Sobek is the God of the Nile, Military Prowess, and Pharonic Power and an Egyptian minor god in Age of Empires: Mythologies. He is solely available to worshipers of Isis.
God power[]
- Deluge: Sobek's Deluge power floods the battlefield, dealing damage to all enemy units as they are consumed by the waters of the Nile.
- Buildings gain +5% HP (Age IV only)
- Hide of Sobek (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): human light and heavy infantry gain +5% defense.
- Electrum Bullets (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): Slingers gain +15% attack.
- Shaduf (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): reduces Food and Gold cost of Farms by 30%.
- Crocodile's Spirt (80 food, 120 gold, 40 favor): Petsuchos gain +10% HP, +10% attack, and +5% defense.
Myth unit[]
- Petsuchos: A fast and cheap myth archer with excellent range.