Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the god in Age of Mythology. For the god in Age of Empires: Mythologies, see Loki (Age of Empires: Mythologies).
Major god Technology tree Strategy

Loki is a Norse major god in Age of Mythology who focuses on myth units.


God power[]


  • AoMR Eyes in the Forest icon Eyes in the Forest: Gain the Line of Sight of those nearby units of Mother Nature (trees, mines, Forage Bushes, and animals), which are within the Line of Sight of the player's units and buildings. The effect continues to persist temporarily when the natural objects go out of view.


Minor gods[]

Classical Age
Heroic Age
Mythic Age
  • AoMR Hel icon Hel - Myth units
  • AoMR Tyr icon Tyr - Infantry

Myth unit summoning[]

Loki's human units and heroes can summon myth units as they fight. The units which can spawn this way are all the Norse myth units which are trainable at the Temple until and including the current age of the player. This includes myth units of other minor gods than the one chosen by the player, including those minor gods not available to Loki.

When the player first advances to the Classical Age, the game randomly chooses a valid myth unit. As the player's human units and heroes deal damage to the hit points of enemy units other than enemy myth units, they generate points which fill up a hidden meter. Hersirs contribute 50% of damage dealt of towards the meter, while other units, including Godis, contribute 10%. When the accumulated points total the resource cost of the unit (with a factor of 10 for the favor cost), the reserved myth unit is spawned next to the unit which filled up the meter. The myth unit is spawned even without any population space left.


Points needed to spawn the randomly selected myth unit
Food cost of the myth unit
Wood cost of the myth unit
Gold cost of the myth unit
Favor cost of the myth unit
By empirical tests, it seems likely that first an Age until the current Age is randomly chosen with equal odds for each, then a myth unit from that Age is randomly chosen with equal odds.

Loki's Hersirs can spawn myth units as they fight. The spawned myth unit is randomly chosen from among all Norse myth units which are trainable in the Temple and available until and including the current age of the player. This includes myth units of other minor gods than the one chosen by the player, including those minor gods not available to Loki.

The mechanism is such that Loki's Hersirs gather a hidden resource as they fight, which is pooled into a separate counter, hereinafter referred to as "spawn pool". Since the Classical Age, when Hersirs fight, they add to the spawn pool as long as population space for new spawns is available. A myth unit is randomly chosen by the game and kept in standby. When the meter in the spawn pool reaches 90% of the normal favor cost of the chosen myth unit, and the player has spare population space, the amount is deducted from the spawn pool and the myth unit is spawned near the Hersir which last added to the spawn pool.


Spawn pool collection amount
Damage dealt to target in % of its total hit points
Target's favor bounty
The attacker's favor bounty multiplier, which is 2 for Hersirs

The 1.2 is the unitBonusBountyModifier value assigned in the game config (.cfg) file.

For example, a generic Villager has a favor bounty of 1.08. A Hersir has a favor bounty multiplier of 2×, so upon a Hersir killing a Villager, the player would have gained 2.16 favor (displaying rounded value). The spawn pool meter would thus increase by points.

As only myth units actively trainable at the Temple can be spawned this way, it does not spawn Ravens (which are spawned by Odin's Temples automatically) or aquatic myth units (which are trained at the Dock).


Aom original icon Age of Mythology[]

  • Bonuses:
    • Hersirs move 10% faster.
    • Hersirs summon myth units after fighting for long enough.
    • Myth units cost -10% favor.
    • Longhouse units train 10% faster.
    • Ox Carts move 50% faster, cost half as much, and have +45% hit points.

AoM The Titans icon The Titans[]

  • Ox Cart bonus of 45% more hit points is changed to 45% less hit points.

AoMIcon-Retold Retold[]

  • Bonuses changed to:
    • Damaging enemy units can spawn myth units. (Human soldiers contribute 10%; Hersirs 50% of damage dealt.)
    • Human soldiers and heroes +25% counter damage.
    • Buildings (constructed by military units) are constructed 25% faster.
    • Ox Carts are 50% cheaper.
    • Transforming Gatherers and Dwarves into Berserks is free.
  • Since update 17.30764, the free worker intro Berserk transformation is instead only 50% cheaper.
  • Since update 17.36100, the building rate bonus is reduced to 10%.


The son of giants, Loki was the fire god, but also a mischievous trickster and shape-changer who grew bored with the repetitive life of the gods. Many of his exploits caused great damage or hurt, but he was usually quick enough to restore order and prevent complete disaster. In one case, he caused the gods to temporarily lose the source of their immortality. In another situation, he tricked Thor into a threatening situation for his own gain, but later devised the clever plan to recover Thor's stolen hammer.

His tricks became increasingly nasty and evil, peaking when he caused the death of Odin's son Baldr. When he tormented and insulted the gods at a great banquet, the gods turned on him and he escaped temporarily by changing into a salmon. He could not escape Odin's all-seeing vision, however, and Loki was bound up in a dark cave. Loki's first marriage to a giant produced three fearsome and evil creatures: Fenrir the wolf, the great serpent Jormungand, and Hel, the partially decomposed goddess of the underworld. He had two sons, Vali and Narvi, by a second marriage. At the time of Loki's imprisonment, Vali was changed into a wolf that killed Narvi. The dead man's intestines were used to bind Loki in the cave beneath the mouth of a giant snake, dripping venom, where he waited for Ragnarok. Loki was destined to lead the army of evil at that final battle with the gods, where he would be killed by Heimdall.
—In-game help section



Gods in Age of Mythology
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age
AoMR Greeks icon Greeks AoMR Zeus icon Zeus
AoMR Hades icon Hades
AoMR Poseidon icon Poseidon
AoMR Athena icon Athena

AoMR Hermes icon Hermes

AoMR Ares icon Ares
AoMR Apollo icon Apollo

AoMR Dionysus icon Dionysus

AoMR Aphrodite icon Aphrodite
AoMR Hera icon Hera

AoMR Hephaestus icon Hephaestus

AoMR Artemis icon Artemis
AoMR Egyptians icon Egyptians AoMR Ra icon Ra
AoMR Isis icon Isis
AoMR Set icon Set
AoMR Bast icon Bast

AoMR Ptah icon Ptah

AoMR Anubis icon Anubis
AoMR Sobek icon Sobek ( HathorIcon Hathor)

AoMR Sekhmet icon Sekhmet

AoMR Nephthys icon Nephthys
AoMR Osiris icon Osiris

AoMR Horus icon Horus

AoMR Thoth icon Thoth
AoMR Norse icon Norse AoMR Thor icon Thor
AoMR Odin icon Odin
AoMR Loki icon Loki
AoMR Freyr icon Freyr
AoMR Freyja icon Freyja

AoMR Heimdall icon Heimdall

AoMR Forseti icon Forseti

AoMR Ullr icon Ullr
AoMR Skadi icon Skadi

AoMR Bragi icon Bragi

AoMR Njord icon Njord

AoMR Aegir icon Aegir
AoMR Baldr icon Baldr

AoMR Tyr icon Tyr

AoMR Hel icon Hel

AoMR Vidar icon Vidar
AoMR Atlanteans icon Atlanteans AoMR Kronos icon Kronos
AoMR Oranos icon Oranos
AoMR Gaia icon Gaia
AoMR Prometheus icon Prometheus

AoMR Leto icon Leto

AoMR Oceanus icon Oceanus
AoMR Hyperion icon Hyperion

AoMR Rheia icon Rheia

AoMR Theia icon Theia
AoMR Helios icon Helios

AoMR Atlas icon Atlas

AoMR Hekate icon Hekate
ChinesePortrait Chinese FuXiPortrait Fu Xi
NuWaPortrait Nü Wa
ShennongPortrait Shennong
HuangDiIcon Huang Di

SunWukongIcon Sun Wukong

ChangEIcon Chang'e
DaboGongIcon Dabo Gong

ZhongKuiIcon Zhong Kui

HeBoIcon He Bo
ChongliIcon Chongli

AoKuangIcon Ao Kuang

XiWangmuIcon Xi Wangmu