Age of Empires Series Wiki

This page contains the sum total of all changes made in Age of Empires: Definitive Edition.

Units and buildings[]

  • Increased the quantity of Gold in node tiles from 400 to 450.
  • Increased the quantity of Stone in node tiles from 250 to 300.
  • Hunters work 5% faster than before (previously they were as slow as Foragers).
  • Villagers move 10% faster after advancing to Tool Age.
  • Food available from Whale increased to 300.
  • Gold and stone miners work 15% faster (to compensate bug fixes to technologies).
  • Short Swordsmen directly available in the Bronze Age without any research.
  • Broad Swordsmen have +10 HP, Long Swordsmen have +20 HP. Legions lose 20 HP.
  • Long Sword: Increased the upgrade cost to 240 food, 100 gold (previously 160 food, 50 gold).
  • Changes in build time: Farms: 20% faster; towers: 10% faster.
  • Horse Archer and Heavy Horse Archer have 1 pierce armor (previously 2).
  • Cavalry has 1 pierce armor.
  • Heavy Cavalry +1 armor and +1 pierce armor.
  • Cataphract: +60 HP, +2 armor, +2 pierce armor; upgrade cost to 1,600 food, 600 gold (previously 2,000 food, 850 gold).
  • Elephant Archers have +1 attack, cost maintained to 180 food, 60 gold.
  • War/Armored Elephant and Scythe Chariot trample damage area reduced just enough so that they no longer damage enemy units/buildings on the other side of a wall.
  • Slingers have higher bonus attack (+4) vs mounted archers (bonus vs foot archers unchanged). Increased the training time from 28 to 35 seconds.
  • Camel Riders now have bonus attack against all mounted units. Missing +4 bonus attack vs. elephants added.
  • All chariots have no bonus damage against Priests, since last update. Their conversion resistance was changed to 2x (previously 8x).
  • Scythe Chariot upgrade cost increased to 1,400 wood, 1,000 gold (previously: 1,200 wood, 800 gold). They also have 1 armor now (previously 2).
  • Armored Elephant bonus attack vs. buildings decreased by 1.
  • Scout gets +2 Line of Sight per age upgrade โ€“ already present, but undocumented effect. Bonus from upgrading from Stone to Tool Age is removed (Scout isn't available in the Stone Age). Scout also lose 1 LOS. They cost 90 food (previously 100 food).
  • Catapult, Heavy Catapult and Juggernaught have slightly smaller damage area radius.
  • Siege weapon projectiles (stones and bolts) travel slightly faster (they were very slow), but are also slightly slower to reload (affects all stone and bolt firing units).
  • Helepolis has 23% slower fire rate (previously it fired as fast as archers). Gets +5 attack. Reduced the upgrade cost to 1,200 food, 1,000 wood (previously 1,500 food, 1,000 wood).
  • Catapult Triremes now have 135 HP (previously 120 HP).
  • Catapult Triremes and Juggernaughts move 10% faster, cost reduced to 135 wood, 50 gold (previously 135 wood, 75 gold).
  • Juggernaughts can no longer destroy trees. Upgrade cost reduced to 1,300 food, 500 wood (previously: 2,000 food, 900 wood).
  • Academy cost reduced to 150 wood (previously 200 wood).
  • Priests have +1 healing range.
  • Trade Boats to 120 HP (previously 200 โ€“ too much for a Stone Age unit); Merchant Ships to 200 HP (previously 250).
  • Watch Towers have 125 HP, Sentry Towers have 185 HP and Guard/Ballista Towers have 240 HP.


All civilizations[]

Assyrians AoE Assyrians[]

Babylonians AoE Babylonians[]

Carthaginians AoE Carthaginians[]

Choson AoE Choson[]

Egyptians AoE Egyptians[]

  • Get Coinage.
  • Farms are 20% cheaper to build

Greeks AoE Greeks[]

  • New bonus: Academy units cost 20% less (in addition to the already present speed bonus).
  • Ships are 20% faster (previously 17% faster).
  • Town Centers work 10% faster starting in the Tool Age.
  • Get Fire Galley.

Hittites AoE Hittites[]

Macedonians AoE Macedonians[]

  • Siege Workshop units cost -25% (previously -50%).
  • Get Wheel.
  • Get Catapult upgrade.
  • Academy units have +1 pierce armor in the Bronze Age and +2 pierce armor in the Iron Age.

Palmyrans AoE Palmyrans[]

  • New bonus: Start the game with +75 food (because their villagers cost 75 food).
  • Villagers work 25% faster for all tasks (previously 20% faster for some tasks, 0% faster for others).
  • Get Coinage and Plow.

Persians AoE Persians[]

Phoenicians AoE Phoenicians[]

Romans AoE Romans[]

  • Buildings cost -10% (previously -15%)
  • Towers cost -40% (previously -50%)

Shang AoE Shang[]

Sumerians AoE Sumerians[]

Yamato AoE Yamato[]

Age of Empires
ReturnRome-AoEIcon Age of Empires 1.0a ยท 1.0b ยท 1.0c
RomeIcon The Rise of Rome 1.0a
Age of Empires Definitive Edition icon Definitive Edition Changelog (DE1) ยท CU3 ยท CU4 ยท CU5 ยท CU6 ยท CU7 ยท U8 ยท U9 ยท U10 ยท U11 ยท 28529 ยท 34483 ยท 35199 ยท 38862 ยท 46777 ยท 100.2.31845.0 | Summary
AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome 83607 (85208 ยท 85614) ยท 87863 ยท 93001 (93870) ยท 95810 ยท 99311 ยท 107882 ยท 108769 (109739) ยท 111772 (113358)
Age of Empires II
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings 2.0a [backport of patch 1.0 for The Conquerors]
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors 1.0 (launch) ยท 1.0b ยท 1.0c
Aoe2 hb HD Edition 2.1 ยท 2.2 ยท 2.3 ยท 2.5 ยท 2.6 ยท 2.7 ยท 2.8
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten 3.0 ยท 3.1 ยท 3.2 ยท 3.3 ยท 3.4 ยท 3.5 ยท 3.6 ยท 3.6a ยท 3.7 ยท 3.8 ยท 3.9 ยท 4.0 ยท 4.1 ยท 4.2 ยท 4.3
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms 4.4 ยท 4.5 ยท 4.6 ยท 4.7 ยท 4.8 ยท 4.9
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas 5.0 ยท 5.1 ยท 5.3 ยท 5.4 ยท 5.5 ยท 5.6 ยท 5.7 ยท 5.8
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last Khans 32708 ยท 32911 ยท 33059 ยท 33164 ยท 33315 ยท 34055 (34223 ยท 34397) ยท 34699 (34793 ยท 35209) ยท 35584 ยท 36202 ยท 36906 ยท 37650 (37906) ยท 39284 (39515) ยท 40220 ยท 40874 ยท 41855 ยท 42848 (43210)
AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West 44725 (44834 ยท 45185) ยท 46295 ยท 47820 ยท 50292 (50700)
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes 51737 (53347) ยท 54480 ยท 56005 ยท 58259 ยท 59165
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India 61321 ยท 62085 ยท 63482 (63581) ยท 66692 (71094) ยท 73855 ยท 75350 ยท 77209 ยท 78174 (78757) ยท 81058 (82587)
AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome 83607 (85208 ยท 85614) ยท 87863 ยท 90260 ยท 93001 (93870)
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals 95810 (96976) ยท 99311 (99404) ยท 104954
Aoe2 hb Victors and Vanquished 107882 ยท 108769 (109739) ยท 111772 (113358 ยท 114480) ยท 117204 ยท 118476
Age of Mythology
Aom original icon Windows 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03 ยท 1.04 ยท 1.05 ยท 1.06 ยท 1.07 ยท 1.08 ยท 1.09 ยท 1.10
Aom original icon Mac 1.0.1 ยท 2.0 ยท 2.01
AoM The Titans icon The Titans 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03
AoM Extended icon Extended Edition 1.5 ยท 1.6 ยท 1.7 ยท 1.8 ยท 1.9 ยท 1.10 ยท 1.11 ยท 1.12
AoM Extended icon Tale of the Dragon 2.0 ยท 2.1 ยท 2.2 ยท 2.3 ยท 2.4 ยท 2.5 ยท 2.6 ยท 2.7 ยท 2.8
AoMIcon-Retold Retold 17.18697 ยท 17.22308 ยท 17.27932 ยท 17.30764 ยท 17.31993 ยท 17.36100
Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03 ยท 1.04 ยท 1.05 ยท 1.06 ยท 1.07 ยท 1.08 ยท 1.09 ยท 1.10 ยท 1.11 ยท 1.12 ยท 1.13 ยท 1.14
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03 ยท 1.04 ยท 1.05 ยท 1.06
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition 1529 ยท 3552 (4087) ยท 5208 ยท 6159 (6847) ยท 9476 ยท 10807 ยท 13088 ยท 14825 ยท 18493 ยท 20322 ยท 23511 (24632) ยท 26865 (27330 ยท 27812) ยท 29715 (30181)
Age3DE Icon The African Royals 38254 (39346) ยท 43871 ยท 47581 ยท 50830 ยท 54545 ยท 56860 ยท 61213 ยท 13.690 ยท 13.4412
Age3DE Icon Knights of the Mediterranean 13.9057 ยท 13.10442 ยท 13.12327 ยท 13.18214 ยท 13.27885 (13.29366 ยท 13.29985) ยท 13.38085 ยท 13.58326 ยท 14.3853 ยท 14.43676 ยท Update 15.30007 ยท Patch 15.30007 ยท 15.59076
GameIcon-AoE4 Age of Empires IV
Release Patch 7989 ยท Update 8324 ยท Patch 9369 ยท Patch 10257 ยท Patch 11009 ยท Patch 11963
Season One Season One Update ยท Server-Side Patch 12973 ยท Patch 14681 ยท Patch 15965
Season Two Season Two Update 17718 ยท Patch 20249 ยท Patch 23349
Season Three Update 24916 ยท Patch 5.1.148 ยท Server-Side Patch ยท Patch 5.2.131
Season Four Update 6.0.878 ยท Patch 6.1.130
Season Five Update 7.0.5861 (Hotfix 7.0.5976 ยท Hotfix 7.0.6026) ยท Patch 7.1.113
Xbox release Update 8.0.185 ยท Patch 8.1.276 ยท Patch 8.2.218
Season Six Update 9.1.176 ยท Patch 9.1.370 ยท Patch 9.2.628
Season Seven Update 10.0.576 ยท Patch 10.1.48
Season Eight Update 11.0.782 ยท Patch 11.1.1201