wood, [What?] seconds, requires Scoop Nets): Fishing Ships +15 carry capacity.
  • Fishing Ship upgrade 2 CBfG Iron Harpoons (250 food, 250 wood, [What?] seconds, requires Fishing Baskets): Fishing Ships increased gathering rate.
  • Ship reduce bonus CBfG Careful Captains (150 food, 150 wood, 50 seconds, at the Port): Ships receive -[What?] bonus damage.
  • Ship bonus increase CBfG Belligerent Captains (250 food, 250 wood, [What?] seconds, requires Careful Captains): Ships deal +[What?] bonus damage.
  • Ship armor CBfG Strengthened Hulls (400 food, 400 wood, [What?] seconds, at the Port): Ships ​+1 Armoricon aoe2demelee / ​+1 Range-armoricon aoe2depierce armor.
  • Ship regen CBfG Oakum (250 food, 250 wood, [What?] seconds, requires Strengthened Hulls): Ships regenerate hit points.
  • Lembos upgrade CBfG Liquid Courage (400 gold, [What?] seconds, requires Heavy Lembos): Lemboi gain a charged attack.
  • Ship attack speed 1 CBfG Marines (250 food, 250 gold, 50 seconds, at the Shipyard): Ships +10% attack speed.
  • Ship attack speed 2 CBfG Hardened Marines (400 food, 400 gold, [What?] seconds, requires Marines): Ships +15% attack speed.
  • Ship speed 1 CBfG Sea Shanties (150 food, 150 gold, 50 seconds, at the Shipyard): Ships +10% movement speed.
  • Ship speed 2 CBfG Hymns to Poseidon (250 food, 250 gold, [What?] seconds, requires Sea Shanties): Ships +15% movement speed.
  • Ramming ship upgrade CBfG Strengthened Prows (500 gold, [What?] seconds, requires Trireme): Triremes deal splash damage.
  • Arrow ship upgrade CBfG Prayers to Artemis (700 gold, [What?] seconds, requires Elite Galley): Galleys fire extra projectiles.
  • Incendiary ship upgrade CBfG Alchemist's Delight (500 gold, [What?] seconds, requires Heavy Incendiary Ship): Incendiary ships explode twice.
  • Catapult ship upgrade CBfG Torsion Experts (600 gold, [What?] seconds, requires Onager Ship): Onager Ships gain +[What?] range.
  • Leviathan upgrade CBfG Artillery Spotters (500 gold, [What?] seconds, at the Shipyard): Leviathans gain a projectile shield and improved aura.
  • Themistocles Masterplan upgrade CBfG Themistocles' Masterplan (1,200 food, 1,000 gold, [What?] seconds, at the Shipyard, requires Strengthened Prows, Prayers to Artemis, and Torsion Experts): Triremes strip enemy armor; Galleys shoot Scorpion-like bolts that deal pass-through damage; Incendiary ships ignore armor; Leviathan projectile speed increased; Catapult Ship blast range increased and friendly fire removed; Lemboi can build water barricades when destroyed (maximum 15 units).

The following technologies are only available in The Hot Gates:

Only one prayer can be chosen at a time at the Greek Commander Tent (second part of the scenario). The player can change prayers at any time. The prayers are:
  • RedemptionDE Pray to Apollo: Increased attack for archers (+1).
  • Battle Drills Chronicles Pray to Ares: Increased attack for infantry (+1).
  • AoE2DE Legionary upgrade Pray to Hephaestus: Increased armor for infantry (+1/+1).
  • TrackingDE Pray to Artemis: Increased armor for archers (+1/+1).

The following technologies are only available in The Fruits of Empire. Once a Wonder has been constructed, the player can select the tribute level there and change them at any time for free:

  • Low Tribute Chronicles Low Tribute: Ask your allies for low levels of gold when they send tribute. The allies will be less likely to rebel.
  • Medium Tribute Chronicles Medium Tribute: Ask your allies for moderate levels of gold when they send tribute. The allies will have a moderate chance of rebellion.
  • High Tribute Chronicles High Tribute: Ask your allies for high levels of gold when they send tribute. Constantly asking for high tributes will lead to a high chance of rebellion.

The following technologies are only available in Within the Long Walls. These technologies can be researched at the Acropolis (Monument). Some are available from the start, while others are available only when certain conditions are fulfilled:

  • Sell Estate Chronicles Sell Estate (free): Sell your estate. You will lost its income but gain a large amount of Political Favor. One-time use. (Gain 25 Favor, lose Estate's periodic income)
  • Sell Athena's Gold Chronicles Sell Athena's Gold (free): Sell the gold on the statue of Athena. Gain gold but lose a large amount of Political Favor. One-time use. (Gain 3,000 gold, lose 40 Favor)
  • Repair Acropolis Chronicles Repair Acropolis (2,000 gold): Repair the Acropolis to gain a large amount of political favor. One-time use. (Gain 25 Favor)
  • Embassy to the Oracle Chronicles Embassy to the Oracle (1,500 gold): Creates a Tribute Cart which you can send to the Oracle; gain Political Favor if it arrives successfully. Can be used three times. (Gain 25 Favor)
  • Raid the Peloponnese Chronicles Raid the Peloponnese (1,200 food, 500 gold): Send a raiding party to the Peloponnese to gain resources and a large amount of Political Favor. You will have to provide a fleet yourself. Can be used three times. (Gain [What?] resources and Favor) - Providing stronger ships increases the number of ships that return
  • Colonize Aegina Chronicles Colonize Aegina (1,200 food, 600 gold): Initiate the colonization of Aegina. You will need to provide soldiers for the expedition. A successful expedition will grant you a huge amount of Political Favor. If you fail, you can try again. (Gain [What?] Favor)
  • Host Festival Chronicles Host Festival (2,000 food): Fund a Festival to gain Political Favor. Can only be used during festival season. (Gain [What?] Favor)
  • RedemptionDE Persecute Cleon (4,000 gold): Decrease the rate at which you lose political favor by persecuting Cleon. One-time use.
  • Bribe Rioteers Chronicles Bribe Rioteers (500 gold): Pay gold to stop the rioters. You will also gain a small amount of Political Favor. (Gain 15 Favor)
  • SapperDE Funeral Oration (1,000 wood): Deliver a fitting oration for the Athenian war dead, gaining a moderate amount of Political Favor. One-time use. (Gain [What?] Favor)
  • HerbalDE Burn Plague Bodies (1,000 wood, 1,000 gold): Halve the Political Favor loss caused by the plague, halve its effects on unit stats, and gain a small amount of Political Favor. One-time use. (Gain [What?] Favor)

The following technologies are only available in The Fall of Athens. These custom technologies are gradually unlocked at the Wonder as the player conquers their enemies. Each pair is mutually exclusive, like unique technologies:

  • Upon conquering Salamis:
    1. Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Reinforced Prow (200 wood, 300 gold): Ships receive ​+1 Armoricon aoe2demelee / ​+1 Range-armoricon aoe2depierce armor. (Carrack)
    2. Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Paean (650 food, 550 gold): Infantry and cavalry attacks ignore armor. (Wootz Steel)
  • Upon conquering Aegina:
    1. Classical UT 1 Chronicles Forced Levies (550 food, 400 gold): Swordsman-line gold cost is replaced by additional food cost. (Forced Levy)
    2. Classical UT 2 Chronicles Harmosts (400 food, 300 gold): Farmers slowly generate gold in addition to food. (Burgundian Vineyards)
  • Upon conquering Eleusis:
    1. Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Hipparchs (650 food, 400 gold): Melee cavalry gain +5 attack. (Farimba)
    2. Imperial UT 2 Chronicles War Dances (450 food, 750 gold): Infantry gain +4 attack (Garland Wars)
  • Upon conquering Oenoe & Plataea:
    1. Classical UT 1 Chronicles Hippotoxotai (600 wood, 400 gold): Cavalry Archers +1 attack, +1 range (Recurve Bow)
    2. Classical UT 2 Chronicles Othismos (900 food, 500 gold): Infantry damage adjacent units. (Druzhina)
  • Upon defeating the Athenian Navy:
    1. Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Double Wine Rations (600 food, 450 gold): Infantry get an attack bonus vs. cavalry. (Chieftains partially)
    2. Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Thessalian Warhorses (600 food, 450 gold): Cavalry receive ​+1 Armoricon aoe2demelee / ​+1 Range-armoricon aoe2depierce armor. (Silk Armor)
    3. Classical UT 1 Chronicles Black Broth (550 food, 400 gold): Infantry (except Spearman-line) +30 hit points, Priestesses +100% heal speed. (Fereters)
    4. Classical UT 2 Chronicles Lysander's Furor (750 food, 450 gold): Siege Workshop units gain +40% hit points. (Furor Celtica)

Aura selection[]

Main article: Battle for Greece (campaign)#Abilities

In addition to the regular type of technologies, which only provide benefits in the scenario when researched, several scenarios feature selectable aura boosts, which benefit a specific hero unit over the course of subsequent scenarios. These are chosen among three options at either an Oracle's Temple (in the Achaemenid and Athenian acts) or a specially-modified Blacksmith (in the Spartan act).

Availability grid[]

The following tables show the availability of the technologies for every civilization. Technologies that are available to all civilizations are not shown in the table. The last two columns indicate the total available research count.

= Available
= Unavailable

Economic, building, and Temple technologies[]

Civilization TwoManSawDE GoldShaftMiningDE GuildsDE TreadmillCraneDE Masonry aoe2de ArchitectureDE Syncretism Chronicles HerbalDE Hemlock Chronicles Apotropaic Magic Chronicles FervorDE Haruspicy Chronicles C T
Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids 6 12
Athenians Chronicles Athenians 12 17
Spartans Chronicles Spartans 4 8

Military and ship technologies[]

Civilization Battle Drills Chronicles PlateMailArmorDE HusbandryDE PlateBardingArmorDE ParthianTacticsDE RingArcherArmorDE ArrowSlitsDE SiegeEngineersDE ShipwrightDE SapperDE C T
Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids 6 12
Athenians Chronicles Athenians 5 17
Spartans Chronicles Spartans 4 8


  • Although the Sappers technology appears in the technology tree for Chronicles civilizations, none of those introduced in Battle for Greece have access to it.
Technologies in Chronicles
Economic technologies
WheelbarrowDE WheelbarrowHandcartDE Hand Cart
HorseCollarDE Horse CollarHeavyPlowDE Heavy PlowCropRotationDE Crop Rotation
DoubleBitAxe aoe2DE Double-Bit AxeBowSawDE Bow SawTwoManSawDE Two-Man Saw
GoldMiningDE Gold MiningGoldShaftMiningDE Gold Shaft Mining
StoneMiningDE Stone MiningStoneShaftMiningDE Stone Shaft Mining
CaravanDE Caravan · GuildsDE Guilds
CoinageDE CoinageBankingDE Banking
GillnetsDE Scoop Nets
Military technologies
Villager female ChroniclesVillager male Chronicles VillagerLoomDE Loom · SapperDE Sappers
InfantryForging aoe2de ForgingIronCastingDE Iron CastingBlastFurnaceDE Blast Furnace
ScaleMailArmorDE Scale Mail ArmorChainMailArmorDE Chain Mail ArmorPlateMailArmorDE Plate Mail Armor
Suplliesicon Supplies · SquiresDE Baggage Carriers · ArsonDE Arson · Battle Drills Chronicles Battle Drills
ArchersPaddedArcherArmorDE Padded Archer ArmorLeatherArcherArmorDE Leather Archer ArmorRingArcherArmorDE Ring Archer Armor
ThumbRingDE Thumb Ring · ParthianTacticsDE Parthian Tactics
CavalryForging aoe2de ForgingIronCastingDE Iron CastingBlastFurnaceDE Blast Furnace
ScaleBardingArmorDE Scale Barding ArmorChainBardingDE Chain Barding ArmorPlateBardingArmorDE Plate Barding Armor
BloodlinesDE Bloodlines · HusbandryDE Husbandry
Ranged unitsFletchingDE FletchingBodkinArrowDE Bodkin ArrowBracerDE Bracer
Target Practice Chronicles Target Practice · Flaming Arrows Chronicles Flaming Arrows
ShipHypozomata Chronicles Hypozomata · DryDockDE Drums · ShipwrightDE Shipwright
Priestess Chronicles PriestessEvocatio Chronicles Evocatio · Syncretism Chronicles Syncretism · Hemlock Chronicles Hemlock · Apotropaic Magic Chronicles Apotropaic Magic · FervorDE Fervor · Exorcism Chronicles Exorcism · Purification Chronicles Purification · Haruspicy Chronicles Haruspicy · Mystery Cults Chronicles Mystery Cults
BuildingMasonry aoe2de MasonryArchitectureDE Architecture
TownWatchDE Town WatchTownPatrolDE Town Patrol
HerbalDE Herbal Medicine · ConscriptionDE Conscription · MurderHolesDE Murder Holes · TreadmillCraneDE Treadmill Crane · ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits · Lighthouse Chronicles Lighthouse · HoardingsDE Hoardings
Siege unitsSiegeEngineersDE Siege Engineers
Unique technologies
Achaemenids Chronicles AchaemenidsClassical UT 1 Chronicles Sparabaras · Classical UT 2 Chronicles Reed Arrows · Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Scythed Chariots · Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Karda
Athenians Chronicles AtheniansClassical UT 1 Chronicles Taxiarchs · Classical UT 2 Chronicles Iphicratean Tactics · Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Eisphora · Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Delian League
Spartans Chronicles SpartansClassical UT 1 Chronicles Helot Levies · Classical UT 2 Chronicles Xyphos · Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Krypteia · Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Peloponnesian League
Unique gameplay elements
Achaemenids Chronicles AchaemenidsTown Center upgrades: Economic Town Center Chronicles Economic Town Center · Military Town Center Chronicles Military Town Center · Defensive Town Center Chronicles Defensive Town Center
Athenians Chronicles AtheniansPolicies: Economic Policy Chronicles Economic Policy · Military Policy Chronicles Military Policy · Naval Policy Chronicles Naval Policy
Spartans Chronicles SpartansPolemarch technologies: Ephorate Chronicles Ephorate · Morai Chronicles Morai · Skeuophoroi Chronicles Skeuophoroi · Hippagretai Chronicles Hippagretai