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Raid in Delhi is the fourth scenario of Act III: India in Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties.


It is one of the shorter scenarios with no resource gathering and a limited amount of forces. The scenario is revolved around Nanib, Pravar and their forces heading from Meerut to Delhi and to rescue Bahadur Shah from the clutches of the British.


Primary objectives[]

  • Destroy the Weapon Caches to cause an elephant stampede. (1,500 XP)
  • Raze the Agra Fort Wonder to free the Shah. (2,000 XP)
  • Safely escort the Shah out of the city. (10,000 XP)
  • The Shah must survive. (1,000 XP)

Secondary objectives[]

  • Free imprisoned Sepoys from the Stockades. (250 XP)
  • Inspire the citizens of Delhi by moving the Shah to each flagged area. (500 XP)



  • Indian Mutineers (Flag IndianDE Indians):The player will start out near the outskirts of Delhi with Nanib, Pravar, and only three Sepoy. They will have to be on the lookout for the Company troops patrolling the area.


  • Indians (Flag IndianDE Indians):The city of Delhi itself. It has no impact on the scenario and is primarily made up of various Indian buildings and walls, and in the later half of the scenario will consist of Villagers that will become various military units when inspired by the Shah.
  • Indian Resistance (Flag IndianDE Indians): Various Indian soldiers present across Delhi whom are either guarding the Weapons Caches needed to startle the Elephant or whom are in Company Stockades.
  • Indians (Flag IndianDE Indians): A player controlling the Riderless Elephants. Upon being spooked, they will trample and destroy everything in their path (bar the player's units).


  • British India Company (Flag BritishDE British): Forces of the Company that patrol the streets of Delhi. They are all upgraded to Guard/Imperial rank and consist primarily of Musketeers, but occasionally possess Highlanders, Hussars, and Dragoons. They also control several Outposts and a small base with the Agra Fort wonder.


The player will start out near the outskirts of Delhi with Nanib, Pravar, and only three Sepoy. The player will have to be on the lookout for the Company troops patrolling the area. The Company troops will be a dangerous threat throughout the scenario as they mostly consist of Imperial and Guard status. Once the company troops pass by without noticing the troops, the player can then advance and destroy the Weapon Caches.

Once the weapon caches are destroyed, they detonate very large explosions. This in turn spooks the nearby elephants causing a large stampede. The elephants knock down houses, buildings, and Walls, and kill any units that come in their path. Eventually the elephants disappear, leaving a trail of rubble and destruction left behind. Whether the elephants get shot down or escape after their stampede is uncertain. The player should try to destroy as many weapon caches found throughout Delhi as they can.

As the player is destroying weapon caches, they will see multiple stockades with imprisoned Sepoy and Rajput. Once the Stockades are destroyed, the imprisoned units will join the players side. While razing the Stockades, the player will face multiple confrontations and assaults by Company troops patrolling the area. The player should try to avoid the Company troops as much as possible and only fight as a last resort so that the player can harness enough troops to free Bahadur Shah.

Once the third weapon cache is destroyed, a large group of elephants will plow through the outer walls of Agra Fort containing Bahadur Shah and create an open path. Simultaneously, fighting between Sepoy and the British will occur within the fort walls giving the player control to 6 Sepoy, and 2 Siege Elephants. Nearby the Sepoy and Siege elephants will lay an additional 3 stockade containing Sepoy. The player should protect their newly received Siege elephants at all costs due to their high multiplayer against building and artillery.

Once the player has brought their secondary army with Nanib and Pravar, they begin the breaching of the fort. Once this is accomplished, the two armies will join into one large force. The siege elephants will provide an excellent siege attack to destroy the fort and help free Bahadur Shah quickly. Once Bahadur shah is freed, the scenario is still not completed and the Shah has to be safely escorted out of the city.

Info icon Note: Once freed, Bahadur Shah will be unable to attack and if he dies, the player will lose the scenario

While escorting Bahadur Shah, the British will be aware of the raid and will sent waves of strong troops to attack. The player will also be able to use Bahadur Shah to move to rally points and recruit local Indians into military units. The military units will include Arsonists and Rajput. The Shah should have some military units surrounding him in case of an ambush by the company troops.

By now the players should have amassed a large enough army to take out the company's Redcoats, Dragoons, and Rockets. The Siege Elephants will provide an excellent counter to the powerful rockets. Once the player defeats the last troops on the western edge of Delhi, they will arrive towards the gates of Delhi and will complete the scenario.

This scenario can be won fairly reliably with only the 2 heroes and the Siege Elephants, so the player should not really worry if other troops die.


Campaigns in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III
TutorialMaster the Basics · Try a Game
Act I: BloodBreakout · Into the Caves · Pirates! · The Ottoman Fort · Temples of the Aztec · A Pirate's Help · Spanish Treasure Fleet · The Fountain of Youth?
Act II: IceDefend the Colony · Strange Alliances · The Rescue · The Seven Years' War · The Great Lakes · Respect · Warwick's Stronghold · Bring Down the Mountain
Act III: SteelRace for the Rails · Hold the Fort · The Boneguard's Lair · The Lost Spanish Gold · Bolivar's Revolt · Journey Through the Andes · Last City of the Inca · Last Stand of the Boneguard
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs
Act I: FireWar Dance (War Ceremony· The Rescue · Breed's Hill · Crossing the Delaware · Saratoga · Valley Forge · The Battle of Morristown · The Battle of Yorktown
Act II: ShadowThe Bozeman Trail · Red Cloud's War (A Reckoning· Claims · Ambushed! (Urgent News· Turning Point (To Stop a War· Trust · Battle of the Little Bighorn (Battle of the Greasy Grass)
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties
Act I: JapanThe Siege of Osaka · Uprising! · Clearing the Road · Last Stand at Fushimi · The Battle of Sekigahara
Act II: ChinaTo Finish a Fleet · Storming the Beaches · Lost Ships · A Rescue in the Wilderness · No Empire Lasts Forever
Act III: IndiaInto the Punjab · Fires of Calcutta · Resist! · Raid in Delhi · Company Confrontation
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition
Historical BattlesAlgiers · Christopher da Gama's Expedition · Chuvash Cape · Raid on the Caribbean · Fort Duquesne · Battle of New Orleans · The Burning of USS Philadelphia · Grito de Dolores · Battle of Queenston Heights
The Art of WarEarly Economy · Treasures · Home City Shipments · Booming · Build Orders · Early Defense · Early Offense · Land Battle · Naval Battle · Artillery
Event scenariosBombard Brawl
Age3DE Icon The African Royals
Historical BattlesThe Battle of the Three Kings · Fall of the Hausa · The Era of the Princes
Names in brackets are the scenario's name in the Definitive Edition.