Compared to Dragoons, Royal Dragoons have less hit points, speed, ranged attack, lower attack multipliers against heavy cavalry, shock infantry and artillery, and a slightly increased food and coin cost, but more range, Line of Sight, a slightly faster Rate of Fire, and higher hand attack. Additionally, Royal Dragoons can enter "Stampede mode", which allows them to deal splash damage in an area of 3, but also lowers their speed, hand attack, and increases the damage they receive.
Royal Dragoons are particularly strong in melee combat. While Dragoons have 11 hand attack with a ×2.0 multiplier against artillery, Royal Dragoons have 22 hand attack and a ×1.5 multiplier against these units, and their ranged resistance makes them more suitable against light infantry, like Skirmishers. If combined with hand cavalry, Royal Dragoons can take down groups of foot archers, Skirmishers, and artillery more easily.
Horse Carabinier[]
Napoleonic elite Dragoon that performs well in melee combat. Can trample enemies. Good against cavalry and artillery.
—In-game description
The Horse Carabinier is an uppgrade of the Royal Dragoon unique to Revolutionary France, which is upgraded to Veteran and Royal Guard, have 40% more hit points, 30% more ranged and siege attack, and 60% more all melee attack.
Horse Carabiniers can be obtained once the "Napoleonic Era" Home City Card has been sent, replacing all Royal Dragoons on the map, the Native Embassy, and Trading Post built on a House of Bourbon palace, including the ones obtained by the "Ancien Régime" Home City Card.
The Royal Dragoon starts at Veteran level, giving it +20% hit points and damage.
For African civilizations, native warriors are upgraded automatically and for free.
Civilization differences[]
The French can train Royal Dragoons at the Royal Embassyonce the "Ancien Régime" Home City Card is sent, also allowing them to train Royal Musketeers. The Royal Dragoons take 2 population, have a build limit of 20, and can be upgraded to Royal Guard level.
For the Italians, if the player sends the "Advanced Politicians" Home City Card, and picks The Royalist for aging up into the Imperial Age, the player will receive 12 Royal Dragoons instead of 18 Royal Musketeers.
Sending the "Napoleonic Era" card upon revolting to Revolutionary France upgrades Royal Dragoons to Horse Carabiniers, as shown above.
Native warrior train limit +20% and cost -10% (also +1 Hindu Villager for the Indians)
Native Warriors
Native warriors cost -25% (also +3 Uhlans for the Germans)
Native Warrior Combat
Native warriors get +15% hit points and damage
TEAM Native Weapon Trade
Native warrior train limit +20%
Blood Brothers
Upgrades native warriors to Elite/Disciplined/Veteran and Champion/Honored/Royal Guard; Native Embassies get +40% hit points and +5 build limit (also +4 Uhlans for the Germans)
Cavalry train time -40%; Cuirassier and Oprichnik train time -35% instead; Gatling Camel train time -20% instead (also +2 Uhlans for the Germans; +1 Hindu Villager for the Indians)
"Cavalry Damage" is available to the British and Lakota.
"Cavalry Hitpoints" is available to the British and Haudenosaunee.
"Cavalry Combat" is available to the British, Dutch, French, Italians, Lakota, Mexicans, Ottomans, Russians, and Spanish.
"Native Alliance" is available to the Aztecs, Inca, Indians, and Japanese.
"Native Warriors" is available to Europeans, the Lakota and Mexicans.
"Native Warrior Combat" is available to the French, Haudenosaunee, and Inca, and also Mexicans upon revolting to the Maya, and British upon revolting to Haiti.
"TEAM Native Weapon Trade" is available to the Dutch and Lakota, and also British and French upon revolting to Canada.
"Blood Brothers" is available to the Aztecs, French, Germans, Haudenosaunee, Lakota, Portuguese, Russians, and Spanish, and also British upon revolting to Canada or Haiti.
"Liberation March" is available to the Mexicans and Spanish.
"Riding School" is available to Europeans (except the Maltese and Spanish) and the Indians.
Each different allied native tribe sends a large shipment of their respective native warriors and upgrades them to Elite and Champion; native warriors train time -10%; native warrior shipments and "Native Treaties" arrive time -50%; costs 500 food, 500 wood
"Indian Friendship" is available to the United States and "Chimayo Genizarios" to the Mexicans.
"Indian Friendship"/"Chimayo Genizarios" ships 3 Royal Dragoons if the player had built a Trading Post on a House of Bourbon palace.
The player gains +10% XP from training units and other players receive -10% XP from defeating them; Sansculottes gather resources from Crates 50% faster; food from Berry Bushes and Cherry Orchards 25% faster; wood from trees and Mango Groves and coin from mines 20% faster; food from huntable and herdable animals, Mills, Farms and coin from Estates 15% faster
Sister Republics
Delivers 15 random European native units; costs 1,500 food
Napoleonic Era
Advances French Revolution to the Imperial Age; adds more cards to deck; Napoleon Gun can be trained at the Tavern; grants Veteran Bourbons and Royal Guard Bourbons; upgrades Royal Musketeers to Foot Carabiniers, gives them +40% hit points and damage, +2 Line of Sight, and Grenade Launcher charged ability; upgrades Royal Dragoons to Horse Carabiniers, gives them +40% hit points, +30% ranged and siege attack damage, and +60% all melee attack damage; costs 1,789 food, 1,815 coin
"Cult of the Supreme Being", "Sister Republics" and "Napoleonic Era" are available upon revolting to Revolutionary France.
Delivers 1 Carbine Cavalry for each shipment sent so far this game including this one; unit train time (except Heavy Cannons), technology research time, and age-up time -10%; costs 250 food, 250 wood
Seminole Ponies
Delivers 9 Hussars; hand cavalry get +15% hit points and damage, and +5% speed; cavalry train time -10%
"Indiana Mobilization" is available upon selecting the Indiana Federal State.
"Seminole Ponies" is available upon selecting the Florida Federal State.
Originally, Royal Dragoons have 17.5 ranged damage, 2.75 Rate of Fire, and 18 Line of Sight. With update 14.3853, they have 18 ranged damage, 2.5 Rate of Fire, and 20 Line of Sight.
With update 14.43676, the Royal Dragoon now uses the Stampede mode instead of Trample mode.
While the history section mentions the Dragonnades, the unit is actually based on a horse regiment of the Maison Militaire du Roi de France such as the Gendarmes de la Garde.
The Horse Carabinier is based on the Mounted Carabiniers (French: Carabiniers-à-Cheval), its in-game appeareance resembles the soldiers from this regiment during the 19th century.
The House of Bourbon ruled much of France and the surrounding regions from the medieval period up through the 19th century. Dragoons played an important role for Bourbon rulers in France to exert and protect their domestic and military power. In a policy known as the Dragonnades Bourbon king Louis XIV ordered Dragoons to tyrannize the Protestant Huguenots to coerce them either into conversion to Catholicism or emigration. Dragoons also served in the military branch of the royal household troops that did not only act as personal bodyguards but also participated in several campaigns.