Age of Empires Series Wiki

Sultan Mohammed II (died August 4, 1578) is an antagonist in the The Battle of the Three Kings scenario of the Historical Battles in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. He is based on Abu Abdallah Mohammed II Saadi, who was the Sa'adi Sultan of Morocco from 1574 to 1576, until his death right after the Battle of al-Kasr al-Kabir against his uncle Abd al-Malik in 1578.

In-game unit[]

โ€œ Claimant to the Moroccan throne, backed by the Portuguese. โ€
—In-game description

In-game dialogue[]

He uses the voice lines of the Berber Sultan, listed here.


โ€œ Little is known of Mohammed II of the Saadi dynasty in modern-day Morocco. After assuming the throne in 1574, he conducted a purge of his immediate family members that made him vastly unpopular. Things went from bad to worse when his uncle, Abd al-Malik, returned from exile in 1576 with an Ottoman army and made short work of his rival in a series of decisive battles. Reeling from these defeats, Mohammed II enlisted the aid of the Portuguese, who had their own designs in the region. Their combined army met Abd al-Malik's force at Alcacer Quibir in 1578 and was handily defeated, losing his own life in the process. โ€
—In-game compendium
Heroes in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III
Act I: BloodAlain icon aoe3de Alain Magnan ยท Young Chilche AoE3DE Chilche ยท Delgado aoe3de Delgado ยท Elizabeth ramsey aoe3de Elisabet Ramsey ยท Morgan black aoe3de Morgan Black ยท Native boy aoe3de Native Boy ยท Sahin icon aoe3de Sahin The Falcon
Act II: IceCol washington aoe3de George Washington ยท John black aoe3de John Black ยท Kanyenke aoe3de Kรก:nien ยท Nonahkee act2 aoe3de Nonahkee ยท Stuart icon aoe3de Stuart Black ยท Warwick icon aoe3de Warwick
Act III: SteelAmelia black igc icon Amelia Black ยท Bolivar icon aoe3de Bolivar ยท Old Chilche AoE3DE Chilche ยท Kanyenke old aoe3de Kรก:nien ยท Cooper icon aoe3de Major Cooper ยท Old Coot icon AoE3DE Old Coot ยท Beaumont icon aoe3de Pierre Beaumont
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs
Act I: FireGen washington aoe3de George Washington ยท Kanyenke twc aoe3de Kรก:nien ยท Nathaniel Black icon DE Nathaniel Black ยท Nonahkee act1 aoe3de Nonahkee ยท Sven icon aoe3de Sven Kuechler
Act II: ShadowChayton Black icon DE Chayton Black ยท Crazy horse aoe3de Crazy Horse ยท Custer aoe3de General Custer ยท Holmes icon aoe3de Sheriff Holme ยท Sx warchief aoe3de Chief Brave Wolf ยท Lakota dog soldier aoe3de Chief Bull Bear ยท Iro warchief aoe3de Chief Two Moon
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties
Act I: JapanMototada aoe3de Daimyo Mototada ยท Kichiro icon DE General Kichiro ยท Tokugawa aoe3de Shogun Tokugawa
Act II: ChinaJinhai aoe3de Admiral Jinhai ยท Huang icon DE Jian Huang ยท Chen icon aoe3de Lao Chen
Act III: IndiaBadur icon aoe3de Bahadur Shah ยท Edwardson aoe3de Colonel Edwardson ยท Nanib icon DE Nanib Sahir ยท Pravar icon aoe3de Pravar Patel
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition
Act II: ShadowFrank Icon Uncle Frank (replacing Crazy Horse)
Historical BattlesAhmad al mansur Ahmad al-Mansur ยท Pecaudy Icon Claude-Pierre Pecaudy ยท General mx portrait El General ยท Padre hidalgo aoe3de El Padre ยท Isaac Brock icon General Isaac Brock ยท American General Icon General Jackson ยท Hizir Reis Icon Hizir Reis ยท Kassa hailu portrait Kassa Hailu ยท Marine Officer portrait Marine Officer ยท Militia Officer portrait Militia Officer ยท Oruc Reis Icon Oruc Reis ยท Queen Sabla Icon Queen Sabla Wengel ยท Sir Francis Drake Icon Sir Francis Drake ยท Sultan malik portrait Sultan Abd al-Malik ยท Sultan Mohammed II portrait Sultan Mohammed II ยท Usman dan fodio icon Usman dan Fodio ยท Yermak Timofeyevich Icon Yermak