Age of Empires Series Wiki

Rain is an Egyptian Archaic Age god power in Age of Mythology that is available to worshipers of Ra. When invoked, it boosts Farm gathering rates for all players: by 200% for the player in question and allies, and by 100% for all other players. No other god powers can be invoked while Rain is in effect. Due to a bug, it also increases wood gathering for the player invoking it by 50%.


Like most economic god powers, Rain is best used early on to gain an edge in terms of resources over an enemy. In this case, it is best to maximize its effect by having as many Laborers farm during the power's effect. However, if a player also worships Bast, it is best to research Sacred Cats and Plow before invoking this power in order to exploit the improved gather rate.

In team games, Rain provides a nice boost to the economy of the entire team, especially if the player has Atlanteans as allies, as their Citizens gather resources nearly three times as quickly as other villagers.


Aom original icon Age of Mythology[]

  • Rain gives full effect (200% to the invoking player and 100% to everyone else) to Farms close to Town Centers, and half effect to Farms one Farm-length away.[1] No effect on other Farms.

AoM The Titans icon The Titans[]

  • Rain gives full effect to all Farms on the map (200% to the invoking player and 100% to everyone else), and also increases wood gathering for the invoking player by 50%.[1]

AoMIcon-Retold Retold[]

  • Rain no longer acts as a god power shield.
  • Rain can be reused for a Favor cost, after a cooldown.



God powers in Age of Mythology
AoMR Greeks icon Greeks
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Bolt icon Bolt ยท AoMR Lure power icon Lure ยท AoMR Sentinel power icon Sentinel
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Pestilence icon Pestilence ยท AoMR Restoration icon Restoration ยท AoMR Ceasefire icon Ceasefire
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Underworld Passage icon Underworld Passage ยท AoMR Curse icon Curse ยท AoMR Bronze icon Bronze
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Earthquake icon Earthquake ยท AoMR Lightning Storm icon Lightning Storm ยท AoMR Plenty Vault icon Plenty
AoMR Egyptians icon Egyptians
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Prosperity icon Prosperity ยท AoMR Vision icon Vision ยท AoMR Rain icon Rain
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Eclipse icon Eclipse ยท AoMR Shifting Sands icon Shifting Sands ยท AoMR Plague of Serpents icon Plague of Serpents
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Locust Swarm icon Locust Swarm ยท AoMR Citadel power icon Citadel ยท AoMR Ancestors icon Ancestors
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Tornado icon Tornado ยท AoMR Meteor icon Meteor ยท AoMR Son of Osiris power icon Son of Osiris
AoMR Norse icon Norse
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Dwarven Mine icon Dwarven Mine ยท AoMR Great Hunt icon Great Hunt ยท AoMR Spy icon Spy ยท AoMR Gullinbursti icon Gullinbursti
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Healing Spring power icon Healing Spring ยท AoMR Forest Fire icon Forest Fire ยท AoMR Undermine icon Undermine ยท AoMR Asgardian Bastion icon Asgardian Bastion
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Frost icon Frost ยท AoMR Flaming Weapons icon Flaming Weapons ยท AoMR Walking Woods power icon Walking Woods ยท AoMR Tempest icon Tempest
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Fimbulwinter icon Fimbulwinter ยท AoMR Nidhogg icon Nidhogg ยท AoMR Ragnarok icon Ragnarok ยท AoMR Inferno icon Inferno
AoMR Atlanteans icon Atlanteans
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age AoMR Deconstruction icon Deconstruction ยท AoMR Shockwave icon Shockwave ยท AoMR Gaia Forest icon Gaia Forest
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age AoMR Spider Lair icon Spider Lair ยท AoMR Valor icon Valor ยท AoMR Carnivora power icon Carnivora
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age AoMR Chaos icon Chaos ยท AoMR Traitor icon Traitor ยท AoMR Hesperides icon Hesperides
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age AoMR Tartarian Gate power icon Tartarian Gate ยท AoMR Vortex icon Vortex ยท AoMR Implode icon Implode
ChinesePortrait Chinese
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age IconYearOfTheGoat Year of the Goat ยท IconRecreation Recreation ยท IconTimberHarvest Timber Harvest
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age BarrageIcon Barrage ยท GreatJourneyIcon Great Journey ยท CallToArmsIcon Call to Arms
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age GeyserIcon Geyser ยท UprootIcon Uproot ยท ImperialExaminationIcon Imperial Examination
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age GreatFloodIcon Great Flood ยท InfernoIcon Inferno ยท EarthDragonIcon Earth Dragon
Other (except Campaign-exclusive)
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age All civilizations: AoMR Titan Gate power Greek iconAoMR Titan Gate power Egyptian iconAoMR Titan Gate power Norse iconAoMR Titan Gate power Atlantean iconAoMTT Titan Gate power Chinese icon Titan Gate
Cheat MeteorIcon Chicken Storm ยท Goatunheim Goatunheim ยท WalkingWoodsIcon Walking Berry Bushes
Cut Brambleiconmpalpha Bramble ยท Enragebeta Enrage ยท DivineBlood Rebellion ยท AOMShepherdGodPowerIcon Shepherd ยท AOMSightGodPowerIcon Sight ยท God power snowstorm icon Snowstorm ยท EarthquakeIcon Volcano