This article is about the unit in Age of Empires: Mythologies. For the unit in Age of Empires II, see Siegfried. |

Siegfried is a Norse hero in Age of Empires: Mythologies.
Hero power[]
Skin of Dragon's Blood: Siegfried's Skin of Dragon's Blood protects him from harm, increasing his defense to 95% for 2 turns. This ability can be used every 6 turns.
- Train at: Shrine
- Cost: 180 food, 180 gold, 50 favor
- Type: Hero, light infantry
- Range: N/A
- Attack: 51
- Defense: 30
- HP: 102
- Movement: 13
God bonuses and upgrades[]
Age I: Attack x0.6, HP x0.6
Age II: Attack x0.75, HP x0.75
Age III: Attack x0.9, HP x0.9
Baldr increases defense by 5%.
- Heroism (Odin): Gains +10% HP.
- Eyes of the Forest (Loki): Can see into forest tiles in the fog of war from an extra tile away.
- Smile of Angrboda (Loki): Gains +10% attack and +5% defense.
- Touch of Death (Hel): Gains +15% attack.
- Call of Valhalla (Heimdall): Costs 10% less to retrain after he is killed.
- Breath of Winter (Skadi): Reduces the movement of enemy units he attacks by 33% for 1 turn.
Siegfried is statistically the strongest hero in Age of Empires: Mythologies and can easily defeat cavalry and myth type units. When his ability skin of Dragon's Blood is used, he becomes a living tank, able to shrug off attacks from practically anything. It can be saved for whenever the player anticipates Siegfried will receive concentrated damage, such as when approaching an army or if the enemy prepares to cast an offensive god power.
- Siegfried is one of two heroes who fights alone in their attack animation, the other being Herakles.