This article is about the god in Age of Empires: Mythologies. For the god in Age of Mythology, see Set. |

Set is the god of the desert and an Egyptian major god in Age of Empires: Mythologies.
God power[]
- Eyes of the Desert: Set's Eyes of the Desert power reveals the Fog of War around a targeted tile, allowing the player to see the surrounding are for six turns. For the duration, all of the player's ranged units gain +1 range.
Minor gods[]
- Human archers have +10% HP and +5% defense and cost 10% less.
- Buildings have +5% defense (Age II onward).
- Feral (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): Increases human light and heavy infantry attack by 10%.
- Desert's Blessing (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): Increases human units defense by 5%.
- Desert Tracking (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): Increases human units sight by 1.
- Animal Servants (25 food, 25 gold, 15 favor): Allows the Town Center to train Hyenas of Set.