Age of Empires Series Wiki

Officer of the US Marines.
—In-game description

The Marine Officer is a Scenario Editor and campaign infantry in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. Other than his regular attacks with a pistol, he also has an automatic charged attack with his carbine, as well as two abilities with cooldowns. He does not regenerate hit points.

Special ability[]

  • Ability inspiring flag us Inspiring Flag (cooldown: 180 seconds): The Marine Officer plants an Inspiring Flag at the target location which increases the attack of allied units and buildings by 10% and increases nearby construction speed by 50%. It also makes military buildings around it train units 25% faster. The Inspiring Flag has an AOE and LOS of 14 which increases by 10 in every Age. The Inspiring Flag will be destroyed when an enemy is in a radius of 12 to it, cannot be placed in a radius of 65 to a Town Center and a radius of 3 to a building or other Inspiring Flags, and only one may be present at a time.
  • Sabotage Throw Grenade (cooldown: 60 seconds): Throws a grenade damaging all enemies in its Area of Effect.
    Attack: 150 (siege), Range: 15, AoE area: 4, RoF: 3, Multipliers: ×2.5 vs. Aoe3 unit type building Building

Campaign appearances[]

Historical Battles

In-game dialogue[]

The Marine Officer reuses the United States General's dialogue files.


The Marine Officer is based on Commodore Stephen Decatur (1779 – 1820), who was an American naval officer. He is regarded as his nation's first post-Revolutionary War hero, and served in the U.S. Navy in wars against the Barbary States (Barbary Wars), France (Quasi War), and Britain (War of 1812).


Heroes in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III
Act I: BloodAlain icon aoe3de Alain Magnan · Young Chilche AoE3DE Chilche · Delgado aoe3de Delgado · Elizabeth ramsey aoe3de Elisabet Ramsey · Morgan black aoe3de Morgan Black · Native boy aoe3de Native Boy · Sahin icon aoe3de Sahin The Falcon
Act II: IceCol washington aoe3de George Washington · John black aoe3de John Black · Kanyenke aoe3de Ká:nien · Nonahkee act2 aoe3de Nonahkee · Stuart icon aoe3de Stuart Black · Warwick icon aoe3de Warwick
Act III: SteelAmelia black igc icon Amelia Black · Bolivar icon aoe3de Bolivar · Old Chilche AoE3DE Chilche · Kanyenke old aoe3de Ká:nien · Cooper icon aoe3de Major Cooper · Old Coot icon AoE3DE Old Coot · Beaumont icon aoe3de Pierre Beaumont
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs
Act I: FireGen washington aoe3de George Washington · Kanyenke twc aoe3de Ká:nien · Nathaniel Black icon DE Nathaniel Black · Nonahkee act1 aoe3de Nonahkee · Sven icon aoe3de Sven Kuechler
Act II: ShadowChayton Black icon DE Chayton Black · Crazy horse aoe3de Crazy Horse · Custer aoe3de General Custer · Holmes icon aoe3de Sheriff Holme · Sx warchief aoe3de Chief Brave Wolf · Lakota dog soldier aoe3de Chief Bull Bear · Iro warchief aoe3de Chief Two Moon
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties
Act I: JapanMototada aoe3de Daimyo Mototada · Kichiro icon DE General Kichiro · Tokugawa aoe3de Shogun Tokugawa
Act II: ChinaJinhai aoe3de Admiral Jinhai · Huang icon DE Jian Huang · Chen icon aoe3de Lao Chen
Act III: IndiaBadur icon aoe3de Bahadur Shah · Edwardson aoe3de Colonel Edwardson · Nanib icon DE Nanib Sahir · Pravar icon aoe3de Pravar Patel
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition
Act II: ShadowFrank Icon Uncle Frank (replacing Crazy Horse)
Historical BattlesAhmad al mansur Ahmad al-Mansur · Pecaudy Icon Claude-Pierre Pecaudy · General mx portrait El General · Padre hidalgo aoe3de El Padre · Isaac Brock icon General Isaac Brock · American General Icon General Jackson · Hizir Reis Icon Hizir Reis · Kassa hailu portrait Kassa Hailu · Marine Officer portrait Marine Officer · Militia Officer portrait Militia Officer · Oruc Reis Icon Oruc Reis · Queen Sabla Icon Queen Sabla Wengel · Sir Francis Drake Icon Sir Francis Drake · Sultan malik portrait Sultan Abd al-Malik · Sultan Mohammed II portrait Sultan Mohammed II · Usman dan fodio icon Usman dan Fodio · Yermak Timofeyevich Icon Yermak