Age of Empires Series Wiki

โ€œ All-purpose infantry unit. Strong vs. buildings and infantry. Weak vs. archers at long range. โ€
Age of Empires II description

The Norse Warrior (Nordic Swordsman before the Definitive Edition) is an untrainable infantry unit introduced in Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten. It appears in several campaign scenarios and is also available in the Scenario Editor.

The Norse Warrior has the same stats as the Eastern Swordsman and, originally, only differed from the Long Swordsman in lacking the attack bonus against buildings, but now also differs in melee armor.

Campaign appearances[]

CampaignIcon-BariDE Bari[]

CampaignIcon-DraculaDE Vlad Dracula[]

  • The Dragon Spreads His Wings: In the HD Edition, they are renamed to "Wallachian Swordsman" and serve both Voivod Jakub and the Danesti Commander in the southern town that Jakub wants liberated.
  • The Breath of the Dragon: In the HD Edition, Vlad Dracula starts out with several Norse Warriors under his command.

CampaignIcon-PrithvirajDE Prithviraj[]

  • The Elopement: In the HD Edition, there are Norse Warriors renamed to "Elite Red Guards" and serving Raja Jaichand in Kannauj, always in pairs. Though it is possible to backstab one, it would alert his partner and the rest of the guards.

VictorsAndVanquished Campaign Icon Victors and Vanquished[]

  • Scn 23 charlemagne Charlemagne: Saxon tribes in the east utilize Norse Warriors in their armies.
  • Scn 26 finehair Finehair: Norse Warriors are present as soldiers in armies of all Norse factions except the Danes and can be trained by Harald from the Barracks.
  • Scn 21 gaiseric Gaiseric: The Vandals can recruit Norse Warriors from the Barracks, as a replacement for the Militia line.
  • Scn 25 ironside Ironside: Norse Warriors can be trained by Bjorn from the Warriors' Hall.
  • Scn 30 karlsefni Karlsefni: A couple neutral Norse Warriors are present in the Faroe Islands. They can also be trained from the Barracks.
  • Scn 28 otto Otto: The Vikings in Scandinavia have Norse Warriors in their armies.
  • Scn 24 ragnar Ragnar: Norse Warriors are used by all Norse factions and can be trained by Ragnar from the Warriors' Halls.
  • Scn 27 robert Robert: The Norse invaders in Brittany have Norse Warriors in their armies.
  • Scn 22 vortigern Vortigern: Norse Warriors can be hired by the Britons in exchange for unpopulated land. The Saxons also train Norse Warriors.


  • In its first appearance in The Forgotten, the "Nordic Swordsman" had a sprite edited from the Long Swordsman, that was only different in that it wore the conical helmet and round shield of the Elite Skirmisher (hence the "Swordsman" name, as it was armed with a sword). It is unknown if this unit and the Eastern Swordsman were created as part of an abandoned plan to give the Long Swordsman an appearance unique for each building style, of if it was only meant to be used in campaigns.
  • The name remained "Nordic Swordsman" even after the sprite was changed to a new one armed with an axe, and was only renamed in the Definitive Edition.


Scenario Editor units in Age of Empires II
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of KingsCobracarDE Cobra Car ยท GenoeseCrossbowmanIcon-DE Heavy Crossbowmanยท Heavy swordsman aoe2DE Heavy Swordsmanยท Junk aoe2DE Junkยท King eu aoe2DE King ยท Town center packed aoe2de Town Center (Packed)"
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The ConquerorsMonkey aoe2DE Furious the Monkey Boy ยท Horse aoe2DE Horse
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The ForgottenAoE2 DE alfred icon Alfred the Alpaca ยท Amazonarcher aoe2DE Amazon Archer ยท Amazonwarrior aoe2DE Amazon Warrior ยท AoE2DE ingame camel icon Camel ยท Canoe aoe2DE Canoe ยท Donkey caravan aoe2DE Donkey ยท Dragonship aoe2DE Dragon Ship ยท Eastern swordsman aoe2DE Eastern Swordsman ยท Flamethrower aoe2de Flamethrower ยท HeavyPikeman aoe2DE Heavy Pikeman ยท Centurion aoe2DE Imperial Centurion ยท AoE2 DE Legionary new icon Imperial Legionary ยท Norsewarrior aoe2DE Norse Warrior ยท Penguin aoe2DE Penguin ยท Queen aoe2DE Queen ยท Relic cart aoe2DE Relic Cart ยท Royal janissary aoe2de Royal Janissary
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African KingdomsAoE2 DE priest icon Priest
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the RajasSharkatzoricon Sharkatzor"
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last KhansMilitiaDE Bandit ยท Bactrian camel icon Bactrian Camel ยท Tradecart aoe2DE Cart ยท Flaming camel icon Flaming Camel (formerly) ยท Iroquois warrior aoe2DE Iroquois Warrior ยท Khan aoe2de Khan ยท Merchant euro aoe2DE Merchant ยท Hussar aoe2DE Mounted Samurai ยท Ninja aoe2DE Ninja ยท Ox cart aoe2DE Ox Cart ยท Ox wagon1 aoe2DE Ox Wagon ยท Photonman aoe2DE Photonman
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the DukesCrusader knight aoe2de Crusader Knight
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of IndiaSogdian Cataphract icon AoE2DE Sogdian Cataphract
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain RoyalsAoE2 Qizilbash icon Qizilbash Warrior
Hidden units
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of KingsShah aoe2DE Boarding Galley ยท Archer aoe2DE Outlaw ยท VMDL DE icon VMDL
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The ConquerorsCavalry archer render model Genitour*
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The ForgottenSiegetowericon Siege Towerยท Spy icon AoE2DE Spy*
Cheat units
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of KingsCobracarDE Cobra Car ยท Saboteur aoe2DE Saboteur ยท VMDL DE icon VMDL
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The ConquerorsMonkey aoe2DE Furious the Monkey Boy ยท AoE2 DE stormy dog Stormy Dog
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The ForgottenAoE2 DE alfred icon Alfred the Alpaca ยท Penguin aoe2DE Penguin
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last KhansPhotonman aoe2DE Photonman ยท Sharkatzoricon Sharkatzor
marked with " were previously hidden, marked with * were previously unhidden