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Mount Olympus is the eighth and final scenario of the Greek campaign in Age of Empires: Mythologies. It is played on a 16x16 sized map.


On the slopes of Olympus, Heroes and Gods face off against Typhon.


As darkness falls across Greece, Typhon adcends Olympus

Typhon: You are weak, children of Chronus. I bring destruction and darkness to your world. Your earth will crack, your skies bleed. Your betrayal finally will be repaid.

Herakles: By Zeus, that's a big snake.

Hippolyta: Didn't you strangle snakes as a mere babe?

Herakles: They exaggerate. But only slightly. I can't get my hands around this one.

Typhon: Come out, dogs. Bring your lightning, your allies and your tools. I will devour you all.

Zeus: That will be enough, Destroyer.

Poseidon: We shall wash away your hatred, Titan.

Hades: And our power has only grown greater.

Athena: We are many, and wise.

Ares: You are alone, and surrounded.

Typhon: Your human pets are no match for oblivion's fangs.

Zeus: Not without help. Now, my brothers, my children. Strike this beast from MY mountain.

Typhon: What is this? My power is drained, but I can replace it. Come, mortals. Through your deaths I will grow powerful.

Scenario instructions[]

Starting conditions[]

  • Starting Age: Mythic Age
  • Ending Age:
  • Starting resources: 600 food, 600 gold, 5 favor
  • Starting units:
    • 1 Perseus
    • 1 Odysseus
    • 1 Herakles
    • 1 Hippolyta
    • 2 Priest
    • 2 Chimera
    • 2 Centaur
    • 1 Nemean Lion
    • 1 Minotaur


  • Defeat Typhon.


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Typhon: I am cast back to Tartarus, but I am not unmade. One day, the titans will return to Olympus. Your age will fall to myth, Zeus. Destruction is eternal.

Zeus: Thank you, heroes of Greece. It is with our combined power that the world is again safe.

Perseus: We are forever servants, Lord of Olympus.

Odysseus: We will return to our kingdoms, to rebuild and rest.

Herakles: Rest? I think not! Point me to the nearest great beast or nymph! I shall await the next adventure!

With the Titan defeated, the Gods of Olympus retreat again to their domains, leaving the heroes of Greece to rebuild their ravaged land. Hippolyta is safe, and the gates of the Underworld are once again sealed against intrusion or escape.


  • In English, Typhon's dialogues are written in red. In other languages, they are written in capital letters.
Age of Empires: Mythologies
Gameplay elements Terrain
Categories Campaigns · Images · Gods · Units (Myth units · Heroes) · God powers · Greeks · Egyptians · Norse
Civilizations and gods
Greeks Zeus · Hades · Poseidon · Athena · Hermes · Ares · Apollo · Aphrodite · Hera · Hephaestus · Nyx
Egyptians Ra · Isis · Set · Bast · Anubis · Sobek · Sekhmet · Osiris · Horus · Thoth · Hathor
Norse Thor · Odin · Loki · Freyja · Heimdall · Forseti · Skadi · Njord · Baldr · Tyr · Hel
God powers
Greeks Maw of the Abyss · Curse · Underworld Passage · Earthquake · Restoration · Sentinels · Plenty · Lightning Storm · Ceasefire · Bolt · Cursed Voyage
Egyptians Swarm of Locusts · Eclipse · Meteor Shower · Tornado · Prosperity · Son of Osiris · Glorious Rain · Citadel · Eyes of the Desert · Deluge · Book of Thoth
Norse Ragnarok · Healing Spring · Wild Fire · Undermine · Nidhogg · Walking Woods · Spy · The Great Hunt · Frost · Dwarven Mine · Fimbulwinter
Campaigns and scenarios
Egypt campaign Border Skirmish · Portents · Hero's Welcome · Rebuilding · Expansion · Trust · Exodus · Valley of Shadows
Greece campaign Disruption · Prophecy · Gateway · Old Friends · Throne of the Dead · Escape · New Enemies · Mount Olympus
Norse campaign Tested · Memory · Ring of Fire · On the Front · Advance · Revenge · Citadel · Dragon's Den
Egypt scenarios Citadel of the Pharaoh · The Restless Dead · Clash on the Nile · Return of Osiris · Monthu's Trial · Sanctum of the Snake
Greece scenarios Wrath of Olympus · March of the Barbarians · Serpent's Coil · Tricksters' Game · Olympian's Rise · High Tide
Norse scenarios Cold Shoulder · Hawk's Eye · Assault of the Norse · Northward March · Monster's Den · The Lightning Fortress
Hells scenarios The Coiled Dragon · Prometheus' Gift · Zeus' Betrayal · Lionheart · Kronos' Rage · Children of the Gods