Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the building in Chronicles. For the building in other games in the series, see Outpost.

Watch tower with great line-of-sight to discover nearby enemy activity. Does not attack and cannot garrison units inside.
—In-game description

The Outpost is a tower in Chronicles. It is a relatively cheap and fragile building whose sole purpose is to provide extensive Line of Sight. It has identical attributes to the Outpost in Age of Empires II.

Further statistics[]

Hpicon aoe2de Hit points Masonry aoe2de Masonry (+10%)
ArchitectureDE Architecture (+10%)
Armor Masonry aoe2de Masonry (+1/+1, +3 building armor)
ArchitectureDE Architecture (+1/+1, +3 building armor)
Conversion resistance Exorcism Chronicles Exorcism (+4 min, +4 max)
Hemlock Chronicles Hemlock (destroyed when converted)
Line of Sight TownWatchDE Town Watch (+4)
TownPatrolDE Town Patrol (+4)
Build speed TreadmillCraneDE Treadmill Crane (+20%)
Team bonuses
Conversion resistance Teutons AoE2 Teutons (+3 min, +1 max cycles)
Line of Sight Ethiopians AoE2 Ethiopians (+3)
Resource cost Ethiopians AoE2 Ethiopians (-100% stone)
Other Georgians AoE2 Georgians (-25% repair cost)


  • This building has the same model for all Chronicles civilizations, which is distinct from the Outpost model for Age of Empires II civilizations.
  • Despite having a distinct model, it shares its icon with its Age of Empires II counterpart.


Buildings in Chronicles
Civilian buildings
EconomicTown Center Chronicles Town Center · Port Chronicles Port · Fish trap aoe2DE Fish Trap · Mill Chronicles Mill · FarmDE Farm · Market aoe2DE Market · Lumber camp aoe2de Lumber Camp · Mining camp aoe2de Mining Camp
ResearchBlacksmith aoe2de Blacksmith · Academy Chronicles Academy
MiscellaneousHouse Chronicles House · Temple Chronicles Temple · Wonder Chronicles Wonder
Military buildings
ProductionBarracks aoe2DE Barracks · Archery range aoe2DE Archery Range · Stable aoe2DE Stable · Siege workshop aoe2DE Siege Workshop · Shipyard Chronicles Shipyard · Fort Chronicles Fort
TowerTown Center Chronicles Town Center · Outpost aoe2de Outpost · Watch Tower Chronicles Watch Tower · Guard Tower Chronicles Guard Tower · Bastion Chronicles Bastion · Fort Chronicles Fort
WallPalisade wall aoe2de Palisade Wall · Palisade gate aoe2DE Palisade Gate · Stone wall aoe2de Stone Wall · Gate aoe2de Gate · Fortified wall aoe2de Fortified Wall · Gate aoe2de Fortified Gate
Battle for Greece logo
Tent army small aoe2DE Greek Army Tent · Tent army small aoe2DE Greek Commander Tent · Temple Chronicles Oracle's Temple · Sapper Tunnel Chronicles Sapper Tunnel