“ | Starting wars to serve your political ends, Themistocles? Let’s hear you spew your slander when I sink you to the bottom of the gulf | ” |
—Defying Themistocles in Raise the Sails |
Polycritus is a naval hero in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Chronicles: Battle for Greece. He has a unique model and is available in the Scenario Editor. As a hero, he cannot be converted and can regenerate health.
He deals an extremely large melee attack at range, along with Area of Effect damage like Catapult Ships, but without the drawback of slow shots prone to missing, as he fires bolts which travel in a straight line, disregarding gravity, like War Galleys and Galleons in Age of Empires II. As a countermeasure, his reload time is very high and he also has a minimum range.
Campaign appearances[]
Battle for Greece[]
- Raise the Sails: Polycritus leads the Aeginetan fleet in defense of Aegina. He will attack the Athenians and his flagship must be sunk.
- The Hot Gates: Polycritus joins Themistocles at Artemisium, where the Greeks attempt to hold off the Persian navy's invasion of Greece.
- Divine Salamis: He commands the allied Greek fleet attempting to break the Persian blockades, alongside Themistocles and Aristides.
- Blood and Gold: Several of the Elite Warships built at Ephesus are modified Polycritus.
In Wrath of the Regent, he is one of the three leaders of the allied Greek forces, commanding the naval forces north of Byzantium. He doesn't personally participate in the siege. After the Statue of Helios is recovered, he will demand that Themistocles relinquish it to him rather than to Pausanias, by bringing it to a Transport Ship sent to the player's base.
Polycritus was a naval commander from Aegina and a prominent leader during the battle of Salamis. Themistocles doubted him, but he proved himself in the battle by his bravery and skill.[1]
- The figure on the ship's sail is a turtle. Turtles, and later tortoises, were symbols of the polis of Aegina, and can be seen in the coins minted by the Aeginetans.
- ↑ Herodotus: Book Eight on the Reed College website