Age of Empires Series Wiki

Patch 3.7 is a patch for Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten. Released on July 31, 2014, it introduced a number of bug fixes and performance improvements.

AI Fixes and Updates[]

  • Standard AI script was updated:
  • Difficulty reduced on the lower difficulty settings:
  • AI now asks for tributes less often
  • AI now responds when denying tribute requests
  • AI now responds more often to taunt 31 ("attack now")
  • AI now properly responds to taunts 35 ("stop building a navy") and 37 ("build a wonder")
  • Implemented sn-livestock-to-town-center
  • Implemented scout-flank for up-send-scout
  • Adjusted sn-prefered-trade-distance to bring its behavior more in line community expectations
  • Adjusted sn-wall-targeting-mode in a way that should not affect human players
  • AI players now gather their sheep inside their town centers instead of just beside them
  • AI workers gathering boar will now by default choose town centers as drop sites
  • up-retreat-now now instructs ungrouped soldiers and boats to retreat in addition to grouped land soldiers
  • up-retreat-now sends boats to the first available dock and land units to the first available town center
  • up-retreat-now now issues fewer individual commands to units, which should improve performance in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where up-reset-unit did not handle -1 as an input correctly
  • Fixed an issue where up-drop-resources would not affect workers gathering food from boars
  • Fixed an issue where up-resource-status was giving incorrect results when a technology was unavailable to the civilization that was calling it
  • Fixed an issue where up-send-scout was sending scouts to strange places
  • Fixed an issue where standard and conquerors AI players' names would always appear in the host's language in a multiplayer game
  • Fixed an issue where restoring a save game with conquerors AIs would cause the AIs revert to the default AI behaviour
  • Fixed an issue where the standard AI would not choose a "leader name" for itself once the game had started
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would not properly respond to bear attacks
  • Fixed an issue where the AI in the last player slot in a multiplayer game would have no name for clients
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an AI villager was hunting boar
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an AI was creating and issuing orders to soldier groups

Performance changes[]

  • Improvements to smooth scrolling in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where loading a game saved in the late game would cause the game to run slowly
  • Fixed an issue where the pathfinding system would leak memory, causing the game to run slowly in the late game
  • Performance improvements to the pathfinding system on larger maps


  • Fixed an issue where joining a game as the host was leaving would cause the client to become stuck forever on the "joining game" status screen
  • Fixed an issue where the host kicking a player as they were loading would cause the client to become stuck forever on the "joining game" status screen
  • Fixed an issue where kicking a human player as they were readying up would cause their lobby slot to become corrupted
  • Fixed an issue where a client joining a lobby, then cancelling the join immediately would cause a player slot in the game they were joining to become corrupted
  • Fixed an issue where replacing a spectator with a computer player caused that player slot to become corrupted
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong ELO pre-game feedback could be displayed in lobbies when the host was readied up
  • Fixed an issue where clients would not see other clients as spectators when they should
  • Fixed an issue where spectating a defeated player would cause the spectator to also be defeated (and be kicked out of the game)
  • Fixed an issue where loading and saving a single player game while in spectator mode would result in the spectator controlling an AI player
  • Fixed several issues where saving, loading, or creating a scenario in the scenario editor would cause an apparent resolution change
  • Fixed an issue where going from the game achievements screen back to a multiplayer game after the game was over would cause an apparent resolution change
  • Fixed an issue where restarting the game would cause an apparent resolution change
  • Fixed an issue where imperial age Gaia units would revert to dark age units in save games
  • Fixed an issue where the AI could repeatedly try to build buildings in inaccessible places, resulting in the Romans in Attila the Hun mission 5 not building military buildings
  • Fixed an issue where Forgotten custom campaigns would show up twice on versions of Windows before 8.0
  • Fixed an issue where the in-game music would stop playing if the user opened the "Load" menu while in-game
  • Fixed an issue where teams could be overridden inappropriately in scenario games
  • Fixed an issue where multiplayer Forgotten saves could be loaded in HD
  • Fixed an issue where the launcher's dimensions were not preserved across DPI settings
  • Fixed an issue where the palisade gate icon was not visible on the tech tree screen
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving a game

Forgotten data changes[]

  • Fixed ore mines
  • Fixed heavy swordsman
  • Fixed keep/bbt shadow on Slavic set
  • Fixed feudal TC shadow on Slavic set
  • Fixed Dolphin
  • Fixed Magyar Huszar idle animation
  • Fixed Italian wonder color information
  • Fixed wooden bridges shadows
  • Fixed feudal mill on Slavic set
  • Changed some IDs in all files to fix the history screens and some mistakes in the last loc drop.

Other changes[]

  • Changed green and yellow ping thresholds in multiplayer lobbies to reflect connections that will impact game playability
  • Monks now contribute to players' military population counts for victory point and AI tracking purposes
  • Updated achievement localization
  • Added art for the AoF civs in the history section
Age of Empires
ReturnRome-AoEIcon Age of Empires 1.0a ยท 1.0b ยท 1.0c
RomeIcon The Rise of Rome 1.0a
Age of Empires Definitive Edition icon Definitive Edition Changelog (DE1) ยท CU3 ยท CU4 ยท CU5 ยท CU6 ยท CU7 ยท U8 ยท U9 ยท U10 ยท U11 ยท 28529 ยท 34483 ยท 35199 ยท 38862 ยท 46777 ยท 100.2.31845.0 | Summary
AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome 83607 (85208 ยท 85614) ยท 87863 ยท 93001 (93870) ยท 95810 ยท 99311 ยท 107882 ยท 108769 (109739) ยท 111772 (113358)
Age of Empires II
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings 2.0a [backport of patch 1.0 for The Conquerors]
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors 1.0 (launch) ยท 1.0b ยท 1.0c
Aoe2 hb HD Edition 2.1 ยท 2.2 ยท 2.3 ยท 2.5 ยท 2.6 ยท 2.7 ยท 2.8
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten 3.0 ยท 3.1 ยท 3.2 ยท 3.3 ยท 3.4 ยท 3.5 ยท 3.6 ยท 3.6a ยท 3.7 ยท 3.8 ยท 3.9 ยท 4.0 ยท 4.1 ยท 4.2 ยท 4.3
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms 4.4 ยท 4.5 ยท 4.6 ยท 4.7 ยท 4.8 ยท 4.9
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas 5.0 ยท 5.1 ยท 5.3 ยท 5.4 ยท 5.5 ยท 5.6 ยท 5.7 ยท 5.8
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last Khans 32708 ยท 32911 ยท 33059 ยท 33164 ยท 33315 ยท 34055 (34223 ยท 34397) ยท 34699 (34793 ยท 35209) ยท 35584 ยท 36202 ยท 36906 ยท 37650 (37906) ยท 39284 (39515) ยท 40220 ยท 40874 ยท 41855 ยท 42848 (43210)
AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West 44725 (44834 ยท 45185) ยท 46295 ยท 47820 ยท 50292 (50700)
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes 51737 (53347) ยท 54480 ยท 56005 ยท 58259 ยท 59165
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India 61321 ยท 62085 ยท 63482 (63581) ยท 66692 (71094) ยท 73855 ยท 75350 ยท 77209 ยท 78174 (78757) ยท 81058 (82587)
AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome 83607 (85208 ยท 85614) ยท 87863 ยท 90260 ยท 93001 (93870)
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals 95810 (96976) ยท 99311 (99404) ยท 104954
Aoe2 hb Victors and Vanquished 107882 ยท 108769 (109739) ยท 111772 (113358 ยท 114480) ยท 117204 ยท 118476
Age of Mythology
Aom original icon Windows 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03 ยท 1.04 ยท 1.05 ยท 1.06 ยท 1.07 ยท 1.08 ยท 1.09 ยท 1.10
Aom original icon Mac 1.0.1 ยท 2.0 ยท 2.01
AoM The Titans icon The Titans 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03
AoM Extended icon Extended Edition 1.5 ยท 1.6 ยท 1.7 ยท 1.8 ยท 1.9 ยท 1.10 ยท 1.11 ยท 1.12
AoM Extended icon Tale of the Dragon 2.0 ยท 2.1 ยท 2.2 ยท 2.3 ยท 2.4 ยท 2.5 ยท 2.6 ยท 2.7 ยท 2.8
AoMIcon-Retold Retold 17.18697 ยท 17.22308 ยท 17.27932
Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03 ยท 1.04 ยท 1.05 ยท 1.06 ยท 1.07 ยท 1.08 ยท 1.09 ยท 1.10 ยท 1.11 ยท 1.12 ยท 1.13 ยท 1.14
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03 ยท 1.04 ยท 1.05 ยท 1.06
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties 1.01 ยท 1.02 ยท 1.03
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition 1529 ยท 3552 (4087) ยท 5208 ยท 6159 (6847) ยท 9476 ยท 10807 ยท 13088 ยท 14825 ยท 18493 ยท 20322 ยท 23511 (24632) ยท 26865 (27330 ยท 27812) ยท 29715 (30181)
Age3DE Icon The African Royals 38254 (39346) ยท 43871 ยท 47581 ยท 50830 ยท 54545 ยท 56860 ยท 61213 ยท 13.690 ยท 13.4412
Age3DE Icon Knights of the Mediterranean 13.9057 ยท 13.10442 ยท 13.12327 ยท 13.18214 ยท 13.27885 (13.29366 ยท 13.29985) ยท 13.38085 ยท 13.58326 ยท 14.3853 ยท 14.43676 ยท Update 15.30007 ยท Patch 15.30007 ยท 15.59076
GameIcon-AoE4 Age of Empires IV
Release Patch 7989 ยท Update 8324 ยท Patch 9369 ยท Patch 10257 ยท Patch 11009 ยท Patch 11963
Season One Season One Update ยท Server-Side Patch 12973 ยท Patch 14681 ยท Patch 15965
Season Two Season Two Update 17718 ยท Patch 20249 ยท Patch 23349
Season Three Update 24916 ยท Patch 5.1.148 ยท Server-Side Patch ยท Patch 5.2.131
Season Four Update 6.0.878 ยท Patch 6.1.130
Season Five Update 7.0.5861 (Hotfix 7.0.5976 ยท Hotfix 7.0.6026) ยท Patch 7.1.113
Xbox release Update 8.0.185 ยท Patch 8.1.276 ยท Patch 8.2.218
Season Six Update 9.1.176 ยท Patch 9.1.370 ยท Patch 9.2.628
Season Seven Update 10.0.576 ยท Patch 10.1.48
Season Eight Update 11.0.782 ยท Patch 11.1.1201