Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the technologies in Age of Empires II. For technologies in other games of the series, see Technology.
Forging aoe2de CareeningDE
WheelbarrowDE RedemptionDE

Listed below are all technologies available for research in Age of Empires II.

Building technologies[]

Technology Age Building Cost Effect Time
TownWatchDE Town Watch FeudalageDE Town Center 75 food Buildings +4 Line of Sight 25
TownPatrolDE Town Patrol CastleageDE 300 food, 100 gold 40
TreadmillCraneDE Treadmill Crane CastleageDE University 300 food, 200 wood Villagers build 20% faster 50
Masonry aoe2de Masonry CastleageDE University 150 food, 175 wood Buildings +10% hit points, +1/+1 armor, and +3 building armor 50
ArchitectureDE Architecture ImperialageDE 300 food, 200 wood 70
HoardingsDE Hoardings ImperialageDE Castle 400 food, 400 wood Castle HP +21% 75
ConscriptionDE Conscription ImperialageDE Castle 150 food, 150 gold Work rate of military buildings (except Siege Workshop) +33% 60

Economy technologies[]

Technology Age Building Cost Time Effect
WheelbarrowDE Wheelbarrow FeudalageDE Town Center 175 food, 50 wood 75 Villager +10% speed, +25% carrying capacity
HandcartDE Hand Cart CastleageDE 300 food, 200 wood 55 Villager +10% speed, +50% carrying capacity
DoubleBitAxe aoe2DE Double-Bit Axe FeudalageDE Lumber Camp/Mule Cart 100 food, 50 wood 25 Villagers chop wood 20% faster
BowSawDE Bow Saw CastleageDE 150 food, 100 wood 50 Villagers chop wood 20% faster
TwoManSawDE Two-Man Saw ImperialageDE 300 food, 200 wood 100 Villagers chop wood 10% faster
HorseCollarDE Horse Collar FeudalageDE Mill/Folwark 75 food, 75 wood 20 Farms +75 food
HeavyPlowDE Heavy Plow CastleageDE 125 food, 125 wood 40 Farms +125 food, Villagers +1 food carry capacity
CropRotationDE Crop Rotation ImperialageDE 250 food, 250 wood 70 Farms +175 food
GoldMiningDE Gold Mining FeudalageDE Mining Camp/Mule Cart 100 food, 75 wood 30 Villagers mine gold 15% faster
GoldShaftMiningDE Gold Shaft Mining CastleageDE 175 food, 75 wood 75
StoneMiningDE Stone Mining FeudalageDE Mining Camp/Mule Cart 100 food, 75 wood 30 Villagers mine stone 15% faster
StoneShaftMiningDE Stone Shaft Mining CastleageDE 175 food, 75 wood 75
CaravanDE Caravan CastleageDE Market 200 food, 200 gold 40 Trade Carts and Trade Cogs move 50% faster
CoinageDE Coinage CastleageDE Market 200 food, 100 gold 70 Tribute fee 20%
BankingDE Banking ImperialageDE 300 food, 200 gold 70 Tribute fee 0%
GuildsDE Guilds ImperialageDE Market 300 food, 200 gold 50 Trading fee 15%
GillnetsDE Gillnets CastleageDE Dock 150 food, 200 wood 45 Fishing Ships work 20% faster

Monastery technologies[]

Technology Age Cost Time Effect
RedemptionDE Redemption CastleageDE 475 gold 50 Monks can convert all siege units and most buildings
AtonementDE Atonement CastleageDE 325 gold 40 Monks can convert other Monks
HerbalDE Herbal Medicine CastleageDE 200 gold 35 Garrisoned units heal 6× faster
HeresyDE Heresy CastleageDE 1,000 gold 60 Units converted by enemy Monks die instead of joining them
SanctityDE Sanctity CastleageDE 175 gold 60 Monks +15 HP
FervorDE Fervor CastleageDE 140 gold 50 Monks +15% speed
Devotion icon AoE2DE Devotion CastleageDE 100 food, 200 gold 40 Units are harder for enemy Monks to convert
FaithDE Faith ImperialageDE 550 food, 750 gold 60 Units are harder for enemy Monks to convert
IlluminationDE Illumination ImperialageDE 120 gold 65 Monk rejuvenation speed +87.5%
BlockPrintingDE Block Printing ImperialageDE 200 gold 55 Monks +3 conversion range
TheocracyDE Theocracy ImperialageDE 200 gold 75 Only one Monk must rest when several convert the same target

Military technologies[]


Technology Age Building Cost Time Effect
Suplliesicon Supplies FeudalageDE Barracks 75 food, 75 gold 20 Militia line cost -15 food
AoE2 Gambesons Gambesons CastleageDE 100 food, 100 gold 25 Militia line +1 pierce armor
SquiresDE Squires CastleageDE Barracks 100 food 40 Infantry +10% speed
ArsonDE Arson CastleageDE Barracks 150 food, 50 gold 25 Infantry +2 attack vs buildings
Forging aoe2de Forging FeudalageDE Blacksmith 150 food 50 Infantry/cavalry +1 attack
IronCastingDE Iron Casting CastleageDE 220 food, 120 gold 75 Infantry/cavalry +1 attack
BlastFurnaceDE Blast Furnace ImperialageDE 275 food, 225 gold 100 Infantry/cavalry +2 attack
ScaleMailArmorDE Scale Mail Armor FeudalageDE Blacksmith 100 food 40 Infantry +1/+1 armor
ChainMailArmorDE Chain Mail Armor CastleageDE 200 food, 100 gold 55 Infantry +1/+1 armor
PlateMailArmorDE Plate Mail Armor ImperialageDE 300 food, 150 gold 70 Infantry +1/+2 armor

Missile / siege[]

Technology Age Building Cost Time Effect
ThumbRingDE Thumb Ring CastleageDE Archery Range 300 food, 250 wood 45 Archers fire faster and with 100% accuracy
ParthianTacticsDE Parthian Tactics ImperialageDE Archery Range 200 food, 250 gold 65 Mounted archers and Arambai +1/+2 armor and +2 attack vs Spearmen
FletchingDE Fletching FeudalageDE Blacksmith 100 food, 50 gold 30 Archers, Galleys, Castles, and Towers +1 range and attack. Town Centers +1 attack and Line of Sight.
BodkinArrowDE Bodkin Arrow CastleageDE 200 food, 100 gold 35
BracerDE Bracer ImperialageDE 300 food, 200 gold 40
PaddedArcherArmorDE Padded Archer Armor FeudalageDE Blacksmith 100 food 40 Archers +1/+1 armor
LeatherArcherArmorDE Leather Archer Armor CastleageDE 150 food, 150 gold 55 Archers +1/+1 armor
RingArcherArmorDE Ring Archer Armor ImperialageDE 250 food, 250 gold 70 Archers +1/+2 armor
BallisticsDE Ballistics CastleageDE University 300 wood, 175 gold 60 Archers, Galleys, and defensive structures fire more accurately at moving targets
HeatedShotDE Heated Shot CastleageDE University 350 food, 100 gold 30 Towers +125% and Castles +25% attack against ships
MurderHolesDE Murder Holes CastleageDE University 200 food, 100 stone 35 Eliminates minimum range of all buildings
ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits ImperialageDE University 250 food, 250 wood 25 Watch Towers/Guard Towers/Keeps/Donjons +1/+2/+3/+3 attack
ChemistryDE Chemistry ImperialageDE University 300 food, 200 gold 100 Missile units (including siege) +1 attack
Prerequisite for Hand Cannoneer, Bombard Cannon, Cannon Galleon and Bombard Tower (technology)
SiegeEngineersDE Siege Engineers ImperialageDE University 500 food, 600 wood 45 Siege weapons +1 range (except for Rams and Armored Elephants) and +20% attack vs buildings (Petards and Flaming Camels +40%)


Technology Age Building Cost Time Effect
BloodlinesDE Bloodlines FeudalageDE Stable 150 food, 100 gold 50 Mounted units +20 hit points
HusbandryDE Husbandry CastleageDE Stable 150 food 40 Mounted units +10% speed
Forging aoe2de Forging FeudalageDE Blacksmith 150 food 50 Infantry/cavalry +1 attack
IronCastingDE Iron Casting CastleageDE 220 food, 120 gold 75 Infantry/cavalry +1 attack
BlastFurnaceDE Blast Furnace ImperialageDE 275 food, 225 gold 100 Infantry/cavalry +2 attack
ScaleBardingArmorDE Scale Barding Armor FeudalageDE Blacksmith 150 food 45 Cavalry +1/+1 armor
ChainBardingDE Chain Barding Armor CastleageDE 250 food, 150 gold 60 Cavalry +1/+1 armor
PlateBardingArmorDE Plate Barding Armor ImperialageDE 350 food, 200 gold 75 Cavalry +1/+2 armor

Dock technologies[]

Technology Age Cost Time Effect
CareeningDE Careening CastleageDE 250 food, 150 gold 50 Ship +1 pierce armor, Transport Ship +5 capacity
DryDockDE Dry Dock ImperialageDE 600 food, 400 gold 60 Ship +15% speed, Transport Ship +10 capacity
ShipwrightDE Shipwright ImperialageDE 1,000 food, 300 gold 60 Ships cost -20% wood and are created +54% faster

Unique technologies[]

Main article: Unique technology

While all other technologies are available to multiple different or even all civilizations, unique technologies are only available to one single civilization. They were introduced in The Conquerors, where every civilization got one (two for the Goths) unique technology that was available for research at the Castle in the Imperial Age. The Forgotten gave every civilization a second unique technology (except the Goths) so that every civilization now has one in the Castle Age and one in the Imperial Age.

Miscellaneous technologies[]

Technology Age Building Cost Time Effect
LoomDE Loom DarkageDE Town Center 50 gold 25 Villager +15 hit points, +1/+2 armor
FeudalAgeIconDE Feudal Age DarkageDE Town Center 500 food 130 Advance to Feudal Age
CastleAgeIconDE Castle Age FeudalageDE 800 food, 200 gold 160 Advance to Castle Age
ImperialAgeIconDE Imperial Age CastleageDE 1,000 food, 800 gold 190 Advance to Imperial Age
SpiesDE Treason ImperialageDE Castle 400 gold 1 See enemy Kings for a short time (Regicide only)
Can be researched multiple times
SapperDE Sappers ImperialageDE Castle 400 food, 200 wood 10 Villagers +15 attack vs buildings, +15 vs stone defense, +3 vs rams
SpiesDE Spies ImperialageDE Castle 200 gold per enemy Villager
Min 200 gold, Max 30,000 gold
1 See enemy Line of Sight
BombardTower aoe2DE Bombard Tower ImperialageDE University 800 food, 400 wood 60 Requiring Chemistry, it grants the constructing of Bombard Towers once researched

Removed technologies[]

Technology Age Building Cost Time Effect Comments
Huntingdogs Hunting Dogs DarkageDE Mill 40 food, 25 wood 15 Hunters and Fishermen work 25% faster Available only in the Forgotten Empires mod, scrapped entirely
TrackingDE Tracking FeudalageDE Barracks 50 food 35 Increases the Line of Sight of all infantry units by +2 Made free
Cartography aoe2de Cartography FeudalageDE Market 100 food, 100 gold 60 Grants the player their shared allies' Line of Sight Made free from start of the game on standard settings and free from the construction of Market elsewhere.
Handcannon Hand Cannon ImperialageDE Archery Range 450 food, 200 gold 50 Requiring Chemistry, it grants the training of Hand Cannoneers once researched Made free
CannongalleonresearchDE Cannon Galleon ImperialageDE Dock 400 food, 500 wood 50 Requiring Chemistry, it grants the training of Cannon Galleons once researched Made free
Bombardcannonresearch Bombard Cannon ImperialageDE Siege Workshop 500 food, 250 gold 100 Requiring Chemistry, it grants the training of Bombard Cannons once researched Made free

Campaign-only technologies[]

This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it.
Technology Age Building Cost Time Effect Comments
UniqueTechImperialDE Marakkalam Vessels CastleageDE Dock 500 food, 400 gold 70 Ships traveling in the deep sea no longer suffer attrition Available only in Rising Star
UniqueTechImperialDE Commoner Promotions CastleageDE Town Center 800 food, 600 gold 45 +20 population cap Available to the Oda in Nobunaga
UniqueTechImperialDE Battlefield Trophies CastleageDE Town Center 800 food, 800 wood 60 Killing enemy units generates gold. Available to the Takeda in Nobunaga
UniqueTechImperialDE Kuruma Gakari CastleageDE Town Center 600 food, 400 gold 60 Elite Samurai move faster Available to the Uesugi in Nobunaga
UniqueTechCastle-DE True Pure Land CastleageDE Town Center 600 food, 400 gold 90 Each Town Center (maximum 5) spawns 5 lkko Ikki. Units have more conversion resistance. Available to the Mori in Nobunaga
UniqueTechImperialDE Portuguese Traders CastleageDE Town Center 1,000 food, 1,000 gold 60 Feitoria generate double resources Available to the Otomo in Nobunaga
UniqueTechImperialDE Industrious Peasants CastleageDE Town Center 1,000 wood, 500 gold 90 Farmer work rate doubled Available to the Chosokabe in Nobunaga
Suplliesicon Trade for Supplies DarkAgeIconDE Mill and Longhouse 425 gold Instant Exchange gold for food at an equal rate Available to the Player in Ragnar
UniqueTechCastle-DE Dane Axes DarkAgeIconDE Aoe2de pagan shrine icon Pagan Shrine 700 food, 500 gold, 4 stone 40 Infantry get attack bonus vs cavalry and additional gold from civilian units.
UniqueTechImperialDE Leidangr DarkAgeIconDE 700 food, 200 gold, 2 stone 40 Norse Warrior gold cost is replaced by additional food cost.
UniqueTechImperialDE River Raids DarkAgeIconDE 900 food, 500 gold, 8 stone 40 Norse Warriors move 30% faster.
UniqueTechImperialDE Wolf Cloaks DarkAgeIconDE 900 food, 500 gold, 6 stone 40 Night attack bonus is doubled to +4 attack at night.
UniqueTechCastle-DE Bearded Axes DarkAgeIconDE 900 food, 500 gold, 8 stone 40 Throwing Axemen and Jarls have +1 range.
UniqueTechImperialDE Bogsveigar DarkAgeIconDE 850 food, 500 gold, 8 stone 40 Archer-line and Longboats receive +1 attack.
UniqueTechImperialDE Shield Wall DarkAgeIconDE 1,200 food, 500 gold, 10 stone 40 Infantry damage adjacent units.
UniqueTechImperialDE Ulfberht Swords DarkAgeIconDE 1,200 food, 750 gold, 12 stone 60 Infantry have +4 attack.
Relic aoe2DE Pray to Odin for Wisdom DarkAgeIconDE 100 gold Instant Infantry units auto-heal for 10 minutes through Odin's blessings.
Relic aoe2DE Pray to Thor for Strength DarkAgeIconDE 100 gold Instant Infantry units receive +20 hit points for 10 minutes through Thor's blessings.
Relic aoe2DE Pray to Freyr for Prosperity DarkAgeIconDE 100 gold Instant Farmers, Shepherds, and Fishermen are twice as productive for 10 minutes through Freyr's blessings.
Relic aoe2DE Pray to Loki for Chance DarkAgeIconDE 100 gold Instant Raiders are more likely to find hidden caches of treasure for 10 minutes.
UniqueTechCastle-DE Hold Blót DarkAgeIconDE Wonder aoe2DE Warrior's Hall 300 food, 300 gold 12 A sacrificial feast that gives a random chance to earn a Runestone or a bonus until the next Blót.
UniqueTechImperialDE Challenge the Jomsvikings DarkAgeIconDE None 12 Pledge to defeat the Jomsvikings, beginning their dangerous invasion.
ChampionUpgDE Champions DarkAgeIconDE 750 food, 350 gold, 4 stone 85 Improve Norse Warrior hitpoints and attack.
UniqueTechCastle-DE Declare Victory and end the scenario. DarkAgeIconDE None [What?] Declare Victory and end the scenario.
BankingDE Send Varangian Expedition DarkAgeIconDE Dock aoe2de Dock 100 wood, 100 gold 70 Send a trading expedition (Trade Cog) to the East to generate gold with every trip. Price increases with every expedition sent. (by +100 wood, +100 gold)

Availability grid[]

The following tables show the availability of the technologies for every civilization. Technologies that are available to all civilizations are not shown in the table. The last two columns indicate the total available research count.

= Available
= Unavailable
= Unavailable, but fully covered by a civilization bonus

Economic, building, and Monastery technologies[]

Civilization TwoManSawDE CropRotationDE GoldShaftMiningDE StoneShaftMiningDE GuildsDE TreadmillCraneDE Masonry aoe2de ArchitectureDE HoardingsDE RedemptionDE AtonementDE HerbalDE HeresyDE SanctityDE FervorDE FaithDE IlluminationDE BlockPrintingDE Theocracy C T
Armenians AoE2 Armenians 14 32
Aztecs AoE2 Aztecs 14 28
Bengalis AoE2 Bengalis 16 34
Berbers AoE2 Berbers 15 34
Bohemians AoE2 Bohemians 17 31
Britons AoE2 Britons 14 32
Bulgarians AoE2 Bulgarians 11 28
Burgundians AoE2 Burgundians 17 28
Burmese AoE2 Burmese 16 32
Byzantines AoE2 Byzantines 16 32
Celts AoE2 Celts 11 27
Chinese AoE2 Chinese 13 31
Cumans AoE2 Cumans 12 26
Dravidians AoE2 Dravidians 10 26
Ethiopians AoE2 Ethiopians 14 31
Franks AoE2 Franks 13 27
Georgians AoE2 Georgians 15 32
Goths AoE2 Goths 12 25
Gurjaras AoE2 Gurjaras 15 29
Hindustanis AoE2 Hindustanis 13 27
Huns AoE2 Huns 10 24
Incas AoE2 Incas 15 30
Italians AoE2 Italians 17 35
Japanese AoE2 Japanese 14 33
Khmer AoE2 Khmer 13 29
Koreans AoE2 Koreans 13 30
Lithuanians AoE2 Lithuanians 18 33
Magyars AoE2 Magyars 13 31
Malay AoE2 Malay 14 30
Malians AoE2 Malians 17 32
Mayans AoE2 Mayans 16 28
Mongols AoE2 Mongols 9 24
Persians AoE2 Persians 13 31
Poles AoE2 Poles 12 28
Portuguese AoE2 Portuguese 16 34
Romans AoE2 Romans 12 24
Saracens AoE2 Saracens 15 34
Sicilians AoE2 Sicilians 11 30
Slavs AoE2 Slavs 13 29
Spanish AoE2 Spanish 16 35
Tatars AoE2 Tatars 10 26
Teutons AoE2 Teutons 16 32
Turks AoE2 Turks 14 34
Vietnamese AoE2 Vietnamese 13 30
Vikings AoE2 Vikings 12 29
Civilization TwoManSawDE CropRotationDE GoldShaftMiningDE StoneShaftMiningDE GuildsDE TreadmillCraneDE Masonry aoe2de Architecture HoardingsDE RedemptionDE AtonementDE HerbalDE HeresyDE SanctityDE Fervor FaithDE IlluminationDE BlockPrintingDE Theocracy C T

Military and ship technologies[]

Civilization SquiresDE Suplliesicon AoE2 Gambesons BlastFurnaceDE ChainMailArmorDE PlateMailArmorDE BloodlinesDE HusbandryDE ScaleBardingArmorDE ChainBardingDE PlateBardingArmorDE ThumbRingDE ParthianTacticsDE BracerDE LeatherArcherArmorDE RingArcherArmorDE HeatedShotDE ArrowSlitsDE SiegeEngineersDE DryDockDE ShipwrightDE SapperDE C T
Armenians AoE2 Armenians 16 32
Aztecs AoE2 Aztecs 14 28
Bengalis AoE2 Bengalis 18 33
Berbers AoE2 Berbers 19 35
Bohemians AoE2 Bohemians 14 31
Britons AoE2 Britons 19 32
Bulgarians AoE2 Bulgarians 17 28
Burgundians AoE2 Burgundians 12 28
Burmese AoE2 Burmese 16 32
Byzantines AoE2 Byzantines 16 31
Celts AoE2 Celts 16 27
Chinese AoE2 Chinese 18 31
Cumans AoE2 Cumans 14 26
Dravidians AoE2 Dravidians 16 26
Ethiopians AoE2 Ethiopians 17 31
Franks AoE2 Franks 14 28
Georgians AoE2 Georgians 17 32
Goths AoE2 Goths 13 25
Gurjaras AoE2 Gurjaras 14 29
Hindustanis AoE2 Hindustanis 14 27
Huns AoE2 Huns 14 24
Incas AoE2 Incas 14 30
Italians AoE2 Italians 18 35
Japanese AoE2 Japanese 19 32
Khmer AoE2 Khmer 15 29
Koreans AoE2 Koreans 17 30
Lithuanians AoE2 Lithuanians 13 33
Magyars AoE2 Magyars 18 31
Malay AoE2 Malay 16 31
Malians AoE2 Malians 15 32
Mayans AoE2 Mayans 12 28
Mongols AoE2 Mongols 15 24
Persians AoE2 Persians 18 31
Poles AoE2 Poles 15 28
Portuguese AoE2 Portuguese 18 34
Romans AoE2 Romans 12 24
Saracens AoE2 Saracens 19 34
Sicilians AoE2 Sicilians 19 31
Slavs AoE2 Slavs 16 29
Spanish AoE2 Spanish 19 35
Tatars AoE2 Tatars 16 26
Teutons AoE2 Teutons 16 33
Turks AoE2 Turks 20 34
Vietnamese AoE2 Vietnamese 18 30
Vikings AoE2 Vikings 16 29
Civilization SquiresDE Suplliesicon Gambesons BlastFurnaceDE ChainMailArmorDE PlateMailArmorDE BloodlinesDE Husbandry ScaleBardingArmorDE ChainBardingDE PlateBardingArmorDE ThumbRingDE ParthianTacticsDE BracerDE LeatherArcherArmorDE RingArcherArmorDE Heated Shot ArrowSlitsDE SiegeEngineersDE DryDockDE ShipwrightDE SapperDE C T

Further statistics[]

Main article: Upgrade (Age of Empires II)
Technologies in Age of Empires II
Economic technologies
MaleVillDEFEMALEVILLDE VillagerWheelbarrowDE Wheelbarrow · HandcartDE Hand Cart
Aoe2de food FoodHorseCollarDE Horse Collar · HeavyPlowDE Heavy Plow · CropRotationDE Crop Rotation
GillnetsDE Gillnets
Aoe2de wood WoodDoubleBitAxe aoe2DE Double-Bit Axe · BowSawDE Bow Saw · TwoManSawDE Two-Man Saw
Aoe2de gold GoldGoldMiningDE Gold Mining · GoldShaftMiningDE Gold Shaft Mining
CaravanDE Caravan
Aoe2de stone StoneStoneMiningDE Stone Mining · StoneShaftMiningDE Stone Shaft Mining
Civilian shipsDryDockDE Dry Dock · ShipwrightDE Shipwright
Market aoe2DE MarketCoinageDE Coinage · BankingDE Banking
GuildsDE Guilds
Military technologies
GeneralConscriptionDE Conscription
HeresyDE Heresy · Devotion icon AoE2DE Devotion · FaithDE Faith
Melee unitsForging aoe2de Forging · IronCastingDE Iron Casting · BlastFurnaceDE Blast Furnace
CavalryBloodlinesDE Bloodlines · HusbandryDE Husbandry
ScaleBardingArmorDE Scale Barding Armor · ChainBardingDE Chain Barding Armor · PlateBardingArmorDE Plate Barding Armor
InfantrySuplliesicon Supplies · AoE2 Gambesons Gambesons · SquiresDE Squires · ArsonDE Arson
ScaleMailArmorDE Scale Mail Armor · ChainMailArmorDE Chain Mail Armor · PlateMailArmorDE Plate Mail Armor
Ranged unitsBallisticsDE Ballistics · ChemistryDE Chemistry
FletchingDE Fletching · BodkinArrowDE Bodkin Arrow · BracerDE Bracer
ArchersPaddedArcherArmorDE Padded Archer Armor · LeatherArcherArmorDE Leather Archer Armor · RingArcherArmorDE Ring Archer Armor
ThumbRingDE Thumb Ring · ParthianTacticsDE Parthian Tactics
SiegeSiegeEngineersDE Siege Engineers
ShipCareeningDE Careening · DryDockDE Dry Dock
ShipwrightDE Shipwright
WarGalleyDE War Galley
BuildingTownWatchDE Town Watch · TownPatrolDE Town Patrol
Masonry aoe2de Masonry · ArchitectureDE Architecture
HeatedShotDE Heated Shot · ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits · MurderHolesDE Murder Holes · TreadmillCraneDE Treadmill Crane · HoardingsDE Hoardings · BombardTower aoe2DE Bombard Tower
HerbalDE Herbal Medicine
MonkRedemptionDE Redemption · AtonementDE Atonement · SanctityDE Sanctity · FervorDE Fervor · IlluminationDE Illumination · BlockPrintingDE Block Printing · TheocracyDE Theocracy
MaleVillDEFEMALEVILLDE VillagerLoomDE Loom · SapperDE Sappers
Miscellaneous technologies
SpiesDE Spies · SpiesDE Treason · UniqueTechCastle-DEUniqueTechImperialDE Unique technologies
Removed/cut generic technologies
Bombardcannonresearch Bombard Cannon · CannongalleonresearchDE Cannon Galleon · Cartography aoe2de Cartography · Handcannon Hand Cannon · Huntingdogs Hunting Dogs · Revetments · TrackingDE Tracking