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Release date: 14 November 2024
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Naval Policy is a policy in Chronicles: Battle for Greece, available to the Athenians at their Town Centers starting in the Archaic Age. While this policy is active, the player's archers and warships are trained 15% faster (i.e. their training time is reduced by 13.04%), and they cost 15% less gold.

The player can switch between the three government policies, Economic, Military, and Naval, instantly at any time. Switching to a policy has a starting cost of 50 gold, followed by 100 gold, and finally 150 gold, which is the maximum cost.


  • The internal name of this technology is Democracy.
Technologies in Chronicles
Economic technologies
Military technologies
InfantrySuplliesicon Supplies · SquiresDE Baggage Carriers · ArsonDE Arson · Battle Drills Chronicles Battle Drills
ArchersThumbRingDE Thumb Ring · ParthianTacticsDE Parthian Tactics
CavalryBloodlinesDE Bloodlines · HusbandryDE Husbandry
Ranged unitsTarget Practice Chronicles Target Practice · Flaming Arrows Chronicles Flaming Arrows
ShipHypozomata Chronicles Hypozomata · DryDockDE Drums · ShipwrightDE Shipwright
Unique technologies
Achaemenids Chronicles AchaemenidsClassical UT 1 Chronicles Sparabaras · Classical UT 2 Chronicles Reed Arrows · Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Scythed Chariots · Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Karda
Athenians Chronicles AtheniansClassical UT 1 Chronicles Taxiarchs · Classical UT 2 Chronicles Iphicratean Tactics · Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Eisphora · Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Delian League
Spartans Chronicles SpartansClassical UT 1 Chronicles Helot Levies · Classical UT 2 Chronicles Xyphos · Imperial UT 1 Chronicles Krypteia · Imperial UT 2 Chronicles Peloponnesian League
Unique gameplay elements
Achaemenids Chronicles AchaemenidsTown Center upgrades: Economic Town Center Chronicles Economic Town Center · Military Town Center Chronicles Military Town Center · Defensive Town Center Chronicles Defensive Town Center
Athenians Chronicles AtheniansPolicies: Economic Policy Chronicles Economic Policy · Military Policy Chronicles Military Policy · Naval Policy Chronicles Naval Policy
Spartans Chronicles SpartansPolemarch technologies: Ephorate Chronicles Ephorate · Morai Chronicles Morai · Skeuophoroi Chronicles Skeuophoroi · Hippagretai Chronicles Hippagretai