Age of Empires Series Wiki

Religion in Age of Empires IV is the basis of religious units, religious buildings and religious technologies. The real-life religion of a civilization determines the cosmetics (name, appearance, voice lines, etc) of the units and buildings, and sometimes non-religious units and buildings as well.


The following lists the effect of religions on different civilizations. While the game features two major religions, the standard unit is decided by what unit is available to other civilizations. For example, while Knights are available to Christian civilizations, Lancers are available to Muslim civilizations, Chinese, Mongols (before being replaced by the Keshik), and Zhu Xi's Legacy, meaning that the Lancer is the "more generic" unit. Similarly, Madrasas are available to Muslim civilizations (except Ottomans), Universities are available to Christian civilizations, Chinese, Japanese, and Zhu Xi's Legacy, meaning that the University is the "more generic" building.

Religion Civilizations Characteristics
Christianity Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines
English AoE4 English
French AoE4 French
HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire
Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc
Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon
Rus AoE4 Rus
Islam Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty
Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids
Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate
Malians AoE4 Malians
Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans
Other Chinese AoE4 Chinese
Japanese AoE4 Japanese
Mongols AoE4 Mongols
Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy


  • The Japanese are the only civilization which have the choice of selecting between religions, as they have two religions (Buddhism and Shintoism).
  • Variant civilizations have the same religion as their base civilization.


Main article: Religious unit (Age of Empires IV)


Produces religious units and houses religious technologies. Starting in the Castle Age (III), religious units can pick up Relics and place them in this building to generate Gold.
Age of Empires IV description

Buildings which produce religious units, research religious technologies, have healing abilities, or hold Relics to generate resources are called religious buildings. They are available starting in the Castle Age and cost 200 wood. The five main religious buildings are identical in purpose and statistics, and are usually referred to when talking about religious buildings:

The Japanese have the choice of two religions (through their Feudal to Castle Age landmarks) between which they have to select one:

Other religious buildings[]

The following buildings are civilization specific religious buildings:


Civilization bonuses[]

  • Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate: Mosque is available in the Dark Age, and costs -50%. For each Scholar garrisoned in a Mosque, technologies' speed increases by 12.5% for all buildings in the influence (max 3 Scholars garrisoned per Mosque). It has Compound Interest. When built, the first Mosque gets 1 Scholar garrisoned.
  • Mongols AoE4 Mongols: All buildings can be packed, moved to another location and unpacked.
  • Japanese AoE4 Japanese: Can choose between access to either Buddhist Temples or Shinto Shrines based on their choice of Castle Age landmark.

Further statistics[]

Hit points AoE4 CourtArchitects Court Architects (+30%)
Armor AoE4 SlateAndStoneConstruction Slate and Stone Construction (+5 fire, HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire and Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon only)
Resource generation AoE4 TitheBarns Tithe Barns (Relics placed in a religious building provide an additional income of 30 food, 30 wood, 30 stone every minute)
Speed AoE4 SuperiorMobility Superior Mobility (+50% while packed, Mongols AoE4 Mongols only)
Other AoE4 MonasticShrines Monastic Shrines (Prayer Tents provide the Ovoo influence, Mongols AoE4 Mongols only)
AoE4 SuperiorMobility Superior Mobility (+50% pack/unpack speed, Mongols AoE4 Mongols only)



Technologies which boost religious units, buildings, Relics, or Sacred Sites directly and specifically are referred to as religious technologies.

Technology Cost Time Effect


AoE4 HerbalMedicine Herbal Medicine 275 gold 45 Religious units heal +60% faster
AoE4 Piety Piety 325 gold 45 Religious units +40 Hit Points
AoE4 TitheBarns Tithe Barns 500 gold 60 Relics placed in a religious building provide an additional income of 30 food, 30 wood, 30 stone every minute.

Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty[]

AoE4 Proselytization Proselytization
(House of Wisdom)
150 food, 350 gold 60 Imams can convert singular units without holding a Relic.

Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate[]

AoE4 EfficientProduction Efficient Production None 135 Allows Scholars to garrison in military buildings, boosting production by 100%
AoE4 Sanctity Sanctity None 210 Allows capturing Sacred Sites before the Castle Age
AoE4 AllSeeingEye All-Seeing Eye None 157 Scholars +100% Line of Sight
AoE4 Swiftness Swiftness None 450 Scholars +50% movement speed
AoE4 Zeal Zeal None 1,080 Units healed by Scholars gain +50% attack speed for 3 seconds

HRE AoE4 Holy Roman Empire and Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon[]

AoE4 Devoutness Devoutness
(Holy Roman Empire only)
100 food, 250 gold 60 Inspired Villagers gather resources 10% faster and construct 25% faster
AoE4 InspiredWarriors Inspired Warriors 100 food, 250 gold 60 Holy Inspiration affects Military units, improving their armor by 1 and damage by 15%

Mongols AoE4 Mongols[]

Improved Herbal Medicine 275 gold, 275 stone 45 Shamans heal +90% faster
Improved Piety 325 gold, 325 stone 45 Shamans +60 Hit Points
Improved Tithe Barns 500 gold, 500 stone 60 Relics placed in a Prayer Tent provide an additional income of 45 food, 45 wood, 45 stone every minute.
Monastic Shrines 100 wood, 225 gold 45 Prayer Tents gain the Ovoo influence.

Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans[]

AoE4 FieldWork Field Work
(Imperial Council)
1 Vizier Point 0 Spawn 2 Imams at the Landmark Town Center. Imams now passively heal nearby units for 1 HP/s in addition to their standard healing ability.

Rus AoE4 Rus[]

AoE4 BlessingDuration Divine Light 75 food, 200 gold 45 Duration of Saint's Blessing is increased by +10 seconds
AoE4 Fervor Fervor
(Abbey of the Trinity)
275 gold 45 Damage bonus and range provided by Saint's Blessing is increased by +1 and +5 tiles respectively
AoE4 SaintsVeneration Saint's Veneration
(Abbey of the Trinity)
475 gold 45 Warrior Monks +100 HP

Japanese AoE4 Japanese[]

AoE4 Bunrei Bunrei
(Shinto Shrine)
400 gold 45 Increases the maximum limit of Yorishiro by +2 (to a total of 6) and spawns two Shinto Priests holding Yorishiro at the Floating Gate
AoE4 FiveMountainMinistries Five Mountain Ministries
(Buddhist Temple and Temple of Equality)
750 gold 60 Buddhist Temples and Temple of Equality cast Sohei's Sutra every 6 seconds
AoE4 Nehan Nehan
(Buddhist Temple and Temple of Equality)
350 gold 45 Buddhist Conversion ability now grants +25% movement speed and has a cooldown of 90 seconds
AoE4 ShintoRituals Shinto Rituals
(Shinto Shrine)
300 gold 30 Shinto Priests gain +40 hit points, +60% heal rate, +15% speed
AoE4 Zen Zen
(Buddhist Temple and Temple of Equality)
200 food, 300 wood 35 Buddhist Monks generate 25 gold per minute

Unless mentioned, the technology is researched at the religious building.

Despite Blacksmith Armor technologies benefiting religious units and various cavalry and other military technologies benefiting the Warrior Monks, these cannot be called religious technologies since they apply to a variety of different units.


  • With the Season One Update:
    • Availability of Herbal Medicine for the the Delhi Sultanate moved from the Dark Age to the Castle Age (in line with other civilizations).
    • Tithe Barns provide 30 stone per minute, as intended.
    • Mongols AoE4 Mongols: Fixed a bug where Tithe Barns research time was 80 seconds instead of the intended 60 seconds. It also gives the proper +30 food, wood, and stone instead of +20.
  • Originally, Herbal Medicine cost 350 gold and took 60 seconds to research. With Season Two Update 17718, it costs 275 gold and takes 45 seconds to research.
  • With patch 10257, the base research time for Herbal Medicine for the Delhi Sultanate was reduced from 300 to 180 seconds, while the the base research time of Piety was reduced from 600 seconds to 135 seconds, to reflect the 3x Dark Age research speed scale factor.
  • With Season Two Update 17718:
    • The base research time for Herbal Medicine for the Delhi Sultanate was increased to 225 seconds to correctly reflect the 5x Castle Age scale factor. Tithe Barns base research time reduced from 900 seconds to 720 seconds.
    • Mongols AoE4 Mongols: Improved Tithe Barns now generates the correct amount of resources.
  • Originally, Herbal Medicine increased the healing rate of religious units by 100% and the Mongol improved version by 150%. With patch 20249, it increases the healing rate of religious units by 60% and the Mongol improved version by 90%.
  • Holy Roman Empire: With update 24916, fixed an issue with the Tithe Barns technology where it was providing only 20 stone every minute, instead of the intended 30.
  • With update 7.0.5861, the unique Holy Roman Empire technology Benediction has been merged into Devoutness, which now also makes Villagers construct buildings 25% faster.
  • With patch 9.2.628:
  • With update 11.0.782, the unique Delhi Sultanate technology Manuscript Trade was reworked into a civilization bonus and removed from the game, with each garrisoned Scholar now increasing the Dock workrate by 20%.


  • The icon for the Abbasids' Proselytize ability is named "declare state religion" in the game files and is listed among the common abilities, possibly indicating that the ability to choose a religion was being considered as a feature for all civilizations before the introduction of the Japanese.
Gameplay elements in the Age of Empires series
Age · Ability (II · M · III · IV) · Architecture set (II · III) · Area of Effect (Trample damage) · Armor/Resists (hack/melee · pierce/ranged · crush/siege)  · Armor class/Tag (I - original · I - Return of Rome · II · IV) · Artificial intelligence · Attack (Attack bonus/Multiplier) · Attack delay · Attack ground · Aura (IV) · Auto Scout · Building (I · II · M · III · IV · AoE:DS) · Civilization (I · II · M · III · IV) · Civilization bonus · Cheat code (I · II · M · III · IV) · Conversion · Counter · Diplomacy · Gaia/Mother Nature · Game modes · Garrison · Gather Point · Healing · Hit points · Hotkey · Line of Sight · Mini map · Mobile building · Player · Population · Range · Rate of Fire · Regeneration · Relic (II · M · IV) · Repairing · Resource (Renewable resource) · Scenario Editor (I · II · M · III · IV) · Score · Signal Allies/Flare · Soundtrack (I · II · M · III · IV) · Speed · Stealth mode · Taunt · Technology (I · II · M · III · IV) · Technology tree (I · II · IV) · Terrain (AoE:DS · AoM:DS) · Town Bell · Trade (IV) · Tribute · Unit (I · II · M · III · IV · AoE:DS · AoM:DS) · Unit formation · Unit stance (III) · Upgrade (I · II · III · IV) · User interface · Victory · Villager Priority
Genie Engine
Frame delay · Full Tech Tree · Team bonus
ReturnRome-AoEIcon Age of EmpiresRuins · Discovery
AoE2-DLCicon-0 Age of Empires IIPass-through damage · Projectile duplication
Bang Engine
Autoqueue · Snare
Aom original icon Age of MythologyGod (Major · Minor) · God power · Settlement
3Icon48px Age of Empires IIIAge-up methods (Politician/Tribal Council/Wonder/Federal State/Alliance· Banner army · Consulate · Damage Cap · Home City · Home City Card · Inspiring Flag · Minor civilization · Promotion · Revolution · Target Lock · Trade Monopoly · Trade Route · Treasure
Essence Engine
GameIcon-AoE4 Age of Empires IVBounty · Dynasty · Fire armor · Imperial Council (Vizier Point) · Influence · Landmark · Religion · Sacred Site · Variant civilization
If a gameplay element has different pages across games, like civilization, the individual pages are linked in brackets.