Age of Empires Series Wiki

The Circle has assembled in the Ossuary, their stronghold in Cuba. Will Amelia and Kanyenke be able to stop Beaumont, or will the Circle win at last?

Last Stand of the Boneguard is the eighth and final scenario of the Act III: Steel campaign in Age of Empires III. It involves the final battle of Amelia Black and Ká:nien against Pierre Beaumont and the Circle.


Having defended the Inca settlement and with the information from Ká:nien that Beaumont was at the Ossuary, the stronghold of the Circle in Havana, in Hispaniola, Amelia and Ká:nien leave to finish off the Frenchman and the Circle once and for all.


Primary objectives[]

  • Bring Amelia to Havana's Town Center.
  • Survive until US Navy arrives.
  • Destroy the Ossuary Shore Guns and Temple.

Secondary objectives[]

  • Ally with the Carib Native Americans. (2,000 XP)
  • Destroy the Circle's navy. (2,000 XP)
  • Advance to the Imperial Age. (4,000 XP)




  • Havana (Flag SpanishDE Spanish) - An ally after having taken Amelia to the center of her city. He will then begin to create an army of Pikemen, Rodeleros, and artillery to attack the enemy's main base. As the game progresses, they will give the player 300 resources of each type.
  • United States (Flag American act3 aoe3de United States) - This player does not have a purpose in the scenario since it does not appear and perhaps is a placeholder.



There are 5 treasures on the main island, all are guarded except two.

  • Cacti covered with cochineal worth 40 coin. Guarded by 1 Jaguar.
  • A carob plant worth 75 food.
  • The cuirass of El Pollo Guapo, wich increases Explorer or Hero hitpoints by 100%. Guarded by 8 Outlaw Riflemen.
  • Two Settlers held prisoner by the British. Guarded by 4 Outlaw Musketeers.
  • A den of muskrats worth 20 coin.


The player starts at the bottom of the map with two Caravels and a Fluyt. The player should not try to sail around the Ossuary; they have at least two Fixed Guns that can destroy the player's ships. Instead, the player should land at the bottom of the map, in the sandy gap between two plateaus marked by the objective marker. There, the player should construct a Town Center and establish a base; for that, take Amelia to Havana's Town Center. Havana is the yellow ally to the north. If the player does not mind losing a few soldiers, they can send troops (with Amelia) straight to Havana, and fight the ambush encounter. A more peaceful way to the Town Center is to select Amelia, then send her to the other side of the plateau to the left. She will automatically find a path across it (she sort of glitches over it). Then, send her to Havana. Be careful of 2 Boneguard soldiers - though they are easily avoided, they are strong.

Once Amelia is at the Town Center, a message from Havana will pop up, saying that Havana has agreed to join Amelia. The player will get a Town Center Wagon from Havana, as well as being "fed" resources over time. Send the wagon to the sandy area where the player landed, and set up a town. Build walls between the plateaus, and leave the gap to the player left open. From there, the player will have to survive 15 minutes until the U.S. Navy arrives. If Havana gets destroyed while the player is waiting, don't worry. The player didn't need them anyway, and the player will still be "fed" resources. After 15 minutes have passed, 2 Monitors and 1 Frigate will spawn from the northern area of the ocean. The player can use the Monitors' special attacks to destroy the closest Fixed Gun. From there, use that special attack on the Ossuary as many times as needed. If the player wants to "farm" experience, then go ahead and destroy the Ossuary base. If the player loses 2 warships, they will get 3 more. Beaumont doesn't need to be killed, only the Ossuary. After the Ossuary is destroyed, the player wins the scenario and completes the campaign.


  • This is the last time in the all Age of Empires III campaigns that the Circle of Ossus appears.
  • In this scenario the player is again in Havana that previously appeared in A Pirate's Help of Act I: Blood.
  • The Spanish flag used by Havana is a bit anachronistic for those times, since it was replaced by the current Spanish flag in 1785, a product of the Bourbon reforms of Charles III of Spain. However, the Cross of Burgundy continued to be used by Spanish traditionalists during the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • Old Coot's congratulations to Amelia for having defeated the Circle of Ossus in a single life reveals that he is Morgan, who has lived for 250 years thanks to the water of the Fountain of Youth.


Campaigns in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III
TutorialMaster the Basics · Try a Game
Act I: BloodBreakout · Into the Caves · Pirates! · The Ottoman Fort · Temples of the Aztec · A Pirate's Help · Spanish Treasure Fleet · The Fountain of Youth?
Act II: IceDefend the Colony · Strange Alliances · The Rescue · The Seven Years' War · The Great Lakes · Respect · Warwick's Stronghold · Bring Down the Mountain
Act III: SteelRace for the Rails · Hold the Fort · The Boneguard's Lair · The Lost Spanish Gold · Bolivar's Revolt · Journey Through the Andes · Last City of the Inca · Last Stand of the Boneguard
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs
Act I: FireWar Dance (War Ceremony· The Rescue · Breed's Hill · Crossing the Delaware · Saratoga · Valley Forge · The Battle of Morristown · The Battle of Yorktown
Act II: ShadowThe Bozeman Trail · Red Cloud's War (A Reckoning· Claims · Ambushed! (Urgent News· Turning Point (To Stop a War· Trust · Battle of the Little Bighorn (Battle of the Greasy Grass)
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties
Act I: JapanThe Siege of Osaka · Uprising! · Clearing the Road · Last Stand at Fushimi · The Battle of Sekigahara
Act II: ChinaTo Finish a Fleet · Storming the Beaches · Lost Ships · A Rescue in the Wilderness · No Empire Lasts Forever
Act III: IndiaInto the Punjab · Fires of Calcutta · Resist! · Raid in Delhi · Company Confrontation
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition
Historical BattlesAlgiers · Christopher da Gama's Expedition · Chuvash Cape · Raid on the Caribbean · Fort Duquesne · Battle of New Orleans · The Burning of USS Philadelphia · Grito de Dolores · Battle of Queenston Heights
The Art of WarEarly Economy · Treasures · Home City Shipments · Booming · Build Orders · Early Defense · Early Offense · Land Battle · Naval Battle · Artillery
Event scenariosBombard Brawl
Age3DE Icon The African Royals
Historical BattlesThe Battle of the Three Kings · Fall of the Hausa · The Era of the Princes
Names in brackets are the scenario's name in the Definitive Edition.