Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki

Siha Bow Limbs is a unique technology in Age of Empires IV available to the Mongols that can be researched at the Archery Range starting in the Imperial Age*. Once researched, it increases the ranged damage of Mangudai and the Khan by 1.

Siha Bow Limbs (Improved): additionally costs 275 stone and further increases the Mangudai and Khan's ranged damage by +1 (total +2). It is also granted for free to Mercenary Mangudai for the Byzantines when they advance to the Imperial Age with the Foreign Engineering Company.


  • Originally, Siha Bow Limbs was available in the Castle Age. With update 6.0.878, it was moved to the Imperial Age.

Campaign version[]

Because the original four campaigns have not been rebalanced since the release of the game, Siha Bow Limbs has the following differences in those campaigns:

  • It costs 125 food, 850 gold and takes 90 seconds to research, while the improved version costs an additional 975 stone and takes 135 seconds to research
  • It is researched at the Outpost
Technologies in Age of Empires IV
Economic technologies
WoodAoE4 Forestry Forestry · AoE4 DoubleBroadax Double Broadax · AoE4 LumberPreservation Lumber Preservation · AoE4 CrosscutSaw Crosscut Saw
FoodAoE4 Horticulture Horticulture · AoE4 Fertilization Fertilization · AoE4 PrecisionCrossBreeding Precision Cross-Breeding
Gold/StoneAoE4 SpecializedPick Specialized Pick · AoE4 ShaftMining Shaft Mining · AoE4 Cupellation Cupellation
HuntingAoE4 ProfessionalScouts Professional Scouts · AoE4 SurvivalTechniques Survival Techniques
FishingAoE4 ExtendedLines Extended Lines · AoE4 DriftNets Drift Nets
VillagerAoE4 Wheelbarrow Wheelbarrow · AoE4 Textiles Textiles
RelicAoE4 TitheBarns Tithe Barns
Military technologies
Melee damageAoE4 Bloomery Bloomery · AoE4 Decarbonization Decarbonization · AoE4 DamascusSteel Damascus Steel
Ranged damageAoE4 SteeledArrow Steeled Arrow · AoE4 BalancedProjectiles Balanced Projectiles · AoE4 PlatecutterPoint Platecutter Point
Melee armorAoE4 FittedLeatherwork Fitted Leatherwork · AoE4 InsulatedHelm Insulated Helm · AoE4 MasterSmiths Master Smiths
Ranged armorAoE4 IronUndermesh Iron Undermesh · AoE4 WedgeRivets Wedge Rivets · AoE4 AngledSurfaces Angled Surfaces
Ship (General)AoE4 ArmoredHull Armored Hull · AoE4 Shipwrights Shipwrights
Archer shipAoE4 ExtraHammocks Extra Hammocks · AoE4 HeatedShot Heated Shot
Incendiary shipAoE4 AdditionalTorches Incendiaries · AoE4 Explosives Explosives
Springald shipAoE4 SpringaldEmplacement Springald Crews · AoE4 SwivelCannon Swivel Cannon · AoE4 MountedGuns Mounted Guns
Siege (General)AoE4 SiegeEngineering Siege Engineering · AoE4 GreasedAxles Greased Axles · AoE4 SiegeWorks Siege Works
Siege (Specific)AoE4 Geometry Geometry · AoE4 AdjustableCrossbars Adjustable Crossbars · AoE4 RollerShutterTriggers Roller Shutter Triggers · AoE4 LightweightBeams Lightweight Beams
MiscellaneousAoE4 NavigatorLookout Spyglass · AoE4 Biology Biology · AoE4 EliteArmyTactics Elite Army Tactics · AoE4 IncendiaryArrows Incendiary Arrows · AoE4 Chemistry Chemistry · AoE4 SerpentinePowder Serpentine Powder · AoE4 SilkBowstrings Silk Bowstrings
Religious unitsAoE4 Piety Piety · AoE4 HerbalMedicine Herbal Medicine
Building-specific technologies
EmplacementsAoE4 Arrowslits Arrowslits · AoE4 Arrowslits Naval Arrowslits · AoE4 SpringaldEmplacement Springald Emplacement · AoE4 CannonEmplacement Cannon Emplacement · AoE4 FortifyOutpost Fortify Outpost
MiscellaneousAoE4 BoilingOil Boiling Oil · AoE4 CourtArchitects Court Architects · AoE4 MilitaryAcademy Military Academy
Unique technologies
Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid DynastyAoE4 CompositeBows Composite Bows · AoE4 CamelRiderBarding Camel Rider Barding · AoE4 CamelHandling Camel Handling · AoE4 CamelSupport Camel Support · AoE4 CamelRiderShields Camel Rider Shields · AoE4 MedicalCenters Medical Centers · AoE4 ImprovedProcessing Improved Processing · AoE4 Agriculture Agriculture · AoE4 BootCamp Boot Camp · AoE4 TeakMasts Teak Masts · AoE4 Proselytization Proselytization · AoE4 PreservationOfKnowledge Preservation of Knowledge · AoE4 Public Libraries Public Libraries · AoE4 Phalanx Phalanx · AoE4 ArmoredCaravans Armored Caravans · AoE4 GrandBazaar Grand Bazaar · AoE4 SpiceRoads Spice Roads · AoE4 FreshFoodstuffs Fresh Foodstuffs · AoE4 FertileCrescent Fertile Crescent
Ayyubids AoE4 AyyubidsAoE4 Phalanx Phalanx · AoE4 TeakMasts Teak Masts · AoE4 InfantrySupport Infantry Support · AoE4 SiegeCarpentry Siege Carpentry · AoE4 SultansMamluks Sultan's Mamluks · AoE4 HouseOfWisdom House of Wisdom technologies (AoE4 Advancement Advancement · AoE4 Logistics Logistics · AoE4 Growth Growth · AoE4 Industry Industry · AoE4 MasterSmiths HoW Master Smiths · AoE4 Reinforcement Reinforment · AoE4 Advisors Advisors · AoE4 Bazaar Bazaar)
Byzantines AoE4 ByzantinesAoE4 HeavyDromon Heavy Dromon · AoE4 LiquidExplosives Liquid Explosives · AoE4 Expilatores Expilatores · AoE4 Trapezites Trapezites · AoE4 Numeri Numeri · AoE4 GreekFireProjectiles Greek Fire Projectiles · AoE4 MercenaryHouse Mercenary contracts (AoE4 EasternMC Eastern · AoE4 WesternMC Western · AoE4 SilkRoadMC Silk Road) · AoE4 VeteranContract Veteran Contract · AoE4 EliteContract Elite Contract · AoE4 TeardropShields Teardrop Shields · AoE4 FerociousSpeed Ferocious Speed · AoE4 BorderSettlements Border Settlements · AoE4 MangonelEmplacement Mangonel Emplacement
Chinese AoE4 ChineseAoE4 ReloadDrills Reload Drills · AoE4 AncientTechniques Ancient Techniques · AoE4 Pyrotechnics Pyrotechnics · AoE4 ImperialExaminations Imperial Examinations · AoE4 ReusableBarrels Additional Barrels · AoE4 BattleHardened Battle Hardened · AoE4 ExtraMaterials Extra Materials · AoE4 HandcannonSlits Handcannon Slits · AoE4 ThunderclapBombs Thunderclap Bombs
Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi SultanateAoE4 ArmoredBeasts Armored Beasts · AoE4 SiegeElephant Howdahs · AoE4 Mahouts Mahouts · AoE4 Paiks Paiks · AoE4 ForcedMarch Forced March · AoE4 VillageFortresses Village Fortresses · AoE4 HonedBlades Honed Blades · AoE4 TranquilVenue Tranquil Venue · AoE4 ReinforcedFoundations Reinforced Foundations · AoE4 AllSeeingEye All-Seeing Eye · AoE4 EfficientProduction Efficient Production · AoE4 Sanctity Sanctity · AoE4 Swiftness Swiftness · AoE4 Zeal Zeal · AoE4 HeartyRations Hearty Rations · AoE4 SlowBurningDefenses Slow-Burning Defenses · AoE4 PatchworkRepairs Salvaged Materials
English AoE4 EnglishAoE4 NetworkOfCitadels Network of Citadels · AoE4 Enclosures Enclosures · AoE4 ArrowVolley Arrow Volley · AoE4 ArmorClad Armor Clad · AoE4 Admirality Admiralty · AoE4 ShatteringProjectiles Shattering Projectiles
French AoE4 FrenchAoE4 CrossbowStirrups Crossbow Stirrups · AoE4 Gambesons Gambesons · AoE4 RoyalBloodlines Royal Bloodlines · AoE4 EnlistmentIncentives Enlistment Incentives · AoE4 LongGuns Long Guns · AoE4 CantledSaddles Cantled Saddles · AoE4 Chivalry Chivalry · AoE4 MerchantGuilds Merchant Guilds
HRE AoE4 Holy Roman EmpireAoE4 SlateAndStoneConstruction Slate and Stone Construction · AoE4 ReinforcedDefenses Reinforced Defenses · AoE4 Devoutness Devoutness · AoE4 HeavyMaces Heavy Maces · AoE4 TwoHandedWeapons Two-Handed Weapons · AoE4 FireStations Fire Stations · AoE4 InspiredWarriors Inspired Warriors · AoE4 AwlPikes Awl Pikes · AoE4 SteelBarding Steel Barding
Japanese AoE4 JapaneseAoE4 Towara Tawara · AoE4 Takezaiku Takezaiku · AoE4 Fudasashi Fudasashi · AoE4 CopperPlating Copper Plating · AoE4 Tatara Tatara · AoE4 Hizukuri Hizukuri · AoE4 KobuseGitae Kobuse-gitae · AoE4 YakiIre Yaki-ire · AoE4 Odachi Odachi · AoE4 NagaeYari Nagae Yari · AoE4 DoMaruArmor Do-maru Armor · AoE4 KaburaYaWhistlingArrow Kabura-ya Whistling Arrow · AoE4 DaimyoManorTech Daimyo Manor · AoE4 DaimyoPalaceTech Daimyo Palace · AoE4 ShogunateCastleTech Shogunate Castle · AoE4 Zen Zen · AoE4 Nehan Nehan · AoE4 FiveMountainMinistries Five Mountain Ministries · AoE4 ShintoRituals Shinto Rituals · AoE4 GionFestival Gion Festival · AoE4 Bunrei Bunrei
Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'ArcAoE4 CrossbowStirrups Crossbow Stirrups · AoE4 Gambesons Gambesons · AoE4 RoyalBloodlines Royal Bloodlines · AoE4 LongGuns Long Guns · AoE4 CantledSaddles Cantled Saddles · AoE4 Chivalry Chivalry · AoE4 CompanionEquipment Companion Equipment · AoE4 EnlistmentIncentives Ordinance Company · AoE4 MerchantGuilds Merchant Guilds
Malians AoE4 MaliansAoE4 BancoRepairs Banco Repairs · AoE4 FarimaLeadership Farima Leadership · AoE4 ImportedArmor Imported Armor · AoE4 LocalKnowledge Local Knowledge · AoE4 PoisonedArrows Poisoned Arrows · AoE4 PrecisionTraining Precision Training · AoE4 JavelinEmplacement Javelin Emplacement · AoE4 CanoeTactics Canoe Tactics
Mongols AoE4 MongolsImproved technologies · AoE4 WhistlingArrows Whistling Arrows · AoE4 YamNetwork Yam Network · AoE4 Piracy Piracy · AoE4 SuperiorMobility Superior Mobility · AoE4 MonasticShrines Monastic Shrines · AoE4 AdditionalTorches Additional Torches · AoE4 RaidBounty Raid Bounty · AoE4 StoneBounty Stone Bounty · AoE4 SihaBowLimbs Siha Bow Limbs · AoE4 StoneCommerce Stone Commerce · AoE4 SteppeLancers Steppe Lancers · AoE4 LookoutTowers Pax Mongolica
Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the DragonAoE4 SlateAndStoneConstruction Slate and Stone Construction · AoE4 ReinforcedDefenses Reinforced Defenses · AoE4 FireStations Fire Stations · AoE4 InspiredWarriors Inspired Warriors · AoE4 WarHorses War Horses · AoE4 DragonFire Heavy Torches · AoE4 GoldenCuirass Golden Cuirass · AoE4 DragonScaleLeather Scale Armor · AoE4 Zornhau Zornhau · AoE4 BodkinBolts Bodkin Bolts
Ottomans AoE4 OttomansAoE4 FieldWork Field Work · AoE4 MehterDrums Mehter Drums · AoE4 AnatolianHills Anatolian Hills · AoE4 MilitaryCampus Military Campus · AoE4 Timariots Timariots · AoE4 ExtensiveFortifications Extensive Fortifications · AoE4 AdvancedAcademy Advanced Academy · AoE4 JanissaryCompany Janissary Company · AoE4 PaxOttomana Pax Ottomana · AoE4 SiegeCrews Siege Crews · AoE4 GreatBombardVizierPoint Great Bombard · AoE4 TradeBags Trade Bags · AoE4 JanissaryGuns Janissary Guns · AoE4 GreatBombardEmplacement Great Bombard Emplacement · AoE4 ImperialFleet Imperial Fleet
Rus AoE4 RusAoE4 FineTunedGuns Fine Tuned Guns · AoE4 BoyarsFortitude Boyar's Fortitude · AoE4 MountedPrecision Mounted Training · AoE4 KnightPoleaxes Knight Poleaxes · AoE4 SiegeCrewTraining Siege Crew Training · AoE4 WanderingTown Wandering Town · AoE4 BlessingDuration Divine Light · AoE4 Fervor Fervor · AoE4 SaintsVeneration Saint's Veneration · AoE4 BandedArms Banded Arms · AoE4 CastleWatch Castle Watch · AoE4 CastleTurret Castle Turret · AoE4 AdaptableHulls Adaptable Hulls
Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's LegacyAoE4 RegionalInspection Regional Inspection · AoE4 SingleWhipReform Single Whip Reform · AoE4 ImperialRedSeals Imperial Red Seals · AoE4 AdvancedAdministration Advanced Administration · AoE4 MilitaryAffairsBureau Military Affairs Bureau · AoE4 ThunderclapBombs Thunderclap Bombs · AoE4 HandcannonSlits Handcannon Slits · AoE4 CloudOfTerror Cloud of Terror · AoE4 DaliHorses Dali Horses · AoE4 RoarOfTheDragon Roar of the Dragon · AoE4 BoltMagazines Bolt Magazines · AoE4 HardCasedBombs Hard Cased Bombs · AoE4 10000Bolts 10000 Bolts · AoE4 DynasticProtectors Dynastic Protectors
Removed technologies
Season Two UpdateAoE4 Shipwrights Shipwrights
Season Three UpdateAoE4 AdditionalSails Additional Sails · AoE4 NavigatorLookout Navigator Lookout · AoE4 SpringaldEmplacement Extra Ballista · AoE4 CannonEmplacement Chaser Cannons · AoE4 PatchworkRepairs Patchwork Repairs · AoE4 Shipwrights Clinker Construction · AoE4 AdaptableHulls Cedar Hulls
Season Four UpdateAoE4 Fervor Improved Blessing · AoE4 SaintsReach Saint's Reach
Season Five UpdateAoE4 ReusableBarrels Reusable Barrels · AoE4 Benediction Benediction · AoE4 SetupCamp Setup Camp · AoE4 DoubleTime Double Time
Season Seven UpdateAoE4 MarchingDrills Marching Drills
Season Eight UpdateAoE4 ManuscriptTrade Manuscript Trade · AoE4 LookoutTowers Lookout Towers
Season Nine UpdateAoE4 RivetedChainMail Riveted Chain Mail · AoE4 FastTraining Fast Training