This article contains all dialogue lines of the Ottoman Lancer in Age of Empires IV.
- Note: Due to a known issue, the dialogue files on this page may not play on Chromium-based browsers and may perform better on Firefox.
General Command Acknowledgements[]
These dialogue lines have a chance of occurring after any command
- Castle
- 01 -İtaat içün tayyüş eylerim. (I live to obey.)
- 02 -Vazifeyi kat'a eziyet addetmem. (I never consider duty as torture.)
- 03 -Derhal. (Immediately.)
- 04 -Hizmet eylemek bir zevktir. (It is a pleasure to serve.)
- 05 -Elbette. (Of course.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Benim içün şereftir. (It is an honor for me.)
- 02 -İtaat ve azimet ederim. (I obey and persevere.)
- 03 -Vazifemi idrak ettim. (I understood my duty.)
- 04 -İtaat etmek benim içün şereftir. (It is my honor to obey.)
- 05 -Hassas vaziyette itaat edecegim. (I will obey [sensitively?].)
General Group Command Acknowledgements[]
These dialogue lines play softer and in the background whenever any command is given to a group
- Castle
- 01 -Tamam. (Okay.)
- 02 -Âla. (Fine.)
- 03 -Beli. (Yes.)
- 04 -Hay hay. (Aye aye.)
- 05 -Münasip. (Proper.)
- 06 -İdrak olundu. (Understood.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Tamam. (Okay.)
- 02 -Âla. (Fine.)
- 03 -Evet. (Yes.)
- 04 -Hay hay. (Aye aye.)
- 05 -Münasip. (Proper.)
- 06 -Derk olundu. (Understood.)
Single Unit Commands[]
These dialogue lines play when addressing a single unit
- Castle
- 01 -Talimatın ne ola? (What is your instruction?)
- 02 -Hidmet içün heveskârım. (I'm eager to serve.)
- 03 -Size itaat etmek şeref idir. (It is my honor to serve you.)
- 04 -Sadakat fazilet addedilir. (Loyalty is considered a virtue.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Cedid bir emir müheyyiçim. (New order, I am excited.)
- 02 -Silahım dumur oldu bana bir emir eyle. (My weapon is dull, give me an order.)
- 03 -Emir eyle. (Give me an order.)
- 04 -Ne lazım gelirse icra ederim. (I do whatever is necessary.)
- Castle
- 01 -Atım ileri, yola azimet eylerim. ( My horse rides forward, I go.)
- 02 -Emir eyledigin vari at binerim. (I ride horse when you command.)
- 03 -Beli, azimet eylerim. (Yes, I go.)
- 04 -Emir eyledigin vari azimet eylerim. (I go when you command.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Cenk'te at binmek bi' şeref addedilir. (Riding a horse in war is considered an honor.)
- 02 -Sadık atım yola revan oldu. (My faithful horse took to the road.)
- 03 -Deh! ahbab-ı kadim. (Giddap! my old friend.)
- 04 -Arzuların benim içün emir addedilir. (Your desires is considered a command for me.)
- Castle
- 01 -Taaruz iderim. (I attack.)
- 02 -Düşmanlarımız helâk eyleyecegim. (I will destroy our enemies.)
- 03 -Onları hezimete dûçar eyleyecegim. (I will lead them to defeat.)
- 04 -Bir gün-a dahi salim eylemeyecegim. (?)
- 05 -Cümlesi telef olacak. (They will all perish.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Merhametsiz vaziyette taaruz ederim. (I attack without mercy.)
- 02 -Onları tarumar edecegim. (I will destroy them.)
- 03 -Onları mahvedecegim. (I will destroy them.)
- 04 -Düşmanları tarumar edecegim. (I will destroy enemies.)
- 05 -Fet fermanın imza ettin. (You signed your death writ.)?
Attack Move[]
- Castle
- 01 -Azimet ederim, sayd-i düşmendeyim. (I go, I'm hunting enemy.)
- 02 -Sayd eylemeye azimet eylerim. (I go to hunt.)
- 03 -İlerlerim, ama dakikim. (I go forward but careful.)
- 04 -Düşmene mukabil dakikim. (I'm careful against enemy.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Düşmanları taharri ederim. (I search the enemies.)
- 02 -Sayd-ı düşmandayım. (I'm hunting enemy.)
- 03 -Giran beha bi' rakip taharri ederim. (I look for a tough and worthy opponent.)
- 04 -Bela taharrisine azimet ederim. (I go to look for a trouble.)
Single Unit Type Group Commands[]
These dialogue lines play whenever addressing a group of only this unit
- Castle
- 01 -Cengaverler hâzır vaziyette intizar eyler. (Warriors stand ready.)
- 02 -Cengaveran-ı âsil hâzırdır. (Noble warrior is ready.)
- 03 -Cengaveran, zinlere. (?)
- 04 -Cümle cengaveran hâzırdır. (All warriors are ready.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Muharipler harbe hâzırdır. (Warriors are ready to battle.)
- 02 -Muharipler evamirine hâzırdır. (Warriors are ready to your command.)
- 03 -Muharipler galibiyet için sabır edemezler. (Warriors can not wait to win.)
- '04 -Davay-ı muhuk için harb ederiz muharipler. (We fight for the holy cause warriors.)
Move or Attack Move[]
- Castle
- 01 -Haydin azimet eyleyelim cengaveran. (Let's go warriors.)
- 02 -İleri asil begler. (Forward noble gentlemen.)
- 03 -Nizam zapt-ü rabt dile cengaveran. (Desire discipline warriors.)
- 04 -İleri şerif cengaveran. (Forward honorable warriors.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Muharipler, muntazam ve zapt-ü rabt dile. (Warriors, desire perfection and discipline.)
- 02 -Muharipler, galibiyet içün ileri. (Warriors, forward for the victory.)
- 03 -Şerefiniz ile ilerleyin muharipler. (Go with your honors warriors.)
- 04 -Muharipler, ileri. (Warriors, forward.)
- Castle
- 01 -Cengaveran, atlarınız cenge hücum eylesin. (Warriors, your horses attackt to battle.)
- 02 -Cengaveran, merhamet eylemeyin. (Warriors, no mercy.)
- 03 -İleri cengaveran, taaruz eyleyin. (Forward warriors, attack.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Muharipler, taaruz edin şerefinizle at binin. (Warriors, attack and ride with your honors.)
- 02 -Vakt-i galibiyet vürud etti muharipler. (It is time to victory.)
- 03 -Taaruz edin eşref muharipler. (Attack honorable warriors.)
Mixed Unit Group Commands[]
These lines play whenever addressing group of units containing at least one of these units (depending on the other units in the group). The single-unit attack dialogue is played when a direct attack command is given to a mixed group.
- Castle
- 01 -Hâzır olun begler. (Be ready gentlemen.)
- 02 -Hengam-ı harekettir. ([Sound is movement.?])
- 03 -Evamire hâzır olun. (Be ready for command.)
- 04 -Beli beyler, hâzır olun. (Yes gentlemen, be ready.)
- Imperial
- 01 -Evamiri istima edin beyler. (Listen the command gentlemen.)
- 02 -Vürud eden evamir mevcuttur. (Command is coming.)
- 03 -Evamir vürud eder beyler. (Command is comming gentlemen.)
- '04 -Dakik olun begler. (Be careful gentlemen.)
- Castle
- 01 -Emrim ile behem ileri. (Forward with my command.)
- 02
- 03
- 04
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
- '04
Attack Move[]
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
Change Formation[]
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- 03
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
Stand Ground[]
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
Ambient Dialogue[]
These dialogue lines play randomly in the background while the unit is performing an action or after it has completed an action
While Marching[]
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
While In Combat[]
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07
- 08
- 09
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07
- 08
- 09
When Spotting an Enemy[]
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- 03
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
After Destroying a Target[]
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
When Under Attack[]
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- 03
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
When Charging[]
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
Unused Dialogue[]
Based on the file name, these voice lines appear to be intended to play when attacking a huntable resource, but seem to be unused. The regular attack dialogue is used instead.
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- Imperial
- 01
- 02
For other units, the 'reactproud' dialogue lines play after finishing a siege weapon or building, but lancers cannot do either, so it is unknown when this may have been meant to play.
- Castle
- 01
- 02
- Imperial
- 01
- 02