Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the Polar Bear in Age of Mythology and Age of Empires III. For other Bears in different games of the series, see Bear.

The Polar Bear is a large arctic bear that is featured in Age of Empires III and Age of Mythology.

Aom original icon Age of Mythology[]


Polar Bears are a source of food that are dangerous to any Villager that comes too near. They are powerful predators and are found in arctic and subarctic maps, usually in Midgard, Sea of Worms, and Tundra. When attacking a Polar Bear, use more than one military unit, or a group of Villagers.

A Polar Bear hero, named Polaris, can be found in the first The Golden Gift scenario, if the player explores the map enough. He is very powerful and hostile.


Aom original icon Age of Mythology[]
  • Polar Bears have 5.0 speed.
AoMIcon-Retold Retold[]


Scientific name -- Ursus maritimus
Size -- males up to 1700 lbs., females up to 600 lbs.
Diet -- seals, whales, caribou

Polar bears live farther north than any other land mammal and are the largest living land carnivores.

Polar bears use a variety of hunting techniques. White fur and padded paws means they can stalk seals resting on the ice. They have been known to wait next to seal breathing holes for hours in order to pull a 250 lb. seal up onto the ice. They are also strong enough to create new breathing holes to bait seals.

Despite their hunting strategies, polar bears make successful kills less than 15% of the time. Fortunately, they can eat a lot of meat, over 150 lbs. at one sitting, and can go without food for weeks. Scores of polar bears have been seen feeding off the carcasses of dead whales.
—In-game help section

3Icon48px Age of Empires III[]

The Polar Bear is one of the most powerful treasure guardians in the game because of its high attack and hit points. The Polar Bears are naturally found on two maps, Saguenay and Yukon, and more rarely in Borneo and Indochina. There is also a pet Polar Bear which is a useful companion for an Explorer when hunting for Treasures and they have an attack bonus against Treasure guardians.


Scientific Name: Ursus maritimus
Approx. Size: Up to 600 lb. (female); up to 1,700 lb. (male)
Diet: Seals, whales, caribou

Polar bears live further north than any other land mammal and are the largest living land carnivores. They use a variety of hunting techniques. White fur and padded paws allow them to stalk seals resting on the ice. They have been known to wait next to seal breathing holes for hours in order to pull a 250-pound seal up onto the ice. They are also strong enough to create new breathing holes to bait seals.

Despite their hunting strategies, polar bears make successful kills less than 15% of the time. Fortunately, they can eat a lot of meat, over 150 pounds, at one time, and can go without food for weeks. Scores of polar bears have been seen feeding on the carcasses of dead whales.


  • The appearance of Polar Bears on Borneo and Indochina is most likely a comical reference to the TV show Lost.


Big Jerome the Pet Polar Bear[]

Big Jerome the Pet Polar Bear is a pet Polar Bear in Age of Empires III. Big Jerome is the toughest pet in the game, tougher even than Randy the Pet Rhino, able to withstand enormous amounts of damage.

He can be found exclusively in Yukon, rescued as a cub from certain Treasures.


Big Jerome the Pet Polar Bear, like all other pets, upgrades automatically each Age:

  • Colonial age up +20% hit points and attack
  • Fortress age up +30% hit points and attack
  • Industrial age up +40% hit points and attack
  • Imperial age up +60% hit points and attack

Further statistics[]

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Treasure guardians
Weak vs. Villagers
Hit points Maya Cotton Armor Maya Cotton Armor (+20%)
Infantry Breastplate Infantry Breastplate (+10%)
Tar kilns Tar Kilns (+5%)
Attack Zapotec Cult of the Dead Zapotec Cult of the Dead (+20%)
Carib Kasiri Beer Carib Kasiri Beer (+10%)
Master Lessons Master Lessons (+10%)
Wind horses Wind Horses (-10% Rate of Fire)
Speed Push of Pike Push of Pike (+10%; Swedes only)
Apache Endurance Apache Endurance (+5%)
Wind horses Wind Horses (+0.5)
Penalties Push of Pike Push of Pike (+10% train time; Swedes only)

Home City Cards[]

Click for a list of Home City Cards related to the Big Jerome the Pet Polar Bear
Some cards are highlighted with:
Green TEAM Shipment that is sent to each player in a team
Red Shipment that can be sent twice
Blue Shipment that arrives fast (5 seconds)
Card Description Age HC level
Western reforms Western Reforms All units get +8% hit points and attack
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Card Description Age
Ignatian spirituality Ignatian Spirituality All units get +5% hit points and regeneration capability even while in combat
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Card Description Age
South Africa Home City (Wanderlust) Wanderlust Land units get +5% hit points; land villagers and wagons get +5% speed
Card Description Age
Inca Home City 2 (Road Building) Road Building Land military units get +10% speed
Age II tech tree aoe3
Card Description Age HC level
Dravidian martial arts Dravidian Martial Arts All units get +15% hand attack; Rajputs get +20% hand attack instead; +1 Villager
Age II tech tree aoe3
Shivajis tactics TEAM Shivaji's Tactics All units get +5% hit points and attack
Age IV tech tree aoe 3
Card Description Age
Maltese Home City 2 (TEAM Knights of the Round Table) TEAM Knights of the Round Table Ships 1 Hospitaller for each Town Center owned by the player; all units get +2% hit points
Age I tech tree aoe3
Card Description Age
Mexican Home City 2 (TEAM Mariachi) TEAM Mariachi For the next 30 seconds, military buildings work 400% faster and units get +10% speed
Age I tech tree aoe3
Federal card colegio de san nicolas Colegio de San Nicolás Ships 500 XP; units get +4 and buildings (except Walls) get +8 Line of Sight; sees what enemies can see for 20 seconds
Age II tech tree aoe3
Federal card national servant National Servant All units get +10% hit points; Padre healing 200% faster
Imperial Age
Card Description Age HC level
Spanish Home City 1 (Hand Infantry Attack) TEAM Hand Infantry Attack Hand infantry get +15% attack
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Hitpoints) Archaic Infantry Hitpoints Hand infantry and foot archers get +15% hit points; Rodeleros get +20% hit points instead
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Combat) Archaic Infantry Combat Hand infantry and foot archers get +15% hit points and attack
Age III tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 3 (Inquisition) TEAM Spanish Inquisition All units get +10 Line of Sight; +1 Inquisitor
Age II tech tree aoe3
Card Description Age
German Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Attack) Hand Infantry/Hand Cavalry Attack Hand infantry and hand cavalry get +15% attack
Age II tech tree aoe3
Spanish Home City 2 (Hand Infantry Hitpoints) Hand Infantry/Hand Cavalry Hitpoints Hand infantry and hand cavalry get +15% hit points
Age II tech tree aoe3
United States[]
Card Description Age
United States Home City 3 (TEAM Alaska Purchase) TEAM Alaska Purchase Ships 6 Pet Polar Bears; existing Town Centers spawn 1 Silver Prospector Wagon; costs 2,500 wood
Age IV tech tree aoe 3


3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs[]
  • Big Jerome the Pet Polar Bear cannot reveal stealth enemies.
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition[]
  • Big Jerome the Pet Polar Bear can reveal stealth enemies.
Animals (non-myth units) in Age of Mythology
Herdable animalsAoMR Cow icon Cow · AoMR Goat icon Goat · AoMR Pig icon Pig · YakiconAoM Yak
Timid huntablesAoMR Baboon icon Baboon · AoMR Caribou icon Caribou · AoMR Chicken icon Chicken · AoMR Crowned Crane icon Crowned Crane · AoMR Deer icon Deer · DuckAoM icon Duck · AoMR Elk icon Elk · AoMR Gazelle icon Gazelle · AoMR Giraffe icon Giraffe · AoMR Monkey icon Monkey · AoMR Zebra icon Zebra
Aggressive huntablesAoMR Aurochs icon Aurochs · AoMR Boar icon Boar · AoMR Elephant icon Elephant · AoMR Hippopotamus icon Hippopotamus · RamAoM icon Ram · AoMR Rhinoceros icon Rhinoceros · AoMR Walrus icon Walrus · AoMR Water Buffalo icon Water Buffalo
Wild animalsAoMR Arctic Wolf icon Arctic Wolf · AoMR Crocodile icon Crocodile · AoMR Bear icon Bear · AoMR Hyena icon Hyena · AoMR Lion icon Lion · LizardAoM icon Lizard · PandaAoM icon Panda Bear · AoMR Polar Bear icon Polar Bear · AoMR Serpent icon Serpent (Predator) · TigerAoM icon Tiger · AoMR Wolf icon Wolf
Military animalsAoMR Lion icon Golden Lion · AoMR Monkey icon Relic Monkey
FishAoMR Fish icon Herring · AoMR Fish icon Mahi-mahi · AoMR Fish icon Perch · AoMR Fish icon Salmon
Decorative animalsBird (AoM Hawk Icon Eagle · AoMR Hawk icon Hawk · AoM Hawk Icon Parrot · AoMR Vulture icon Vulture) · Hawksbill Turtle · Orca · Shark · Whale
Scenario Editor-exclusive animalsHour of Alpacas Alfred · Wolf icon Dog · Giant Duck-Billed Platypus · GoatAOM Golden Fleece (also herdable) · Elk icon Reindeer
Cheat animalsChickenIcon Methane Chicken
Cut animalsAnchovies · Camel icon AoM Camel · Horse · Musk Ox · Nubian Goat · Shore Fish · Unicorn
Animals in Age of Empires III
HerdablesCow aoe3de Cow · Goat aoe3de Goat · Llama aoe3de Llama · Cow aoe3de Sacred Cow · Sanga aoe3de Sanga Cattle · Sheep aoe3de Sheep · Water buffalo aoe3de Water Buffalo · Yak portrait aoe3de Yak · Aoe3de zebu Zebu Cattle · Sanga aoe3de Big Benny
HuntablesBighorn sheep aoe3de Bighorn Sheep · Bison aoe3de Bison · Capybara aoe3de Capybara · Caribou aoe3de Caribou · Deer aoe3de Deer · Elephant aoe3de Elephant · Elk aoe3de Elk · Gazelle portrait Gazelle · Giant salamander aoe3de Giant Salamander · Giraffe portrait Giraffe · Guanaco aoe3de Guanaco · Ibex aoe3de Ibex · Marco polo sheep aoe3de Marco Polo Sheep · Moose aoe3de Moose · Musk deer aoe3de Musk Deer · Musk ox aoe3de Musk Ox · Nilgai aoe3de Nilgai · Ostrich portrait aoe3de Ostrich · Pronghorn aoe3de Pronghorn · Rhea aoe3de Rhea · Saiga aoe3de Saiga · Serow aoe3de Serow · Tapir aoe3de Tapir · Turkey aoe3de Turkey · Zebra portrait aoe3de Zebra
Treasure guardiansAlligator aoe3de Alligator · Tibetan macaque aoe3de Baboon · Black bear aoe3de Black Bear · Black panther aoe3de Black Panther · Beast portrait Beast · Beast portrait Beast of Gévaudan · Grizzly aoe3de Brown Bear · Cougar aoe3de Cougar · Pet wolf aoe3de Coyote · Alligator aoe3de Crocodile · Elephant aoe3de Elephant · Ethiopian Wolf portrait Ethiopian Wolf · Grizzly aoe3de Grizzly Bear · Hippo portrait Hippo · Honey Badger portrait Honey Badger · Hyena portrait aoe3de Hyena · Jaguar pet aoe3de Jaguar · Jaguar pet aoe3de Leopard · Lion aoe3de Lion · Liontailed macaque aoe3de Lion-Tailed Macaque · Guardian dog portrait Mad Dog · Monitor lizard aoe3de Monitor Lizard · Orangutan portrait aoe3de Orangutan · Panda portrait aoe3de Panda · Polar bear aoe3de portrait Polar Bear · Rhino aoe3de Rhinoceros · Snow leopard aoe3de Snow Leopard · Snowmonkey aoe3de Snow Monkey · Tibetan macaque aoe3de Tibetan Macaque · Tiger icon aoe3de Tiger · Warthog portrait Warthog
Unknown-exclusiveAoe3de zebu Cash Cow · Aoe3de zebu Wood Cattle
MilitaryWar dog aoe3de Dog · Turkey scout portrait aoe3de Intrepid Turkey Scout · Sheep aoe3de Lamb of the Creator · Pet wolf aoe3de Tengri Wolf
Treasure guardiansAlligator aoe3de Alligator · Hippo portrait Hippo · Greatwhiteshark aoe3de Great White Shark · Orca aoe3de Orca · White tiger aoe3de White Tiger · Warthog portrait Wild Boar · Pet wolf aoe3de Wolf
FishBass aoe3de Bass · Carp portrait aoe3de Carp · Catfish portrait aoe3de Catfish · Cod portrait aoe3de Cod · Mahi portrait aoe3de Mahi-mahi · Mola mola portrait aoe3de Mola Mola · Salmon aoe3de Salmon · Sardine portrait aoe3de Sardines · Squid portrait aoe3de Squid · Tarpon portrait aoe3de Tarpon · Tuna aoe3de Tuna
WhalesBeluga whale portrait aoe3de Beluga Whale · Whale humpback portrait aoe3de Humpback Whale · Minke whale portrait aoe3de Minke Whale
Bird · Bird unit icon AoE3DE Bird (unit)
Treasure guardians in Age of Empires III
HumansAfrican vagabond portrait African Vagabond · Ambushing shongo thrower portrait Ambushing Shongo Thrower · Carib blowgunner aoe3de Bandit Blowgunner · Pistolero aoe3de Bandit Gunslinger · Comanchero icon aoe3de Bandit Rider · Renegado aoe3de Bandit Rifleman · Blind monk aoe3de Blind Monk · Highwayman mounted portrait Brigand · Caravan bandit portrait Caravan Bandit · Colonial gunslinger portrait Colonial Gunslinger · Colonial looter portrait Colonial Looter · Colonial officer portrait Colonial Officer · Colonial oppressor portrait Colonial Oppressor · Colonial swashbuckler portrait Colonial Swashbuckler · Guardian halberdier portrait Corrupted Watchman · Thuggee aoe3de Delinquent Thuggee · Deserted hussar portrait Deserted Hussar · Guardian pikeman portrait Deserted Pikeman · Deserted skirmisher portrait Deserted Skirmisher · Dacoit aoe3de Fugitive Dacoit · Highwayman dismounted portrait Gunman · Guardian haramija portrait Haramija · Guardian klepht portrait Klepht · Knife thrower aoe3de Knife Thrower · Guardian cossack portrait Marauding Cossack · Guardian jaeger portrait Marauding Jaeger · Marauding janissary portrait Marauding Janissary · Marauding highlander portrait Marauding Highlander · Deserted musketeer portrait Marauding Musketeer · Wayward ronin aoe3de Masterless Samurai · Wokou horseman aoe3de Mongol Rider · Outlaw pirate portrait aoe3de updated Pirate · Plague doctor portrait Plague Doctor · Guardian cuirassier portrait Repressive Cuirassier · Guardian robber knight portrait Robber Knight · Wokou pirate aoe3de Smuggler · Inquisitor portrait Witch Hunter
Land animalsTibetan macaque aoe3de Baboon · Beast portrait Beast · Black bear aoe3de Black Bear · Black panther aoe3de Black Panther · Grizzly aoe3de Brown Bear · Cougar aoe3de Cougar · Pet wolf aoe3de Coyote · Elephant aoe3de Elephant · Ethiopian Wolf portrait Ethiopian Wolf · Hippo portrait Hippo · Honey Badger portrait Honey Badger · Hyena portrait aoe3de Hyena · Jaguar pet aoe3de Jaguar · Jaguar pet aoe3de Leopard · Lion aoe3de Lion · Liontailed macaque aoe3de Lion-Tailed Macaque · Guardian dog portrait Mad Dog · Orangutan portrait aoe3de Orangutan · Panda portrait aoe3de Panda · Polar bear aoe3de portrait Polar Bear · Rhino aoe3de Rhinoceros · Snow leopard aoe3de Snow Leopard · Snowmonkey aoe3de Snow Monkey · Tibetan macaque aoe3de Tibetan Macaque · Tiger icon aoe3de Tiger · Warthog portrait Warthog · White tiger aoe3de White Tiger · Warthog portrait Wild Boar · Pet wolf aoe3de Wolf
Marine animalsAlligator aoe3de Alligator · Alligator aoe3de Crocodile · Hippo portrait Hippo · Monitor lizard aoe3de Komodo Dragon · Orca aoe3de Orca · Greatwhiteshark aoe3de Shark
ShipsCatamaran aoe3de Bandit Catamaran · Wokou junk aoe3de Marauding Junk