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This article is about the siege weapons in Chronicles. For the armor class, see Armor class: Siege weapon. For siege weapons in other games of the series, see Siege unit.

Siege weapons or siege units in Chronicles are one of the four combat forces on land, the other ones being archers, infantry, and cavalry. They are powerful units that excel at destroying enemy buildings or massed/bunched-up units.

Siege weapons first become available in the Classical Age, and most upgrades are only available in the Imperial Age. They are mainly built at the Siege Workshop, with the exception of the Palintonon, which is created at the Fort.

The Incendiary Raft, Catapult Ship, and Leviathan lines are considered siege ships due to their blast attack and/or anti-building roles. However, despite the latter two benefiting from Siege Engineers, they are not usually included under the term siege unit, which generally refers only to siege weapons on land. Being all mechanical units or ships, siege weapons in Chronicles cost wood and gold, and can be repaired by Villagers.


Depending of their use, siege weapons can be broadly divided into those whose main purpose is to destroy buildings, and those that excel against enemy units.

Anti-building weapons[]

  • Rams have high pierce armor, attack at close range, and deal great damage to buildings, but their attack against units is negligible (excluding other siege weapons). Rams can improve their speed and anti-building attack by garrisoning infantry units.
  • Palintonons shoot powerful projectiles at very long distances. Though they may kill individual units in one hit, they are unlikely to because of their missing rate and slow Rate of Fire (excluding, to some extent, other Palintonons). They also have to be packed to move and unpacked to shoot, and have a minimum range.
  • The Leviathan is a ship with massive range and a huge attack bonus vs buildings, but almost useless against units due to their slow projectiles. Since it has a minimum range, it is vulnerable to other ships; however, its aura boosting the attack speed of nearby friendly ships makes it valuable in naval combat as well, and somewhat easier to defend when escorted by other ships.

Anti-unit weapons[]

Mixed weapons[]

  • Mangonels shoot projectiles at mid-range that cause area damage, allowing them to hit several massed units at once. They are less effective against buildings than pure anti-building units because they are outranged by all fortifications except garrisoned Town Centers and do not have high pierce armor, but they are not ineffective either. They can also damage units belonging to the same player or an ally (for example, rams and other melee troops attacking the same enemy as the Mangonel).
  • Incendiary Rafts have a large blast radius and good attack that they can kill many weak many units at once, and destroy weak buildings too, like foundations.
  • Catapult Ships function much the same as Mangonels on land, dealing splash damage and being more effective against units than buildings, with the role of the anti-building siege ship being largely superseded by the Leviathan in the Imperial Age.


  • Siege Towers have no attack of their own, but have high pierce armor and can garrison foot units, then unload them on the other side of a wall. As the transported units will be used to attack units or buildings behind the wall, Siege Towers can be considered indirectly useful against both.

Special commands[]

Palintonons, Mangonels, Catapult Ships, and Leviathans can be ordered to attack ground, even when there are no enemy units in place at the time. This makes possible to hit units arriving later at a spot (for example, after being lured there or while in patrol), and (excluding Palintonons) to kill units belonging to the same player or to an ally without having to change Diplomacy first (for example, if they get stuck in a bottleneck).

Palintonons and Onagers can also be ordered to destroy trees, making them the only units able besides Villagers to have this ability. This can be of high strategic importance in maps with dense forests, e. g. Black Forest.

List of siege weapons[]

Siege unit B Age Hpicon aoe2de
Armoricon aoe2de
Range-armoricon aoe2de
Attack curAoE2DE icon Pierce Attack
Rangeicon aoe2de
Min Range
Rangeicon aoe2de
Max Range
AoE2DE icon Reload Time
LoS AoE2DE icon Movement Speed
Aoe2de wood
Aoe2de gold
TT Civs


Battering ram aoe2DE Battering Ram
Siege Workshop
Classical Age 175 -3 180 2m
Melee range
5 3 0.6 160 75 36 All
Capped ram aoe2DE Capped Ram Imperial Age 200 190 3m
Siege ram aoe2DE Siege Ram 270 195 4m
Achaemenids Chronicles
Spartans Chronicles
Mangonel aoe2DE Mangonel
Siege Workshop
Classical Age 50 0 6 40m + 5 3 7 6 9 0.6 160 135 46 All
Onager aoe2DE Onager Imperial Age 60 7 50m +7 8 10
Scorpion aoe2DE Scorpion
Siege Workshop
Classical Age 40 0 7 12p + 0m 2 7 3.6 9 0.65 75 75 30 All
Heavyscorpion aoe2DE Heavy Scorpion Imperial Age 60 1 8 16p + 0m
Athenians Chronicles
Siegetower aoe2DE Siege Tower
Siege Workshop
Classical Age 220 -2 100
8 0.8 200 160 36 All
Palintonon packed Chronicles Palintonon (packed)
Imperial Age 150 2 8
19 0.8 200 200 50 All
Palintonon packed Chronicles/Palintonon Chronicles Palintonon (unpacked) 1 150 200p 4 16 10 0


Incendiary Raft Chronicles Incendiary Raft
Shipyard Chronicles
Civic Age Chronicles 45 0 2 70m
Melee range
N/A 6 1.5 70 50 45 All
Incendiary Ship Chronicles Incendiary Ship Classical Age 60 3 80m 1.6 31 All
Heavy Incendiary Ship Chronicles Heavy Incendiary Ship Imperial Age 70 5 100m 1.6 31
Athenians Chronicles
Spartans Chronicles
Catapult Ship Chronicles Catapult Ship Classical Age 140 1 6 35m 3 7 7 9 1.15 140 140 42 All
Onager Ship Chronicles Onager Ship Imperial Age 150 2 7 50m 8 6 10 36
Athenians Chronicles
Spartans Chronicles
Leviathan Chronicles Leviathan Imperial Age 180 2 8 60m 3 13 8 19 1.1 250 225 60 All


Listed below are all technologies that benefit siege weapons with effects mentioning only siege weapons. This list does not contain unit upgrades.

Technology Researched at Age Civilizations Effect
Target Practice Chronicles Target Practice Academy Chronicles Academy Classical Age All (Heavy) Scorpions can track moving targets
SiegeEngineersDE Siege Engineers Imperial Age Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids
Athenians Chronicles Athenians
Increases range (except for rams) and Line of Sight by +1 and attack against buildings by 20%
Flaming Arrows Chronicles Flaming Arrows Imperial Age All Increases attack of Mangonels, Scorpions, and Palintonons by +1 and enables creation of Leviathians
Hypozomata Chronicles Hypozomata Shipyard Chronicles Shipyard Classical Age All Increases pierce armor of siege ships by +1
DryDockDE Drums Port Chronicles Port Classical Age All Increases movement speed of siege ships by +15%
ShipwrightDE Shipwright Classical Age Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids
Athenians Chronicles Athenians
Increases creation speed for siege ships by +15% and decreases wood cost by -20%
Hemlock Chronicles Hemlock Temple Chronicles Temple Classical Age Athenians Chronicles Athenians
Spartans Chronicles Spartans
Converted siege units are destroyed instead of falling under enemy control
Exorcism Chronicles Exorcism Imperial Age All Increases conversion resistance
ConscriptionDE Conscription Fort Chronicles Fort Imperial Age All Increases creation speed for Fort and Shipyard units by +33%
Info icon Note: The Incendiary Raft line does not benefit from Drums or Siege Engineers


When considering siege ships, the Achaemenids have the fewest options, lacking the Heavy Incendiary Ship and Onager Ship upgrades. However, when considering only land siege weapons, all three civilizations introduced in Battle for Greece are tied, missing one Imperial Age upgrade (the Siege Ram for the Athenians and the Heavy Scorpion for the Achaemenids and Spartans). The Spartans' lack of Siege Engineers means that their siege units will fall short of those of other civilizations, and significantly restricts their viability in the Imperial Age.

Availability grid[]

= Available
= Unavailable
Civilization Siege Ram Onager Heavy Scorpion SiegeEngineersDE Heavy Incendiary Ship Onager Ship Leviathan
Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids
Athenians Chronicles Athenians
Spartans Chronicles Spartans


  • As of Battle for Greece, there are no organic siege units in Chronicles, and the only suicide units available are the Incendiary Raft line.
Units in Chronicles
Non-combatVillager female ChroniclesVillager male Chronicles Villager ยท Tradecart aoe2DE Trade Cart ยท FishingShipDE Fishing Ship ยท Merchant Ship Chronicles Merchant Ship ยท Transport Ship Chronicles Transport Ship ยท King Chronicles King
ReligiousPriestess Chronicles Priestess
InfantryLevy Chronicles Levy โ†’ Maceman Chronicles Maceman โ†’ Swordsman Chronicles Swordsman โ†’ Paragon Chronicles Paragon
Spearman Chronicles Spearman โ†’ Guardsman Chronicles Guardsman โ†’ Elite Guardsman Chronicles Elite Guardsman
ArcherBowman Chronicles Bowman โ†’ Laminated Bowman Chronicles Laminated Bowman โ†’ Recurve Bowman Chronicles Recurve Bowman
Skirmisher Chronicles Skirmisher โ†’ Elite Skirmisher Chronicles Elite Skirmisher
Cavalry Archer Chronicles Cavalry Archer โ†’ Heavy Cavalry Archer Chronicles Heavy Cavalry Archer
Gastraphetoros Chronicles Gastraphetoros
CavalryScout Cavalry Chronicles Scout Cavalry โ†’ Light Cavalry Chronicles Light Cavalry โ†’ Raider Chronicles Raider
Lancer Chronicles Lancer โ†’ Shock Cavalry Chronicles Shock Cavalry โ†’ Imperial Cavalry Chronicles Imperial Cavalry
SiegeBattering ram aoe2DE Battering Ram โ†’ Capped ram aoe2DE Capped Ram โ†’ Siege ram aoe2DE Siege Ram
Mangonel aoe2DE Mangonel โ†’ Onager aoe2DE Onager
Scorpion aoe2DE Scorpion โ†’ Heavyscorpion aoe2DE Heavy Scorpion
Siegetower aoe2DE Siege Tower
Palintonon packed Chronicles/Palintonon Chronicles Palintonon
WarshipLembos Chronicles Lembos โ†’ War Lembos Chronicles War Lembos โ†’ Heavy Lembos Chronicles Heavy Lembos โ†’ Elite Lembos Chronicles Elite Lembos
Monoreme Chronicles Monoreme โ†’ Bireme Chronicles Bireme โ†’ Trireme Chronicles Trireme
Galley Chronicles Galley โ†’ War Galley Chronicles War Galley โ†’ Elite Galley Chronicles Elite Galley
Incendiary Raft Chronicles Incendiary Raft โ†’ Incendiary Ship Chronicles Incendiary Ship โ†’ Heavy Incendiary Ship Chronicles Heavy Incendiary Ship
Catapult Ship Chronicles Catapult Ship โ†’ Onager Ship Chronicles Onager Ship
Leviathan Chronicles Leviathan
Regional units
InfantryHoplite Chronicles Hoplite โ†’ Elite Hoplite Chronicles Elite Hoplite
CavalryWar Chariot Chronicles War Chariot โ†’ Elite War Chariot Chronicles Elite War Chariot
Battle for Greece logo
Immortal melee Chronicles/Immortal ranged Chronicles Immortal ยท Strategos Chronicles Strategos ยท Polemarch Chronicles Polemarch* ยท Hippeus Chronicles Hippeus
Battle for Greece logo
Aristagoras Chronicles Aristagoras ยท Aristides Chronicles Aristides ยท Artaphernes Chronicles Artaphernes ยท Artemisia Chronicles Artemisia ยท Brasidas Chronicles Brasidas ยท Cleon Chronicles Cleon ยท Darius Chronicles Darius ยท Datis Chronicles Datis ยท Dionysius Chronicles Dionysius ยท Leonidas Chronicles Leonidas ยท Lysander Chronicles Lysander ยท Miltiades Chronicles Miltiades ยท Polycritus Chronicles Polycritus ยท Themistocles Chronicles Themistocles (Warship)
Battle for Greece logo
Bactrian Archer Chronicles Bactrian Archer ยท Camel Raider Chronicles Camel Raider ยท Cretan Archer Chronicles Cretan Archer ยท Ekdromos Chronicles Ekdromos ยท Goat aoe2DE Goat (Unconvertible) ยท Greek Noble Cavalry Chronicles Greek Noble Cavalry ยท Mercenary Hoplite Chronicles Lysander's Raider ยท Mercenary Hoplite Chronicles Mercenary Hoplite ยท Mercenary Peltast Chronicles Mercenary Peltast ยท Rhodian Slinger Chronicles Rhodian Slinger ยท Sakan Axeman Chronicles Sakan Axeman ยท Scythian Axe Cavalry Chronicles Scythian Axe Cavalry ยท Sickle Warrior Chronicles Sickle Warrior ยท Sparabara Chronicles Sparabara ยท Tarantine Cavalry Chronicles Tarantine Cavalry