Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the scenario in Age of Empires III. For the scenario based on the same historical event in Age of Empires II, see Drake.

Raid on the Caribbean is a Historical Battle in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. The same historical event is depicted in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Victors and Vanquished as the Drake scenario in the Victors and Vanquished campaign.


When Queen Elizabeth I formed an alliance with the Dutch rebels fighting against Spanish rule, the Spanish King Philip II declared war. In response, the Queen sent Sir Francis Drake to the Caribbean to lead an attack on the Spanish colonies.

Starting conditions[]


Primary objectives[]

  • Destroy 5 Spanish colonies in the Caribbean by killing the soldiers defending them.

Secondary objectives[]




  • English Pirates (Flag BritishDE British): The pirates have two bases with land units (Musketeers, Pirates, Comancheros, etc.) and ships (Privateers), and several are also hiding out across the various isles and islands. Many of them join the player when approached, turning over units, ships, and buildings including a Dock in each base and a Barracks in the southern one.



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The enemy has numerous ships patrolling the waters and troops guarding their colonies. However, they do not train new units or ships, and have no actual economy.

The player should try to reach the northwestern pirate base as soon as possible, which is not too troublesome, as the direct path there will lead to encountering only a few Spanish Caravels. Once the base is obtained, the Dock can be used to train and repair ships. Idle or damaged Caravels can be used to fish for resources.

The player can alternately try to reach the southern pirate base first by hugging the southern circumference of the map. Despite the longer path, this may be even easier, as the player can observe and wait for the enemy patrol to move away.

Destroying a colony entails killing all enemy land troops in the colony. This causes the military production buildings and Outposts in the colony to immediately collapse.

Fortress Age is granted upon destroying two Spanish colonies, which unlocks more shipments and unit upgrades. Shipments are received very fast. Those which grant more warships or improve their combat abilities are much more useful in this scenario.

One friendly pirate group can be found on a small islet west of the starting area. Another group with a ship are camping on the northern part of the long island in the middle, and can be obtained by bringing a land unit near their campfire. The third group of pirates can be obtained at the southwest side of the southern island, who can be reached either via landing on the northeastern beach of the island and traveling through the valleys, or by fighting through enemy vessels in the southern waters to reach the friendly pirate base at the southernmost tip and then traveling west. This group has, among other troops, a Mortar, which is the only piece of land artillery obtainable in this scenario. It can be used to destroy enemy towers and even ships near the coast from afar.

A Spanish treasure ship can be captured on the southern island by killing the land troops nearby, and trickles 3 gold per second.

In the northwestern section of the southern island, the Spanish have a Fixed Gun which has a long range and can severely damage ships, but does not fire at land units. The player can either smash through the fort using the captured Mortar to reach the gun and disable it (but not capture it), or storm the beaches from the top to quickly reach the gun, risking a few ships in the process.

Relaxed method

While there are more efficient ways to win this scenario, it is impossible to lose if the player is patient. The Caravels can be used as fishing boats on Whales, rendering gold an infinite resource. This, combined with the cards the player can send to trade gold for food or wood, makes it so that resources are effectively infinite while the Spanish troops don't seem to respawn. When the player has this set up, one can just make troops out of the Galleon until they eventually overwhelm all enemy defenses.


  • This scenario was inspired by the "Francis Drake on the Spanish Main" custom scenario for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition by Filthydelphia, who was part of the Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition campaign team. Besides covering similar historical events (this scenario covers the raid of 1586, while the custom scenario covered the raid of 1572), both scenarios allow the player to reinforce their forces by finding friendly pirates hidden on the map. Francis Drake also uses similar terminology to refer to his Spanish enemies in both scenarios.
    • The custom scenario in Age of Empires II was made into the official scenario Drake with the release of Victors and Vanquished.
  • This Historical Battle occurs one year after the founding of Roanoke (Master the Basics).


Campaigns in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III
TutorialMaster the Basics · Try a Game
Act I: BloodBreakout · Into the Caves · Pirates! · The Ottoman Fort · Temples of the Aztec · A Pirate's Help · Spanish Treasure Fleet · The Fountain of Youth?
Act II: IceDefend the Colony · Strange Alliances · The Rescue · The Seven Years' War · The Great Lakes · Respect · Warwick's Stronghold · Bring Down the Mountain
Act III: SteelRace for the Rails · Hold the Fort · The Boneguard's Lair · The Lost Spanish Gold · Bolivar's Revolt · Journey Through the Andes · Last City of the Inca · Last Stand of the Boneguard
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs
Act I: FireWar Dance (War Ceremony· The Rescue · Breed's Hill · Crossing the Delaware · Saratoga · Valley Forge · The Battle of Morristown · The Battle of Yorktown
Act II: ShadowThe Bozeman Trail · Red Cloud's War (A Reckoning· Claims · Ambushed! (Urgent News· Turning Point (To Stop a War· Trust · Battle of the Little Bighorn (Battle of the Greasy Grass)
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties
Act I: JapanThe Siege of Osaka · Uprising! · Clearing the Road · Last Stand at Fushimi · The Battle of Sekigahara
Act II: ChinaTo Finish a Fleet · Storming the Beaches · Lost Ships · A Rescue in the Wilderness · No Empire Lasts Forever
Act III: IndiaInto the Punjab · Fires of Calcutta · Resist! · Raid in Delhi · Company Confrontation
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition
Historical BattlesAlgiers · Christopher da Gama's Expedition · Chuvash Cape · Raid on the Caribbean · Fort Duquesne · Battle of New Orleans · The Burning of USS Philadelphia · Grito de Dolores · Battle of Queenston Heights
The Art of WarEarly Economy · Treasures · Home City Shipments · Booming · Build Orders · Early Defense · Early Offense · Land Battle · Naval Battle · Artillery
Event scenariosBombard Brawl
Age3DE Icon The African Royals
Historical BattlesThe Battle of the Three Kings · Fall of the Hausa · The Era of the Princes
Names in brackets are the scenario's name in the Definitive Edition.