Age of Empires Series Wiki

Redemption is a technology in Age of Empires II that can be researched at the Monastery. Once researched, it allows Monks and Missionaries to convert enemy siege weapons and most buildings.

All buildings as well as Trebuchets and Battering Rams cannot be converted from a distance, meaning the Monk or Missionary has to stand directly next to the building/unit to convert it. All other siege weapons are convertible from a distance.

Redemption does not need to be researched to convert the Armored Elephant line, which replaces the Battering Ram line for the South Asian civilizations. However, Monks and Missionaries still need to stand directly next to the Armored Elephant/Siege Elephant in order to convert it.

Converting buildings takes significantly longer than converting units.

Availability chart[]

Redemptionavailable AvailableRedemptionunavailable Unavailable
āœ means that the civilization had access to Redemption in the past, but does not currently.

Affected buildings[]

Redemption anim aoe2de

Four Monks converting an enemy Watch Tower. The left Monk died trying.

While all siege weapons are convertible, not all buildings are. The following table shows which buildings are convertible and which are not.

Convertible Not convertible

House aoe2DE House
Mill aoe2de Mill
Market aoe2DE Market
Lumber camp aoe2de Lumber Camp
Mining camp aoe2de Mining Camp
Blacksmith aoe2de Blacksmith
University AoE2 DE University
Dock aoe2de Dock
Barracks aoe2DE Barracks
Archery range aoe2DE Archery Range
Stable aoe2DE Stable
Siege workshop aoe2DE Siege Workshop
Outpost aoe2de Outpost
Watch Tower icon AoE2DE Watch Tower
Guard Tower icon AoE2DE Guard Tower
Keep icon AoE2DE Keep
Bombard tower aoe2DE Bombard Tower
Aoe2-icon-donjon Donjon
Feitoria aoe2DE Feitoria
Harbor aoe2de Harbor
Ao2de caravanserai icon Caravanserai

Towncenter aoe2DE Town Center
FarmDE Farm*
Fish trap aoe2DE Fish Trap*
MonasteryAoe2DE Monastery
Castle aoe2DE Castle
Palisade wall aoe2de Palisade Wall
Palisade gate aoe2DE Palisade Gate
Stone wall aoe2de Stone Wall
Gate aoe2de Gate
Fortified wall aoe2de Fortified Wall
Wonder aoe2DE Wonder
Krepost icon updated Krepost
AoE2 FortifiedChurch Fortified Church

* Idle Farms and Fish Traps however are converted when a Villager or Fishing Ship starts gathering from them.


The following civilizations can research technologies or have bonuses related to Redemption:

Unique technologies[]

Civilization bonuses[]

Team bonuses[]


AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings[]

AoEIIDE icon Definitive Edition[]

  • Bulgarians AoE2 Bulgarians: Initially, Kreposts can be converted. With update 34055, they cannot be converted.
  • Chinese AoE2 Chinese: With update 36202, Redemption is removed from their technology tree.
  • Cumans AoE2 Cumans: Initially can research Redemption. With update 36202, Redemption is removed from their technology tree.


ā€œ The ability of someone fallen from the faith to redeem himself or herself was a powerful act of forgiveness on the part of a religion. Religions that were forgiving and allowed redemption had an advantage over those that did not. ā€


  • In The Conquerors, every civilization that has access to Redemption also has access to Sanctity, Atonement, and Theocracy.
  • Redemption is mostly absent from archer civilizations, with only Italians as an exception.
Technologies in Age of Empires II
Economic technologies
MaleVillDEFEMALEVILLDE VillagerWheelbarrowDE Wheelbarrow Ā· HandcartDE Hand Cart
Aoe2de food FoodHorseCollarDE Horse Collar Ā· HeavyPlowDE Heavy Plow Ā· CropRotationDE Crop Rotation
GillnetsDE Gillnets
Aoe2de wood WoodDoubleBitAxe aoe2DE Double-Bit Axe Ā· BowSawDE Bow Saw Ā· TwoManSawDE Two-Man Saw
Aoe2de gold GoldGoldMiningDE Gold Mining Ā· GoldShaftMiningDE Gold Shaft Mining
CaravanDE Caravan
Aoe2de stone StoneStoneMiningDE Stone Mining Ā· StoneShaftMiningDE Stone Shaft Mining
Civilian shipsDryDockDE Dry Dock Ā· ShipwrightDE Shipwright
Market aoe2DE MarketCoinageDE Coinage Ā· BankingDE Banking
GuildsDE Guilds
Military technologies
GeneralConscriptionDE Conscription
HeresyDE Heresy Ā· Devotion icon AoE2DE Devotion Ā· FaithDE Faith
Melee unitsForging aoe2de Forging Ā· IronCastingDE Iron Casting Ā· BlastFurnaceDE Blast Furnace
CavalryBloodlinesDE Bloodlines Ā· HusbandryDE Husbandry
ScaleBardingArmorDE Scale Barding Armor Ā· ChainBardingDE Chain Barding Armor Ā· PlateBardingArmorDE Plate Barding Armor
InfantrySuplliesicon Supplies Ā· AoE2 Gambesons Gambesons Ā· SquiresDE Squires Ā· ArsonDE Arson
ScaleMailArmorDE Scale Mail Armor Ā· ChainMailArmorDE Chain Mail Armor Ā· PlateMailArmorDE Plate Mail Armor
Ranged unitsBallisticsDE Ballistics Ā· ChemistryDE Chemistry
FletchingDE Fletching Ā· BodkinArrowDE Bodkin Arrow Ā· BracerDE Bracer
ArchersPaddedArcherArmorDE Padded Archer Armor Ā· LeatherArcherArmorDE Leather Archer Armor Ā· RingArcherArmorDE Ring Archer Armor
ThumbRingDE Thumb Ring Ā· ParthianTacticsDE Parthian Tactics
SiegeSiegeEngineersDE Siege Engineers
ShipCareeningDE Careening Ā· DryDockDE Dry Dock
ShipwrightDE Shipwright
WarGalleyDE War Galley
BuildingTownWatchDE Town Watch Ā· TownPatrolDE Town Patrol
Masonry aoe2de Masonry Ā· ArchitectureDE Architecture
HeatedShotDE Heated Shot Ā· ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits Ā· MurderHolesDE Murder Holes Ā· TreadmillCraneDE Treadmill Crane Ā· HoardingsDE Hoardings Ā· BombardTower aoe2DE Bombard Tower
HerbalDE Herbal Medicine
MonkRedemptionDE Redemption Ā· AtonementDE Atonement Ā· SanctityDE Sanctity Ā· FervorDE Fervor Ā· IlluminationDE Illumination Ā· BlockPrintingDE Block Printing Ā· TheocracyDE Theocracy
MaleVillDEFEMALEVILLDE VillagerLoomDE Loom Ā· SapperDE Sappers
Miscellaneous technologies
SpiesDE Spies Ā· SpiesDE Treason Ā· UniqueTechCastle-DEUniqueTechImperialDE Unique technologies
Removed/cut generic technologies
Bombardcannonresearch Bombard Cannon Ā· CannongalleonresearchDE Cannon Galleon Ā· Cartography aoe2de Cartography Ā· Handcannon Hand Cannon Ā· Huntingdogs Hunting Dogs Ā· Revetments Ā· TrackingDE Tracking