Patch 12.1.2454 is a patch for Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend, released on November 19, 2024.
- Silk Bowstrings and Serpentine Powder upgrades hotkeys can be properly remapped on for Mongols.
- Fixed an issue that impacted the ability to toggle to reveal map in observed games.
- Player Profile will now show the correct Rank Emblem in the overview.
Balance and bugfixes[]
General changes and bugfixes[]
- Fixed an issue that caused players on Xbox devices to crash when joining team games with friends.
- Fixed an issue where the Rus Mastery “Hunting Ground” could not be unlocked.
- Fixed a bug where all Monarch’s names would be displayed as ‘King’ Instead of their unique names in Dominion.
- Fixed several localization issues related to syntax and various unique characters.
Balance and gameplay changes (all civilizations)[]
- Siege
- Siege Workshop cost reduced from 300 → 250 wood
- Springalds health increased from 75 → 85
- Springald damage increased from 15 → 16
- Updated springald text to state unit piercing instead of armor piercing
- Counterweight Trebuchet bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 375 → 350
- Bombard bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 410 → 375
- Bombard gains +50 bonus damage versus Elephants
- Culverin bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 230 → 215
- Culverin gains +35 bonus damage versus Elephants
- Culverins gain attack ground
- Team Games
- Trade income from allied markets by reduced by 10%, trade income from Neutral Settlements unchanged.
- Lategame
- Biology effect reduced from 30% → 25% health
- French/Jeanne d’Arc Royal Bloodlines effect reduced from 40% → 35% health
- Mongols Biology (Improved) effect reduced from 40% → 35% health
- Handcannoneer base damage increased from 35 → 38
- Serpentine Powder bonus versus melee infantry reduced from +8 → +5
- Keeps and Keep Landmarks fire armor increased from 5 → 6
- Elite Army Tactics costed reduced from 500f and 1000g → 400f and 800g
- Mongols Improved version cost reduced from 1500 → 1200 stone
Civilization-specific changes[]
Abbasid Dynasty[]
- Fertile crescent building discount reduced from 35% → 30%
- Camel archer damage reduced from 12/14/15 → 11/13/14
- Camel Archer bonus damage versus light melee infantry and light gunpowder infantry reduced from 12/14/15 → 11/13/14
- Fixed an issue where the Greek Fire Projectiles for Byzantine Trebuchets didn’t increase bonus damage of Trebuchets
- Longbow Mercenary cost increased from 500 → 520 Olive Oil
- Javelin Mercenary cost increased from 460 → 480 Olive Oil
- Flask ability cooldown (how frequently a unit can use a flask) increased from 20 → 45 seconds
- Corrected a UI issue on the Grand Winery where the economic upgrade tooltips stated the incorrect values for the food upgrades
- Adjusted Grenadier unit tags to correctly state that they are Ranged Gunpowder Infantry and not Light units
- Nest of Bees range increased from 7 → 7.5 tiles
- Imperial Examinations effect reduced from 80 → 70 carry capacity
- Imperial Examinations research cost reduced from 50 food and 125 gold → 50 food and 100 gold
Delhi Sultanate[]
- Silk Bowstrings and Serpentine Powder are now correctly accounted for with the Hisar Academy
- Sultan Elite Tower Elephant damage increased from 35 → 38
- Fixed an issue where Sultan´s Tower Elephants were gaining unintended damage with Chemistry
- Enclosures gold income reduced from 1 every 5 seconds → 1 every 6 seconds
- Network of Citadels technology effect reduced from 20% → 10% more attack speed with Network of Castles
- Known Issue: The buff indicator on units affected by Network of Citadel still states the old value of +40%
- Cannon bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 500 → 450
- Cannon gains +55 bonus damage versus Elephants
- Fixed an issue where Mansa Javelineer could not be upgraded to Elite on Xbox devices
- Fixed an issue where Serpentine Powder used the wrong visual weapon for Musofadi Gunners
- Freeborn Warrior health increased from 165 → 175
- Elite Freeborn Warrior health increased from 190 → 205
- Musofadi Gunner damage increased from 38 → 41
- Fixed an issue where Mongol double production of Springalds had the incorrect cost
- Corrected an issue with Superior Mobility (Improved) cost not being adjusted correctly when researching the basic version of Superior Mobility
- Town Center cost reduced from 850 → 800 wood
- Traction Trebuchet bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 200 → 190
- The Khan’s range is now increased after Silk Bowstrings is researched
- Fixed an issue where the early version of the Great Bombard dealt Ranged Damage instead of Siege Damage
- Sipahi now have the correct damage and attack range when charging
- Great Bombard bonus damage versus infantry reduced from 150 → 125 (early version unchanged)
- Great Bombard bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 580 → 525
- Early Great Bombard bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 480 → 400
- Imperial Palace radius increased from 10 → 12 tiles
Variant civilization changes[]
The following changes apply only to the Variant versions of the Classic civilizations. Variant civilizations share in many of the changes made to their parent civilization listed above.
- Fixed an issue where Tower of the Sultan showed all the weapons individually instead of stacking them on the UI.
- Fixed an issue where the Ayyubid archers were not getting the incendiary projectile (visual change)
Jeanne d'Arc[]
- Corrected an issue where Jeanne could still consecrate Keeps and the Red Palace, this is no longer needed because Companions are available at the Stable and Barracks
- Jeanne’s Riders and Champions now appear in the correct age in the Tech Tree
- Jeanne’s third level selection now properly states where the unlocked units can be trained
- Cannon bonus damage versus buildings reduced from 500 → 450
- Cannon gains +55 bonus damage versus Elephants
- Jeanne d’Arc Nomad mode starts increased from 3 villagers and Jeanne → 4 villagers and Jeanne
Zhu Xi's Legacy[]
- Adjusted Grenadier unit tags to correctly state that they are Ranged Gunpowder Infantry and not Light units
- Fixed an issue where Grenadiers and Zhuge Nus would get incorrect (double) benefit from Ming Dynasty
- Nest of Bees range increased from 7 → 7.5 tiles
- Dali Horses upgrade now properly grants +20% attack speed to Cavalry
- Ming bonus increased from 15% → 20% damage on all unique units
Order of the Dragon[]
- Fixed an issue where Order of the Dragon gilded Villagers did not gather from berries quickly enough