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Reconquista is the sixth and final scenario in the El Cid campaign in Age of Empires II: The Conquerors. It is based on the different Almoravid attempts to conquer Valencia (1094-1102) and the legend that El Cid won his last battle when he was already dead.


We were trapped and alone in our kingdom of Valencia. The Cid immediately sent out messages for potential allies, but there were few to be found. The Christian kingdom of Aragon was too far away, and King Alfonso of Castile seemed in no hurry to come to the Cid's defense.

Even the Cid's old ally, Motamid the Moor, was of no avail. Yusuf had sent him into exile in the Sahara Desert, where he spent the rest of his sad days composing poetry.

The Berbers rode around the city for ten days and nights, shrieking and banging their weapons on shields made of hippopotamus hide. But the Cid comforted his troops, prayed and planned a counterattack.

And then the unthinkable happened. During a brilliant surprise attack to capture gold and horses from the Berbers, Rodrigo Díaz, my Cid, was shot by a stray arrow. The surprise attack became a rout, and the Cid's men barely made it back to the castle with his broken body.

Rodrigo and I knew he would not last the night. But we also knew that without their Cid to lead them, the soldiers of Valencia would never have the strength to stand against the Berbers.

So as he breathed his last breath, I strapped my husband onto his horse, Bavieca, and placed his sword, Tizon, in his hand. Bavieca stood out above the city of Valencia.

My one hope was that the men would not realize the charade -- realize that their Cid was already dead.

We were trapped and alone in our kingdom of Valencia. The Cid immediately sent out messages for potential allies, but there were few to be found. The Christian kingdom of Aragon was too far away, and King Alfonso of Castille seemed in no hurry to come to the Cid's defense.

Even the Cid's old ally, Motamid the Moor, was of no avail. Yusuf had sent him into exile in the Sahara Desert, where he spent the rest of his sad days composing poetry.

The Berbers rode around the city for ten days and nights, shrieking and banging their weapons on shields made of hippopotamus hide. But the Cid comforted his troops, prayed and planned a counterattack.

And then the unthinkable happened. During a brilliant surprise attack to capture gold and horses from the Berbers, Rodrigo Díaz, my Cid, was shot by a stray arrow. The surprise attack became a rout, and the Cid's men barely made it back to the castle with his broken body.

Rodrigo and I knew he would not last the night. But we also knew that without their Cid to lead them, the soldiers of Valencia would never have the strength to stand against the Berbers.

So it was that even as he breathed his last breath, I strapped my husband onto his horse, Bavieca, and placed his sword, Tizon, in his hand. Bavieca stood out above the city of Valencia.

My one hope was that the men would not realize the charade -- realize that their Cid was already dead.

Scenario instructions[]

Starting conditions[]


  • Defeat the three armies of Yusuf so that Valencia will remain free.
  • The body of The Cid (near the Castle) must come to no harm, lest the people of Valencia realize they have lost their leader.


  1. Ximena Diaz is restricted to a population limit of 125.
  2. You will need to expand out from the Valencian fortress in order to procure more resources.
  3. Spanish Cannon Galleons are powerful. You should use them when attacking Yusuf in Africa.
  4. Concentrate on fighting in Spain at first. Later you can attempt to sail across to Yusuf's base in Africa.

  1. You will need to expand out from the Valencian fortress in order to procure more resources.
  2. Concentrate on fighting in Spain at first. Later you can attempt to sail across to Yusuf's base in Africa.
  3. Spanish Cannon Galleons are powerful. You should use them when attacking Yusuf in Africa.


  • Ximena Diaz (1, Red) has all of the buildings that she needs in Valencia to quickly field an army.
  • The Black Guard Army (3, Cyan) is north of Valencia and the most immediate threat, but it can be dispatched by a series of quick raids. The Black Guard Army is composed mostly of camelry and Cavalry Archers.
  • The Black Guard Navy (4, Yellow) is west of Valencia but can be reached by land. Its camp is better defended but can still be attacked early. In addition to cavalry, the Black Guard Navy has some Monks.
  • Yusuf (5, Green) is the most dangerous enemy. His ships may attack Valencia early on and his fortress in Africa is dangerous. Yusuf trains camelry, Cavalry Archers, and Monks that will attempt to transport across the sea in addition to Fire Ships and Cannon Galleons.

  • Your scouts report: El Cid (red) has all the buildings he needs in Valencia to quickly field an army.
  • There are three enemies: The Black Guard Army (cyan), Navy (yellow), and Yusuf's elite forces (green).
  • The Black Guard Army is north of Valencia and the most immediate threat, but it can be dispatched by a series of quick raids. The Black Guard Army is composed mostly of Camels and Cavalry Archers.
  • The Black Guard Navy is west of Valencia but can be reached by land. The Navy is better defended than the Army but can still be attacked early. In addition to cavalry, the Black Guard Navy has some Monks.
  • Yusuf is the most dangerous enemy. His ships may attack Valencia early on and his fortress in Africa is dangerous. Yusuf trains Camels, Cavalry Archers, and Monks that he will attempt to transport across in addition to Fire Ships and Cannon Galleons.



  • Ximena Diaz (Spanish AoE2 Spanish): The player starts in Valencia in the center on the map with a sizable starting army.


  • Dead El Cid (Spanish AoE2 Spanish): Dead El Cid only has one unit: El Cid Campeador. He stands in front of the Castle in Valencia. If this unit is killed the scenario is failed.



Upon selecting El Cid Campeador:

Queen aoe2DE Ximena: My poor Rodrigo. 'Tis only his horse who lives. But the men must not find out, or they will never have the courage to face Yusuf!

If El Cid Campeador is killed (again):

Aoe2-infantry-2-pikeman Valencian Soldier: The rumors are true! The Cid has fallen in battle! We have no chance for victory without him.


The player starts in Valencia, which is at the central-northwestern part of the map. The Middle-Eastern Gaia walls and Castle (in reference to their Muslim builders) immediately turn to the player's control. The player also has several Fish Traps southwest of Valencia, which are exposed to the Black Guard Navy's attacks. There is also a Gaia Monastery west of Valencia (just as in the previous scenario), with a Relic outside.

Outside Valencia, there are gold mines in the Black Guard Army base to the north (thus it's best to defeat the Army first, to ensure the Villagers' safety), as well as the two islands in the sea northeast of Valencia.

The Black Guard Army's base is located northwest of Valencia. Their army is made of Heavy Cavalry Archers and Capped Rams. They start with 4-5 Cavalry Archers to the north, near their Archery Ranges. It is a viable strategy to rush this zone early, since it has no defenses, and use Rams to destroy the buildings before they start mass-producing. If the player is quick, once they are done with the Cavalry Archers north, the AI will send the rest of its army, either to attack the player or to defend the north. The rest of the enemy army consists of 4-5 Cavalry Archers, 2 Capped Rams, and two Trebuchets. Their Castle should be destroyed while the army is away. The player can make a few Trebuchets to destroy the Castle and the remaining Archery Ranges.

The Black Guard Navy starts with a Town Center and a couple of Villagers, but no army, and all of their first resources go to ships, so it is a good strategy to raid their gold and wood economy. Watch out for Monks. There are also Gold Mines nearby, and if the player is fast enough, they may take all that gold for themselves. But be careful, because the Black Guard Navy also has a Castle near their Docks. To deal with their ships, it is recommended to construct a Castle near the player's Fish Traps, because that's their main initial focus.

Yusuf's base is protected by three special towers, which are renamed versions of The Accursed Tower and The Tower of Flies. Their attack and range is excellent overall, but their strength varies: the eastern tower is weakest, and the southern strongest. It is advisable to start taking down the weakest tower with Cannon Galleons, since they are able to attack beyond the range of the tower.

On the other hand, Cannon Galleons cannot outrange the other two towers. If the player wishes to take down the strongest tower, it is advised to use a Trebuchet to attack from Africa. As they have the same range (the Spanish do not have access to Siege Engineers), the tower will retaliate against it, but cause little damage compared to that dealt against ships.


It was the twilight of Moorish Spain. The Berber army had been broken and Valencia withstood the siege.

King Alfonso would not allow us to bury the Cid until he could personally attend the funeral. When he arrived, he dispelled all thoughts of interring the Cid into the earth.

Instead, the Cid's body was preserved and placed near the altar of the church, seated on an ivory stool that he had captured from the Moors, clothed in precious silk, and holding his sword, Tizon, in his left hand.

And who was left to rule in Valencia? King Alfonso of Castile or Count Berenguer of Barcelona? No. Valencia is mine.

It is I, Ximena Díaz who claims rulership of my dead husband's kingdom. And if the Berbers return to Valencia, it is I whom they shall find commanding the soldiers of Rodrigo Díaz, El Cid Campeador!

It was the twilight of Moorish Spain. The Berber army had been broken and Valencia withstood the siege.

King Alfonso would not allow us to bury the Cid until he could personally attend the funeral. When he arrived, he dispelled all thoughts of interring the Cid into the earth.

Instead, the Cid's body was preserved and placed near the altar of the church, seated on an ivory stool that he had captured from the Moors, clothed in precious silk, and holding his sword, Tizon, in his left hand.

And who was left to rule in Valencia? King Alfonso of Castille or Count Berenguer of Barcelona? No. Valencia is mine.

It is I, Ximena Díaz who claims rulership of my dead husband's kingdom. And if the Berbers return to Valencia, it is I whom they shall find commanding the soldiers of Rodrigo Díaz, El Cid Campeador!


  • This is the only scenario where El Cid's unit cannot be controlled by the player.
  • When opened in the Scenario Editor, the player's name is Ximena Díaz instead of El Cid as in previous scenarios.
  • The dead El Cid is triggered to stay in place by lowering his speed to 0.
  • Northern Valencia (the location where the Wonder was built in the previous scenario) is now littered with Gold. This might be a reference to the Wonder's real counterpart's name, Torre del Oro, which means "Tower of Gold".
  • Originally, Yusuf's forces were played by Turks even though they appeared previously as Saracens. It is possible that the civilization was changed due to the Spanish tech tree being ill-suited to fight massed Mamelukes (El Cid also used the Saracen tech tree in Black Guards). Alternatively, it could be because the additional range of Turkish Cannon Galleons presents a greater challenge to their fast-firing Spanish counterparts as well as the Spanish's fully upgraded Castles, Keeps, and Bombard Towers.
  • The final illustration of the Definitive Edition outro shows Ximena holding Tizon, El Cid's sword, although it is said the weapon was buried with El Cid.

Historical comparison[]

  • Reconquista is a Spanish and Portuguese word meaning "Reconquest", used in the history of the Iberian Peninsula to name the period between the Battle of Covadonga (c. 718-722), in the aftermath of the Muslim conquest of the Visigoths by Tariq ibn Ziyad and Musa ibn Nusayr; and the Castilian-Aragonese conquest of the last Iberian Muslim state, Granada, in 1492. It is sometimes extended to include the Frankish conquest of southeastern France (which had been part of the Visigothic Kingdom and was also conquered by the Muslims) following Charles Martel's victory at the Battle of Tours (732), but not other parts of France (e.g. Fraxinetum, Corsica) and Italy (Sardinia, Sicily, Bari) that were also conquered by North African Muslims. Unlike what it might seem, the Reconquista was not a single military campaign with a grand, unified plan of conquest, at least until later centuries. It rather contained countless wars between Christian rulers, between Muslim rulers, and between opposing Christian-Muslim alliances.
    • The scenario's name is not without irony, because the Spanish players are not trying to (re)conquer territory, but to keep it from falling to the attacking Berbers. Rather, it is the Berbers who are doing a "Reconquista" of Muslim territories fallen to El Cid.
  • The legend that El Cid won his last battle after death arised from the evacuation of Valencia by Alfonso VI in 1102. The departing forces took El Cid's embalmed body with them, originating rumors that the Almoravids could have crushed them, but froze or fled at the sight of El Cid (d. 1099). In modern retellings, this is usually changed to El Cid being mortally wounded in a skirmish and having his body propped at a following decisive battle against the Almoravids, to keep his men in the dark about his death and not affecting their morale.
    • The actual cause of death of El Cid is unknown, but is believed natural. As in the game, his wife succeeded him as Lady of Valencia and nominal vassal to Alfonso. Following the fall of Valencia, she returned to Castile, and following her death in 1116 she was buried with her husband in Cardeña's monastery. Their graves were destroyed by Napoleon's troops in 1808.
  • The main premise of fighting the Almoravids alone was true early on only, around the Battle of Quart (1094). Later they were helped by Peter I of Aragon (who with El Cid, defeated the Almoravids at Bairen in 1097; in the game, Aragon is said to be too far away to provide help); by Ramon Berenguer III of Barcelona, and finally by Alfonso VI, who ordered the city's evacuation after deeming it untenable.
  • Motamid's fate is based on Al-Mutamid of Seville, who died in exile in southern Morocco in 1095. Zaragoza, however, remained free of Almoravid rule until 1110.


Campaigns in Age of Empires II
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings
CampaignIcon-WilliamDE William Wallace Difficulty easy PC: Marching and Fighting · Feeding the Army · Training the Troops · Research and Technology · The Battle of Stirling · Forge an Alliance · The Battle of Falkirk
Xbox: Preparing for Battle · The Battle of Stirling · Forge an Alliance · The Battle of Falkirk
CampaignIcon-JoanDE Joan of Arc Difficulty easy An Unlikely Messiah · The Maid of Orleans · The Cleansing of the Loire · The Rising · The Siege of Paris · A Perfect Martyr
CampaignIcon-SaladinDE Saladin Difficulty medium An Arabian Knight · Lord of Arabia · The Horns of Hattin · The Siege of Jerusalem · Jihad! · The Lion and the Demon
CampaignIcon-KhanDE Genghis Khan Difficulty easy Crucible · A Life of Revenge · Into China · The Horde Rides West · The Promise · Pax Mongolica
CampaignIcon-BarbarossaDE Barbarossa Difficulty easy Holy Roman Emperor · Henry the Lion · Pope and Antipope · The Lombard League · Barbarossa's March · The Emperor Sleeping
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors
CampaignIcon-AttilaDE Attila the Hun Difficulty easy The Scourge of God · The Great Ride · The Walls of Constantinople · A Barbarian Betrothal · The Catalaunian Fields · The Fall of Rome
CampaignIcon-ElCidDE El Cid Difficulty easy Brother against Brother · The Enemy of my Enemy · The Exile of the Cid · Black Guards · King of Valencia · Reconquista
CampaignIcon-MontezumaDE Montezuma Difficulty easy Reign of Blood · The Triple Alliance · Quetzalcoatl · La Noche Triste · The Boiling Lake · Broken Spears
Battles of the Conquerors Icon Battles of the Conquerors Tours · Vinlandsaga · Hastings · Manzikert · Agincourt · Lepanto · Kyoto · Noryang Point
Hidden scenario The Saxon Revolt
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten
CampaignIcon-AlaricDE Alaric Difficulty hard HD: All Roads Lead to a Besieged City · Legionaries on the Horizon! · Emperor of the West · The Sack of Rome
DE: The Battle of the Frigidus · Razing Hellas · The Belly of the Beast · The Giant Falls · A Kingdom of Our Own
CampaignIcon-DraculaDE Vlad Dracula Difficulty medium The Dragon Spreads His Wings · The Return of the Dragon · The Breath of the Dragon · The Moon Rises · The Night Falls
CampaignIcon-BariDE Bari Difficulty medium HD: Arrival at Bari · The Rebellion of Melus · The Great Siege
DE: Arrival at Bari · The Rebellion of Melus · Loose Ends · The Best Laid Plans · The Onrushing Tide
CampaignIcon-SforzaDE Sforza Difficulty medium HD: An End and a Beginning · O Fortuna · The Hand of a Daughter · The Ambrosian Republic · A New Duke of Milan
DE: Mercenaries and Masters · His Own Man · Prodigal Son · Blood and Betrayal · Viva Sforza!
El Dorado Icon El Dorado (removed) Tales of La Canela · The Split · The Amazones · The Cannibals
CampaignIcon-PrithvirajDE Prithviraj Difficulty medium HD: A Promising Warrior · The Digvijaya · The Elopement · Battles of Tarain
DE: Born of Fire · The Digvijaya · Hand of a Princess · The Fate of India · The Legend of Prithviraj
Battles of the Forgotten Icon Battles of the Forgotten Bukhara · Dos Pilas · York · Honfoglalás · Langshan Jiang · Kurikara · Cyprus · Bapheus · Kaesong (cut)
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms
CampaignIcon-TariqIbnZiyadDE Tariq ibn Ziyad Difficulty medium The Battle of Guadalete · Consolidation and Subjugation · Divide and Conquer · Crossing the Pyrenees · Razzia
CampaignIcon-SundjataDE Sundjata Difficulty medium Hunted · The Sting of the Scorpion · Djeriba Gold · Blood on the River Bank · The Lion's Den
CampaignIcon-FranciscoDE Francisco de Almeida Difficulty hard The Old World · Lion of Africa · Ruins of Empires · Estado da India · A Son's Blood
CampaignIcon-YoditDE Yodit Difficulty hard Path of Exile · The Right Partner · A Fallen Crown · Broken Stelae · Welcome Home
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas
CampaignIcon-GajahMadaDE Gajah Mada Difficulty medium The Story of Our Founders · Unconditional Loyalty · The Oath to Unify Nusantara · Serving the New King · The Pasunda Bubat Tragedy
CampaignIcon-SuryavarmanIDE Suryavarman I Difficulty easy Usurpation · Quelling the Rebellion · A Dangerous Mission · Challenging a Thalassocracy · Nirvanapada
CampaignIcon-BayinnaungDE Bayinnaung Difficulty hard The Burmese Tigers · The Mandalay Cobra · The Royal Peacock · The White Elephant · The Old Tiger
CampaignIcon-LeLoiDE Le Loi Difficulty hard The Dai Viet Uprising · The Mountain Siege · The Battle at Hanoi · Reaching South · A Three-Pronged Attack · The Final Fortress
AoEIIDE icon Definitive Edition
CampaignIcon-TheArtOfWar The Art of War Difficulty easy Early Economy · Booming · Rushing the Enemy · Fast Castle Age · Defending Against A Rush · Land Battle · Destroying a Castle · Naval Battle · Battle Formations
CampaignIcon-Pachacuti Pachacuti Difficulty medium A New Power Arises · The Field of Blood · War of Brothers · The Falcon's Tent · Like Father, Like Son
00 historical battles normal Historical Battles Difficulty easy Scn 09 bukhara normal Bukhara · Scn 10 dos pilas normal Dos Pilas · Scn 01 tours normal Tours · Scn 11 york normal York · Scn 12 honfoglalas normal Honfoglalás · Scn 02 vinlandsaga normal Vinlandsaga · Scn 03 hastings normal Hastings · Scn 04 manzikert normal Manzikert · Scn 13 kurikara normal Kurikara · Scn 14 cyprus normal Cyprus · Scn 15 bapheus normal Bapheus · Scn 16 lake poyang normal Lake Poyang · Scn 05 agincourt normal Agincourt · Scn 06 lepanto normal Lepanto · Scn 07 kyoto normal Kyoto · Scn 08 noryang point normal Noryang Point
Event scenarios E3 2019 Demo · Mongol Raiders · Barbarossa Brawl · Mangudai Madness · The Siege (co-op)
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last Khans
CampaignIcon-Tamerlane Tamerlane Difficulty easy Amir of Transoxiana · Gurkhan of Persia · Harbinger of Destruction · Sultan of Hindustan · Scourge of the Levant · A Titan Amongst Mortals
CampaignIcon-Ivaylo Ivaylo Difficulty hard A Most Unlikely Man · An Unlikely Alliance · Tsar of the Bulgars · Echoes of Heroes · Where the One-Eyed Man is King
CampaignIcon-Kotyan Kotyan Khan Difficulty hard Raising the Banners · The Battle at the Kalka River · Saving the Huts · Blood for Blood · A New Home
AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West
CampaignIcon-EdwardDE Edward Longshanks Difficulty easy Vain Ambition · A Man of God · Of Castles and Kings · Toom Tabard · Hammer of the Scots
CampaignIcon-DukesDE Grand Dukes Difficulty medium A Kingdom Divided · The Wolf and the Lion · The Cleansing of Paris · Unholy Marriage · The Hook and Cod Wars · The Maid Falls
CampaignIcon-HautevillesDE The Hautevilles Difficulty hard Guiscard Arrives · Roger in Sicily · Bohemond and the Emperor · Bohemond in the East · Wonder of the World
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes
Algirdas icon Algirdas and Kestutis Difficulty easy Family Affairs · No Man's Land · The Tatar Yoke · A Worthy Opponent · In the Shadow of the Throne
32 jadwiga normal Jadwiga Difficulty hard The Matter of the Crown · Star of the Poles · Duel of the Dukes · The Siege of Vilnius · Vytautas' Crusade · The Fruits of Her Labor
Jan Zizka icon Jan Zizka Difficulty medium The One-Eyed Wanderer · Courage and Coin · The Iron Lords · The Golden City · The Emperor's Fury · Warrior of God
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India
Babur Icon Babur Difficulty easy Pearl of the East · The Last Timurids · Into India · The Battle of Panipat · The Rajputs
Rajendra Icon Rajendra Difficulty hard The Successor · Deeds of the Father · Rising Star · Sacred Waters · Slaying the Vritra
Devapala Icon Devapala Difficulty easy Dissatisfaction · Desire · Renunciation · Liberation? · Enlightenment
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals
Ismail Icon Ismail Difficulty medium The Red Hats · Road to Royalty · Alexander Safavi · The Fallen Amir · Khata'i
Thoros Icon Thoros II Difficulty easy Outlawed · The Emperor's Revenge · Caught in the Crossfire · Bloody Crestwaves · Of Turncoats and Traitors
Tamar Icon Tamar Difficulty hard Takeover · Yury's Revenge · The Protectorate · Tamar the Builder · The Queen in the Panther's Skin
Aoe2 hb Victors and Vanquished
VictorsAndVanquished Campaign Icon
Victors and Vanquished
Difficulty easy Scn 23 charlemagne Charlemagne · Scn 26 finehair Finehair · Scn 25 ironside Ironside · Scn 38 nobunaga Nobunaga
Difficulty medium Scn 39 drake Drake · Scn 36 fetih Fetih · Scn 21 gaiseric Gaiseric · Scn 27 robert Robert · Scn 33 temujin Temujin
Difficulty hard Scn 35 constantine Constantine XI · Scn 30 karlsefni Karlsefni · Scn 31 komnenos Komnenos · Scn 34 mstislav Mstislav · Scn 28 otto Otto · Scn 24 ragnar Ragnar · Scn 29 seljuk Seljuk · Scn 37 shimazu Shimazu · Scn 32 stephen Stephen · Scn 22 vortigern Vortigern