Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the building in Age of Empires III. For the building in Chronicles, see Port (Chronicles).

Builds and upgrades Fishing Boats and warships. Repairs nearby ships.
—In-game description

The Port is an economic/military building in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - The African Royals that replaces the Dock for African civilizations (Ethiopians and Hausa) and are identical in all but name and appearance.


Age Unit Cost Pop. Limit Civ.
Age I tech tree aoe3
Ethiopian fishing canoe portrait aoe3de Hausa fishing canoe portrait aoe3de Fishing Canoe 70 wood 1 99
Flag Hausa
Age II tech tree aoe3
Battle canoe portrait aoe3de Battle Canoe 200 wood
200 coin
Age III tech tree aoe3
Cannon boat portrait aoe3de Cannon Boat 300 wood
600 coin
War dhow portrait aoe3de War Dhow 700 coin
500 influence
Xebec portrait aoe3de Xebec
Flag Hausa


Age Technology Cost Effect
Age I tech tree aoe3
Gill Nets Gill Nets 90 wood
90 coin
Fishing boats gather 15% faster
Age II tech tree aoe3
Long Lines Long Lines 200 wood
200 coin
Fishing boats gather 30% faster; requires Gill Nets
Heavy Riverboats Heavy Riverboats 400 wood
400 coin
Warships get +25% hit points
River Skirmishes River Skirmishes 500 wood
500 coin
Warships get +25% attack damage; Fishing Canoes get a ranged and siege attack
Imperial Age
Legendary canoes africans Legendary Canoes 2,000 wood
2,000 coin
Upgrades Fishing Canoes, Battle Canoes, and Cannon Boats to Legendary (+50% hit points and attack damage)

Further statistics[]

Building strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Ships (when garrisoned)
Weak vs. Everything, especially siege units and artillery
Hit points Flying Buttress Flying Buttress (+20%)
Byzantine legacy Byzantine Legacy (+15%)
Attack Heated Shot Heated Shot (+50% multiplier vs. ships)
Line of Sight Somali lighthouses Somali Lighthouses (+10)
Gas Lighting Gas Lighting (+4)
Build time Cree Textile Craftsmanship Cree Textile Craftsmanship (-25%)
Cost Tupi Forest Burning Tupi Forest Burning (-20% wood)
Cree Textile Craftsmanship Cree Textile Craftsmanship (-10%)
Other Cherokee Basket Weaving Cherokee Basket Weaving (Port technologies cost no wood)
Greek shipyards Greek Shipyards (+40% work rate)

Home City Cards[]

Click for a list of Home City Cards related to the Port
Some cards are highlighted with:
Green TEAM Shipment that is sent to each player in a team


Card Description Age
Team improved buildings TEAM Improved Buildings Buildings get +25% hit points
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Iroquois Home City 3 (Cheaper Docks) TEAM Great Lakes Docks and Ports, and their technologies cost -30%; Naval Big Button technologies cost -50% instead
Age I tech tree aoe3
French Home City 5 (Coastal Defenses) TEAM Coastal Defenses Buildings get +0.8 anti-ship attack bonus damage against ships
Age I tech tree aoe3
  • "TEAM Improved Buildings" is available to the Inca, Indians, and Maltese.
  • "TEAM Great Lakes" is available to the British, Haudenosaunee, and Lakota.
  • "TEAM Coastal Defenses" is available to Europeans and Federal Americans.


Card Description Age
Advanced port Advanced Port Ports get +100% damage and heal ships 100% faster; warship train time -33%
Age I tech tree aoe3


Card Description Age
Gondarine architecture Gondarine Architecture Buildings get +25% hit points; Town Centers and Palaces get +50% hit points instead; Mountain Monasteries get +100% hit points instead; Walls get +225% hit points instead
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


  • The Port resuses one of the selection sounds of the Dock from Age of Empires: Definitive Edition.


Long before the early modern period, Africa's coasts were bustling hubs for vibrant international trade and commerce. North African ports date back to the Egyptian and Phoenician-Carthaginian civilizations of antiquity, while others, such as Berbera, Elmina, and Mombasa rose to prominence during the medieval period and onwards. Still others played a role in networks spanning the vast rivers that run throughout the African continent.


Buildings in Age of Empires III
Dock aoe3de Dock · House indian aoe3de House · Livestock pen aoe3de Livestock Pen · Market icon aoe3de Market · Native embassy DE icon Native Embassy · Stables aoe3de Stable · Towncenter aoe3de Town Center · Trading post african aoe3de Trading Post · Wall aoe3de Wall
EuropeansArsenal aoe3de Arsenal · Artillery depot aoe3de Artillery Foundry · Barracks aoe3de Barracks · Capitol aoe3de Capitol · Church aoe3de Church · Plantation aoe3de Estate (formerly Plantation) · Fort aoe3de Fort · Mill aoe3de Mill · Outpost aoe3de Outpost · Tavern icon de Tavern
Native AmericansCommunity plaza aoe3de Community Plaza (formerly Fire Pit) · Corral aoe3de Corral · Plantation aoe3de Estate (formerly Plantation) · Farm aoe3de Farm · Tribal marketplace icon Tribal Marketplace · War hut aoe3de War Hut
AsiansJapan barracks aoe3de Barracks · Japan castle aoe3de Castle · Consulate icon aoe3de Consulate · Monastery aoe3de Monastery · China rice paddy icon aoe3de Rice Paddy · Advanced wonders Wonder
Federal AmericansArsenal aoe3de Arsenal · Artillery depot aoe3de Artillery Foundry · Barracks aoe3de Barracks · Capitol aoe3de Capitol · Plantation aoe3de Estate · Fort aoe3de Fort · Mill aoe3de Mill · Outpost aoe3de Outpost · Saloon aoe3de Saloon
AfricansArsenal aoe3de Arsenal · Field portrait aoe3de Field · Granary portrait aoe3de Granary · Hut portrait aoe3de Hut · Livestock market aoe3de Livestock Market · Palace portrait aoe3de Palace · Port portrait aoe3de Port · War camp aoe3de portrait War Camp · Watch tower aoe3de portrait Watch Tower
Flag BritishDE BritishHouse aoe3de Manor House
Flag DutchDE DutchBank aoe3de Bank
Flag GermanDE GermansMercenary camp portrait Mercenary Camp
Flag OttomanDE OttomansChurch aoe3de Mosque
Flag RussianDE RussiansBlockhouse aoe3de Blockhouse
Flag AztecDE AztecsNobles aoe3de Nobles' Hut
Flag IroquoisDE HaudenosauneeIro house icon Longhouse · Artillery depot aoe3de Siege Workshop
Flag SiouxDE LakotaTeepee icon DE Teepee
Flag ChineseDE ChineseChinese village aoe3de Village · China waracademy aoe3de War Academy
Flag IndianDE IndiansCaravanseraiDE Caravanserai · MangoGroveDE Mango Grove · SacredFieldDE Sacred Field
Flag JapaneseDE JapaneseCherry orchard portrait aoe3de Cherry Orchard · Dojo aoe3de Dojo · Shrine aoe3de Shrine
Flag IncanDE IncaInca kallanka Kallanka · Inca kancha house Kancha House · Inca stronghold Stronghold · Inca tambo Tambo
Flag SwedishDE SwedesSwedish torp Torp
Flag American act3 aoe3de United StatesMeeting house aoe3de icon Meeting House · State capitol aoe3de icon State Capitol
Flag Ethiopian aoe3de EthiopiansMountain monastery portrait aoe3de Mountain Monastery
Flag Hausa HausaUniversity portrait University
Flag MexicanDE MexicansCathedral portrait Cathedral · Hacienda portrait Hacienda
Flag ItalianDE ItaliansBasilica portrait Basilica · Lombard portrait Lombard
Flag MalteseDE MalteseCommandery portrait Commandery · Depot portrait Depot · Fixed gun portrait aoe3de Fixed Gun · Hospital portrait Hospital
Aztec temple portrait American Citadel (formerly Maya Castle) · Athos monastery portrait Athos Monastery · Battery tower portrait Battery Tower · Factory aoe3de Factory · Field hospital aoe3de Field Hospital · Regent's Castle aoe3de Regent's Castle
Scenario Editor/campaign only
Cherokee Warhut Portrait Cherokee War Hut · Town Center Command Post Command Post · Wall aoe3de Command Post · Fixed gun portrait aoe3de Fixed Gun · Fort Tower icon AoE3DE Fort Tower · Gunpowder Stores icon AoE3DE Gunpowder Stores · Ossuary AoE3DE Ossuary · Fountain Youth Portrait The Fountain of Youth · Tower aoe3de Tower