Age of Empires Series Wiki

โ€œ Navajo sheep raising skills let your herd animals fatten much more quickly on a Livestock Pen, Farm, Village, Shrine, and Sacred Field. โ€
—In-game description

Navajo Shepherds is a technology in Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs that can be researched at a Trading Post built on a Navajo settlement. Once researched, it doubles the rate at which livestock fattens over time, with an additional 30% when tasked to Livestock Pens, Farms, and Villages. In The Asian Dynasties, it also increases the XP generation rate of Indian livestock when tasked to Sacred Fields by 30%, and the contribution of Japanese livestock to Shrines' resource/XP trickle by 35%.


Navajo Shepherds is exceedingly powerful for civilizations which makes use of livestock more than others, especially British, Chinese, Indians, Haudenosaunee, and Japanese.

Minor civilization technologies in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III
Aztec native icon aoe3de AztecsAztec initiation Aztec Initiation ยท Aztec chocolate recipes Aztec Chocolate Recipes ยท Aztec chinampa Aztec Chinampa ยท FW Icon Aztec Garland Wars
Carib aoe3de CaribCarib Kasiri Beer Carib Kasiri Beer ยท Carib Garifuna Drums Carib Garifuna Drums ยท Carib Ambush Party Carib Ambush Party ยท Carib Ceremonial Feast Carib Ceremonial Feast
Cherokee aoe3de CherokeeCherokee War Dance Cherokee War Dance ยท Sequoyahs Cherokee Syllabary Sequoyah's Cherokee Syllabary ยท Cherokee Basket Weaving Cherokee Basket Weaving
Comanche icon aoe3de ComancheComanche Trade Language Comanche Trade Language ยท Comanche Horse Breeding Comanche Horse Breeding ยท Comanche Mustangs Comanche Mustangs
Cree aoe3de CreeCree Tanning Cree Tanning ยท Cree Kinship Cree Kinship ยท Cree Textile Craftsmanship Cree Textile Craftsmanship
Iroquois aoe3de HaudenosauneeIroquois lacrosse Haudenosaunee Lacrosse ยท Iroquois league Haudenosaunee League ยท Iroquois morning wars Haudenosaunee Morning Wars
Sioux aoe3de LakotaCheyenne Hunting Grounds Lakota Hunting Grounds ยท Cheyenne Horse Trading Lakota Horse Trading ยท Lakota dog soldiers Lakota Dog Soldiers
Maya aoe3de MayaMaya Cotton Armor Maya Cotton Armor ยท Maya Calendar Maya Calendar ยท Maya pyramids Maya Pyramids
Nootka aoe3de NootkaNootka Bark Clothing Nootka Bark Clothing ยท Nootka Potlatch Nootka Potlatch ยท Loyal Nootka Warchief Loyal Nootka War Chief
Inca native icon aoe3de QuechuaQuechuan Metalworking Quechuan Metalworking ยท Quechuan Diet Quechuan Diet ยท Quechuan Mountaineering Quechuan Mountaineering
Seminole aoe3de SeminoleSeminole Guerilla Wars Seminole Guerilla Wars ยท Seminole Bowyer Seminole Bowyer ยท Seminole Invincibles Seminole Invincibles
Tupi aoe3de TupiTupi Poison Arrow Frogs Tupi Poison Arrow Frogs ยท Tupi Forest Burning Tupi Forest Burning ยท Tupi Animal Lore Tupi Animal Lore
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs
Apache aoe3de ApacheApache Cactus Use Apache Cactus Use ยท Apache Endurance Apache Endurance ยท Apache Raiders Apache Raiders
Cheyenne aoe3de CheyenneLCheyenne Hunting Grounds Cheyenne Hunting Grounds ยท Cheyenne Horse Trading Cheyenne Horse Trading ยท Cheyenne Fury Cheyenne Fury
Huron aoe3de HuronIHuron Sun Ceremony Huron Sun Ceremony ยท Huron Trade Dominance Huron Trade Dominance ยท Huron Fish Wedding Huron Fish Wedding
Klamath settlement portrait KlamathKlamath Work Ethos Klamath Work Ethos ยท Klamath Huckleberry Feast Klamath Huckleberry Feast ยท Klamath Strategy Klamath Strategy
Mapuche icon aoe3de MapucheMapuche Ad-mapu Mapuche Ad-mapu ยท Mapuche Tactics Mapuche Tactics ยท Mapuche Treaty of Quilin Mapuche Treaty of Quillin
Navajo aoe3de NavajoNavajo Weaving Navajo Weaving ยท Navajo Shepherds Navajo Shepherds ยท Navajo Craftsmanship Navajo Craftsmanship
Zapotec icon aoe3de ZapotecAZapotec Cloud People Zapotec Cloud People ยท Zapotec Cult of the Dead Zapotec Cult of the Dead ยท Zapotec Food of the Gods Zapotec Food of the Gods
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties
Bhakti aoe3de Bhakti TempleYoga Yoga ยท Reinforced Gauntlets Reinforced Gauntlets ยท Vegetarianism Vegetarianism
Jesuit aoe3de Jesuit MissionFlying Buttress Flying Buttress ยท Smokeless Powder Smokeless Powder ยท Christian Schools Christian Schools
Native shaolin site icon portrait Shaolin TempleClenched Fist Clenched Fist ยท Wood Clearing Wood Clearing ยท Dim Mak Dim Mak
Sufi aoe3de Sufi MosquePilgrimage Pilgrimage ยท Fasting Fasting ยท Sharia Sharia
Udasi aoe3de Udasi TempleSikh Gurus Sikh Gurus ยท Punjabi New Year Punjabi New Year ยท Army of the Pure Army of the Pure
Zen aoe3de Zen TempleMeditation Meditation ยท Master Lessons Master Lessons ยท Merritocracy Meritocracy
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition
Lenape warrior portrait LenapeLenape Ceremony Lenape Ceremony ยท Lenape Clans Lenape Clans ยท Lenape Three Sisters Lenape Three Sisters
AOE3DE Tengri Tengri ShrineKumis Kumis ยท Shaman drums Shaman Drums ยท Wind horses Wind Horses
Age3DE Icon The African Royals
Akan Settlement Icon AkanAkan Asafo Akan Asafo ยท Akan Drums Akan Fontomfrom ยท Akan gold economy Akan Gold Economy ยท Akan Cocoa Beans Akan Cocoa Beans ยท Akan Palm Oil Exports Akan Palm Oil Exports
Berber Settlement Portrait BerbersBerber fantasia Berber Fantasia ยท Berber desert kings Berber Kings of the Desert ยท Berber dynasties Berber Dynasties ยท Berber Salt Caravans Berber Salt Caravans ยท Berber ghorfas Berber Ghorfas
Somali Settlement Portrait SomalisSomali coinage Somali Coinage ยท Somali jile daggers Somali Jile Daggers ยท Som ajuran engineers Somali Ajuran Engineers ยท Askari Local Forces Somali Local Forces ยท Somali berbera seaports Somali Berbera Seaport ยท Somali oryx shields Somali Oryx Hide Shields ยท Somali lighthouses Somali Lighthouses
Sudanese settlement portrait SudaneseSudanese hakura system Sudanese Hakura System ยท Sudanese red sea trade Sudanese Red Sea Trade ยท Sudanese quilted armor Sudanese Quilted Armor ยท Askari Local Forces Sudanese Local Forces
Yoruba settlement portait YorubaYoruba poisoned blades Yoruba Ida Swords ยท Yoruba twins Yoruba Twins ยท Yoruba herbalism Yoruba Herbalism ยท Yoruba wrestling Yoruba Wrestling ยท Yoruba eredo legacy Yoruba Eredo Legacy
Age3DE Icon Knights of the Mediterranean
Bourbon icon portrait-1 House of BourbonBourbon reforms Bourbon Reforms ยท Royal tax Royal Tax ยท Chouannerie Chouannerie ยท Maison du roi Maison du Roi
Habsburg icon portrait-1 House of HabsburgCongress of vienna Congress of Vienna ยท Crown lands Crown Lands ยท Multinationalism Multinationalism ยท Austro hungarian empire Austro-Hungarian Empire
Hanover icon portrait-1 House of HanoverVictorian era Victorian Era ยท Royal scots grey Royal Scots Grey ยท Royal card games Royal Card Games ยท Acts of union Acts of Union
Jagiellon icon portrait-1 House of JagiellonPancerni Pancerni ยท Sarmatism Sarmatism ยท Folwarks Folwarks ยท Jagiellon legacy Jagiellonian Legacy
Oldenburg icon portrait-1 House of OldenburgHunting expeditions Hunting Expeditions ยท Oresund customs ร–resund Customs ยท League of armed neutrality League of Armed Neutrality ยท Kalthoff repeaters Kalthoff Repeaters
Phanar icon portrait-1 House of PhanarArmatoloi Armatoloi ยท Athos monasteries Athos Monasteries ยท Byzantine legacy Byzantine Legacy ยท Greek shipyards Greek Shipyards
Vasa icon portrait-1 House of VasaGolden liberty Golden Liberty ยท Hanseatic league Hanseatic League ยท Tar kilns Tar Kilns ยท Koncerz Koncerz
Wettin icon portrait-1 House of WettinLeipzig trade fair Leipzig Trade Fair ยท Marriage politics Marriage Politics ยท Koenigstein Kรถnigstein ยท Royal saxon grenadiers Royal Saxon Grenadiers
Wittelsbach icon portrait-1 House of WittelsbachOktoberfest Oktoberfest ยท Ducal berg lancers Ducal Berg Lancers ยท Schutzenfest Schรผtzenfest ยท Philhellenism Philhellenism