Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki

Sobek is the God of the Nile, Military Prowess, and Pharonic Power and an Egyptian minor god in Age of Empires: Mythologies. He is solely available to worshipers of Isis.

God power[]

  • Deluge: Sobek's Deluge power floods the battlefield, dealing damage to all enemy units as they are consumed by the waters of the Nile.


  • Buildings gain +5% HP (Age IV only)


  • Hide of Sobek (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): human light and heavy infantry gain +5% defense.
  • Electrum Bullets (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): Slingers gain +15% attack.
  • Shaduf (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): reduces Food and Gold cost of Farms by 30%.
  • Crocodile's Spirt (80 food, 120 gold, 40 favor): Petsuchos gain +10% HP, +10% attack, and +5% defense.

Myth unit[]

  • Petsuchos: A fast and cheap myth archer with excellent range.
Age of Empires: Mythologies
Gameplay elements Terrain
Categories Campaigns · Images · Gods · Units (Myth units · Heroes) · God powers · Greeks · Egyptians · Norse
Civilizations and gods
Greeks Zeus · Hades · Poseidon · Athena · Hermes · Ares · Apollo · Aphrodite · Hera · Hephaestus · Nyx
Egyptians Ra · Isis · Set · Bast · Anubis · Sobek · Sekhmet · Osiris · Horus · Thoth · Hathor
Norse Thor · Odin · Loki · Freyja · Heimdall · Forseti · Skadi · Njord · Baldr · Tyr · Hel
God powers
Greeks Maw of the Abyss · Curse · Underworld Passage · Earthquake · Restoration · Sentinels · Plenty · Lightning Storm · Ceasefire · Bolt · Cursed Voyage
Egyptians Swarm of Locusts · Eclipse · Meteor Shower · Tornado · Prosperity · Son of Osiris · Glorious Rain · Citadel · Eyes of the Desert · Deluge · Book of Thoth
Norse Ragnarok · Healing Spring · Wild Fire · Undermine · Nidhogg · Walking Woods · Spy · The Great Hunt · Frost · Dwarven Mine · Fimbulwinter
Campaigns and scenarios
Egypt campaign Border Skirmish · Portents · Hero's Welcome · Rebuilding · Expansion · Trust · Exodus · Valley of Shadows
Greece campaign Disruption · Prophecy · Gateway · Old Friends · Throne of the Dead · Escape · New Enemies · Mount Olympus
Norse campaign Tested · Memory · Ring of Fire · On the Front · Advance · Revenge · Citadel · Dragon's Den
Egypt scenarios Citadel of the Pharaoh · The Restless Dead · Clash on the Nile · Return of Osiris · Monthu's Trial · Sanctum of the Snake
Greece scenarios Wrath of Olympus · March of the Barbarians · Serpent's Coil · Tricksters' Game · Olympian's Rise · High Tide
Norse scenarios Cold Shoulder · Hawk's Eye · Assault of the Norse · Northward March · Monster's Den · The Lightning Fortress
Hells scenarios The Coiled Dragon · Prometheus' Gift · Zeus' Betrayal · Lionheart · Kronos' Rage · Children of the Gods