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Age of Empires Series Wiki
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Old Friends is the fourth scenario of the Greek campaign in Age of Empires: Mythologies. It is played on a 12x24 sized map.


In the depths of the Underworld, Perseus and Odysseus battle the forces of the Lord of Death as they approach the throne.


Deep in the Underworld

Odysseus: Hades' chill realm welcomes no mortal. Still, we must press on if we are to save the Amazon.

Perseus: Beware of the Shades. As we travel the land of the dead, there's no telling what darkness stirs. Herakles?

Herakles: Ha ha! Is that the best you've got, King of Death?

Hades: Your foolishness is always amusing, brute. But I have no time for you know.

Perseus: Herakles! Join us. We advance against Hades to save Greece.

Herakles: Wonderful, wonderful! Last time I joined a crew, it ended poorly for my friends, but this time feels quite different! His armies will break against our might.

Scenario instructions[]

Starting conditions[]

  • Starting Age: Classical Age
  • Ending Age:
  • Starting resources: 755 food, 735 gold, 27 favor
  • Starting units:
    • 1 Perseus
    • 1 Odysseus
    • 1 Herakles
    • 1 Kataskopos
    • 2 Villager


  • Defeat all enemies.


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Age of Empires: Mythologies
Gameplay elements Terrain
Categories Campaigns · Images · Gods · Units (Myth units · Heroes) · God powers · Greeks · Egyptians · Norse
Civilizations and gods
Greeks Zeus · Hades · Poseidon · Athena · Hermes · Ares · Apollo · Aphrodite · Hera · Hephaestus · Nyx
Egyptians Ra · Isis · Set · Bast · Anubis · Sobek · Sekhmet · Osiris · Horus · Thoth · Hathor
Norse Thor · Odin · Loki · Freyja · Heimdall · Forseti · Skadi · Njord · Baldr · Tyr · Hel
God powers
Greeks Maw of the Abyss · Curse · Underworld Passage · Earthquake · Restoration · Sentinels · Plenty · Lightning Storm · Ceasefire · Bolt · Cursed Voyage
Egyptians Swarm of Locusts · Eclipse · Meteor Shower · Tornado · Prosperity · Son of Osiris · Glorious Rain · Citadel · Eyes of the Desert · Deluge · Book of Thoth
Norse Ragnarok · Healing Spring · Wild Fire · Undermine · Nidhogg · Walking Woods · Spy · The Great Hunt · Frost · Dwarven Mine · Fimbulwinter
Campaigns and scenarios
Egypt campaign Border Skirmish · Portents · Hero's Welcome · Rebuilding · Expansion · Trust · Exodus · Valley of Shadows
Greece campaign Disruption · Prophecy · Gateway · Old Friends · Throne of the Dead · Escape · New Enemies · Mount Olympus
Norse campaign Tested · Memory · Ring of Fire · On the Front · Advance · Revenge · Citadel · Dragon's Den
Egypt scenarios Citadel of the Pharaoh · The Restless Dead · Clash on the Nile · Return of Osiris · Monthu's Trial · Sanctum of the Snake
Greece scenarios Wrath of Olympus · March of the Barbarians · Serpent's Coil · Tricksters' Game · Olympian's Rise · High Tide
Norse scenarios Cold Shoulder · Hawk's Eye · Assault of the Norse · Northward March · Monster's Den · The Lightning Fortress
Hells scenarios The Coiled Dragon · Prometheus' Gift · Zeus' Betrayal · Lionheart · Kronos' Rage · Children of the Gods