The Napoleon Gun is a Leather Cannon mercenary. All of its statistics are enhanced. However, it lost the cost efficiency of the basic version, as one of the Leather Cannon's best advantages is it costs food and wood only.
It has 2 different attack modes. In long-range, it shoots standard cannon shells at enemies. In short-range, it uses a case shot instead, which deals lower damage but with increased splash range.
The United States can get Napoleon Guns through the "Poker" Home City Card, in the pool of random mercenaries shipped, which also randomly enables them in Saloons.
Revolutionary France can train Napoleon Guns at the Tavern after sending the "Napoleonic Era" Home City Card.
Delivers 5 Consulate Culverins; artillery get +10% hit points and -10% train time; Culverins get +20% hit points and -25% train time instead; costs 500 wood
"Engineering School" is available to the French, Ottomans, Portuguese, Russians, and Swedes.
"Flying Battery" is available to the Germans, Italians, and Spanish upon revolting to Argentina, and French upon revolting to Revolutionary France.
"Loyal Warriors" is available to the Italians, Maltese, Ottomans, and Portuguese upon revolting to the Barbary States.
"Lantakas" is available to the Dutch and Portuguese upon revolting to Indonesia.
"Wanderlust" is available to the British and Dutch upon revolting to South Africa, and can be sent 3 times.
"Knox's Continental Artillery" is available to the British, Dutch, French, Italians, and Swedes upon revolting to the United States.
The player gains +10% XP from training units and other players receive -10% XP from defeating them; Sansculottes gather resources from Crates 50% faster; food from Berry Bushes and Cherry Orchards 25% faster; wood from trees and Mango Groves and coin from mines 20% faster; food from huntable and herdable animals, Mills, Farms and coin from Estates 15% faster
Napoleonic Era
Advances French Revolution to the Imperial Age; adds more cards to deck; Napoleon Gun can be trained at the Tavern; grants Veteran Bourbons and Royal Guard Bourbons; upgrades Royal Musketeers to Foot Carabiniers, gives them +40% hit points and damage, +2 Line of Sight, and Grenade Launcher charged ability; upgrades Royal Dragoons to Horse Carabiniers, gives them +40% hit points, +30% ranged and siege attack damage, and +60% all melee attack damage; costs 1,789 food, 1,815 coin
"Cult of the Supreme Being" and "Napoleonic Era" are available upon revolting to Revolutionary France.
Delivers 13 random mercenaries; adds up to 3 random mercenaries to training at the Saloon; costs 3,500 coin
Indiana Mobilization
Delivers 1 Carbine Cavalry for each shipment sent so far this game including this one; unit train time (except Heavy Cannons), technology research time, and age-up time -10%; costs 250 food, 250 wood
The 12-pounder Napoleon gun was named for the emperor of France, where it was developed in 1853. It quickly gained traction in the United States, where its power, versatility, and mobility were immediately noticed and used to dreadful effect; 12-pounders were some of the deadliest killing machines of the American Civil War. By the late 19th century it had superseded most field guns as the dominant model.
While the description refers to the 12-pounder Napoleon gun of 1853, the actual in-game model appears to be based on Napoleonic Wars period 6-pounder cannons.