Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki

Patch 12.1.2454 is a patch for Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend, released on November 19, 2024.



  • Silk Bowstrings and Serpentine Powder upgrades hotkeys can be properly remapped on for Mongols.

UX/UI and menus (all platforms)[]

  • Fixed an issue that impacted the ability to toggle to reveal map in observed games.

UX/UI and menus (console)[]

  • Player Profile will now show the correct Rank Emblem in the overview.

Balance and bugfixes[]

General changes and bugfixes[]

  • Fixed an issue that caused players on Xbox devices to crash when joining team games with friends.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rus Mastery “Hunting Ground” could not be unlocked.
  • Fixed a bug where all Monarch’s names would be displayed as ‘King’ Instead of their unique names in Dominion.
  • Fixed several localization issues related to syntax and various unique characters.

Balance and gameplay changes (all civilizations)[]

  • Siege
    • Siege Workshop cost reduced from 300 → 250 wood
    • Springalds health increased from 75 → 85
    • Springald damage increased from 15 → 16
    • Updated springald text to state unit piercing instead of armor piercing
    • Counterweight Trebuchet bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 375 → 350
    • Bombard bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 410 → 375
    • Bombard gains +50 bonus damage versus Elephants
    • Culverin bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 230 → 215
    • Culverin gains +35 bonus damage versus Elephants
    • Culverins gain attack ground
  • Team Games
    • Trade income from allied markets by reduced by 10%, trade income from Neutral Settlements unchanged.
  • Lategame
    • Biology effect reduced from 30% → 25% health
    • French/Jeanne d’Arc Royal Bloodlines effect reduced from 40% → 35% health
    • Mongols Biology (Improved) effect reduced from 40% → 35% health
    • Handcannoneer base damage increased from 35 → 38
    • Serpentine Powder bonus versus melee infantry reduced from +8 → +5
    • Keeps and Keep Landmarks fire armor increased from 5 → 6
    • Elite Army Tactics costed reduced from 500f and 1000g → 400f and 800g
    • Mongols Improved version cost reduced from 1500 → 1200 stone

Civilization-specific changes[]

Abbasid Dynasty AoE4 Abbasid Dynasty[]

  • Fertile crescent building discount reduced from 35% → 30%
  • Camel archer damage reduced from 12/14/15 → 11/13/14
    • Camel Archer bonus damage versus light melee infantry and light gunpowder infantry reduced from 12/14/15 → 11/13/14

Byzantines AoE4 Byzantines[]

  • Fixed an issue where the Greek Fire Projectiles for Byzantine Trebuchets didn’t increase bonus damage of Trebuchets
  • Longbow Mercenary cost increased from 500 → 520 Olive Oil
  • Javelin Mercenary cost increased from 460 → 480 Olive Oil
  • Flask ability cooldown (how frequently a unit can use a flask) increased from 20 → 45 seconds
  • Corrected a UI issue on the Grand Winery where the economic upgrade tooltips stated the incorrect values for the food upgrades

Chinese AoE4 Chinese[]

  • Adjusted Grenadier unit tags to correctly state that they are Ranged Gunpowder Infantry and not Light units
  • Nest of Bees range increased from 7 → 7.5 tiles
  • Imperial Examinations effect reduced from 80 → 70 carry capacity
    • Imperial Examinations research cost reduced from 50 food and 125 gold → 50 food and 100 gold

Delhi Sultanate AoE4 Delhi Sultanate[]

  • Silk Bowstrings and Serpentine Powder are now correctly accounted for with the Hisar Academy
  • Sultan Elite Tower Elephant damage increased from 35 → 38
  • Fixed an issue where Sultan´s Tower Elephants were gaining unintended damage with Chemistry

English AoE4 English[]

  • Enclosures gold income reduced from 1 every 5 seconds → 1 every 6 seconds
  • Network of Citadels technology effect reduced from 20% → 10% more attack speed with Network of Castles
    • Known Issue: The buff indicator on units affected by Network of Citadel still states the old value of +40%

French AoE4 French[]

  • Cannon bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 500 → 450
  • Cannon gains +55 bonus damage versus Elephants

Malians AoE4 Malians[]

  • Fixed an issue where Mansa Javelineer could not be upgraded to Elite on Xbox devices
  • Fixed an issue where Serpentine Powder used the wrong visual weapon for Musofadi Gunners
  • Freeborn Warrior health increased from 165 → 175
  • Elite Freeborn Warrior health increased from 190 → 205
  • Musofadi Gunner damage increased from 38 → 41

Mongols AoE4 Mongols[]

  • Fixed an issue where Mongol double production of Springalds had the incorrect cost
  • Corrected an issue with Superior Mobility (Improved) cost not being adjusted correctly when researching the basic version of Superior Mobility
  • Town Center cost reduced from 850 → 800 wood
  • Traction Trebuchet bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 200 → 190
  • The Khan’s range is now increased after Silk Bowstrings is researched

Ottomans AoE4 Ottomans[]

  • Fixed an issue where the early version of the Great Bombard dealt Ranged Damage instead of Siege Damage
  • Sipahi now have the correct damage and attack range when charging
  • Great Bombard bonus damage versus infantry reduced from 150 → 125 (early version unchanged)
  • Great Bombard bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 580 → 525
  • Early Great Bombard bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 480 → 400
  • Imperial Palace radius increased from 10 → 12 tiles

Variant civilization changes[]

The following changes apply only to the Variant versions of the Classic civilizations. Variant civilizations share in many of the changes made to their parent civilization listed above.

Ayyubids AoE4 Ayyubids[]

  • Fixed an issue where Tower of the Sultan showed all the weapons individually instead of stacking them on the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ayyubid archers were not getting the incendiary projectile (visual change)

Jeanne d Arc AoE4 Jeanne d'Arc[]

  • Corrected an issue where Jeanne could still consecrate Keeps and the Red Palace, this is no longer needed because Companions are available at the Stable and Barracks
  • Jeanne’s Riders and Champions now appear in the correct age in the Tech Tree
  • Jeanne’s third level selection now properly states where the unlocked units can be trained
  • Cannon bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 500 → 450
  • Cannon gains +55 bonus damage versus Elephants
  • Jeanne d’Arc Nomad mode starts increased from 3 villagers and Jeanne → 4 villagers and Jeanne

Zhu Xis Legacy AoE4 Zhu Xi's Legacy[]

  • Adjusted Grenadier unit tags to correctly state that they are Ranged Gunpowder Infantry and not Light units
  • Fixed an issue where Grenadiers and Zhuge Nus would get incorrect (double) benefit from Ming Dynasty
  • Nest of Bees range increased from 7 → 7.5 tiles
  • Dali Horses upgrade now properly grants +20% attack speed to Cavalry
  • Ming bonus increased from 15% → 20% damage on all unique units

Order of the Dragon AoE4 Order of the Dragon[]

  • Fixed an issue where Order of the Dragon gilded Villagers did not gather from berries quickly enough
Age of Empires
ReturnRome-AoEIcon Age of Empires 1.0a · 1.0b · 1.0c
RomeIcon The Rise of Rome 1.0a
Age of Empires Definitive Edition icon Definitive Edition Changelog (DE1) · CU3 · CU4 · CU5 · CU6 · CU7 · U8 · U9 · U10 · U11 · 28529 · 34483 · 35199 · 38862 · 46777 · 100.2.31845.0 | Summary
AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome 83607 (85208 · 85614) · 87863 · 93001 (93870) · 95810 · 99311 · 107882 · 108769 (109739) · 111772 (113358) · 125283
Age of Empires II
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings 2.0a [backport of patch 1.0 for The Conquerors]
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors 1.0 (launch) · 1.0b · 1.0c
Aoe2 hb HD Edition 2.1 · 2.2 · 2.3 · 2.5 · 2.6 · 2.7 · 2.8
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten 3.0 · 3.1 · 3.2 · 3.3 · 3.4 · 3.5 · 3.6 · 3.6a · 3.7 · 3.8 · 3.9 · 4.0 · 4.1 · 4.2 · 4.3
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms 4.4 · 4.5 · 4.6 · 4.7 · 4.8 · 4.9
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas 5.0 · 5.1 · 5.3 · 5.4 · 5.5 · 5.6 · 5.7 · 5.8
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last Khans 32708 · 32911 · 33059 · 33164 · 33315 · 34055 (34223 · 34397) · 34699 (34793 · 35209) · 35584 · 36202 · 36906 · 37650 (37906) · 39284 (39515) · 40220 · 40874 · 41855 · 42848 (43210)
AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West 44725 (44834 · 45185) · 46295 · 47820 · 50292 (50700)
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes 51737 (53347) · 54480 · 56005 · 58259 · 59165
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India 61321 · 62085 · 63482 (63581) · 66692 (71094) · 73855 · 75350 · 77209 · 78174 (78757) · 81058 (82587)
AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome 83607 (85208 · 85614) · 87863 · 90260 · 93001 (93870)
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals 95810 (96976) · 99311 (99404) · 104954
Aoe2 hb Victors and Vanquished 107882 · 108769 (109739) · 111772 (113358 · 114480) · 117204 · 118476 · 125283 (127161)
Chronicles: Battle for Greece 128442 · 130746
Age of Mythology
Aom original icon Windows 1.01 · 1.02 · 1.03 · 1.04 · 1.05 · 1.06 · 1.07 · 1.08 · 1.09 · 1.10
Aom original icon Mac 1.0.1 · 2.0 · 2.01
AoM The Titans icon The Titans 1.01 · 1.02 · 1.03
AoM Extended icon Extended Edition 1.5 · 1.6 · 1.7 · 1.8 · 1.9 · 1.10 · 1.11 · 1.12
AoM Extended icon Tale of the Dragon 2.0 · 2.1 · 2.2 · 2.3 · 2.4 · 2.5 · 2.6 · 2.7 · 2.8
AoMIcon-Retold Retold 17.18697 · 17.22308 · 17.27932 · 17.30764 (17.31993) · 17.36100 (17.38008) · 17.43876 · 17.46557 · 17.51177 (17.54147) · 17.64528
Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III 1.01 · 1.02 · 1.03 · 1.04 · 1.05 · 1.06 · 1.07 · 1.08 · 1.09 · 1.10 · 1.11 · 1.12 · 1.13 · 1.14
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs 1.01 · 1.02 · 1.03 · 1.04 · 1.05 · 1.06
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties 1.01 · 1.02 · 1.03
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition 1529 · 3552 (4087) · 5208 · 6159 (6847) · 9476 · 10807 · 13088 · 14825 · 18493 · 20322 · 23511 (24632) · 26865 (27330 · 27812) · 29715 (30181)
Age3DE Icon The African Royals 38254 (39346) · 43871 · 47581 · 50830 · 54545 · 56860 · 61213 · 13.690 · 13.4412
Age3DE Icon Knights of the Mediterranean 13.9057 · 13.10442 · 13.12327 · 13.18214 · 13.27885 (13.29366 · 13.29985) · 13.38085 · 13.58326 · 14.3853 · 14.43676 · Update 15.30007 · Patch 15.30007 · 15.59076 (Data Patch)
GameIcon-AoE4 Age of Empires IV
Release Patch 7989 · Update 8324 · Patch 9369 · Patch 10257 · Patch 11009 · Patch 11963
Season One Season One Update · Server-Side Patch 12973 · Patch 14681 · Patch 15965
Season Two Season Two Update 17718 · Patch 20249 · Patch 23349
Season Three Update 24916 · Patch 5.1.148 · Server-Side Patch · Patch 5.2.131
Season Four Update 6.0.878 · Patch 6.1.130
Season Five Update 7.0.5861 (Hotfix 7.0.5976 · Hotfix 7.0.6026) · Patch 7.1.113
Xbox release Update 8.0.185 · Patch 8.1.276 · Patch 8.2.218
Season Six Update 9.1.176 · Patch 9.1.370 · Patch 9.2.628
Season Seven Update 10.0.576 · Patch 10.1.48
Season Eight Update 11.0.782 · Patch 11.1.1201
Season Nine Update 12.0.1974  · Patch 12.0.2246 · Patch 12.1.2454 (Hotfix 12.1.2638)