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East African warrior that throws knives. Good against cavalry.
—In-game description

The Knife Thrower is a ranged infantry unit featured in the Christopher da Gama's Expedition scenario of the Historical Battles in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. It is used by both Ethiopians and Somalians, serving as a replacement for the Haudenosaunee Tomahawk.

This unit is also accessible in the Scenario Editor under the Units category, as "INF SPC Knife Thrower".

The Reckless Knife Thrower is a Treasure guardian version of the Knife Thrower introduced in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - The African Royals.

East African warrior that throws knives. Good against cavalry.
—In-game description
The outlaw variant of the Knife Thrower exists in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Knights of the Mediterranean, trainable only in the Unknown at the moment, and was introduced in update 13.18214. It's not so much different from the base unit, adjusted with appropriate damage multipliers and unit types.


Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition[]

  • The Historical Battles Knife Thrower does not have dialogue lines and is mute in the game.

Age3DE Icon The African Royals[]

  • The Historical Battles Knife Thrower has dialogue lines.

Age3DE Icon Knights of the Mediterranean[]

  • With update 14.43676, Reckless Knife Thrower kill bounty was changed from 15 to 18.

In-game dialogue[]

The Knife Thrower, Reckless Knife Thrower, and the Knife Thrower (Outlaw) speak Yoruba using Yoruba dialogue files.


Scenario Editor units in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires IIIAztec jaguar warrior aoe3de Aztec Chief · Boneguard (Boneguard musketeer portrait aoe3de Musketeer · Boneguard swordsman portrait aoe3de Swordsman· Cherokee rifle aoe3de Cherokee Archer · Comanche aoe3de Cherokee Horse Archer · Fishing ship aoe3de Dinghy · SPC Fire ship aoe3de Fire Ship · AoE 3 Flag Bearer Flag Bearer · Aoe 3 DE Lakotachief Great Plains Chief · Greta icon AoE3DE Greta · Hoop thrower aoe3de Hoop Thrower · Galleon aoe3de Lizzie's Flagship · Miner AoE3DE Miner · Galleon aoe3de Morgan's Flagship · Cherokee rifle aoe3de Native American Chief · Native boy aoe3de Native Boy · Miner AoE3DE Railroad Worker · Galleon aoe3de Treasure Ship · White buffalo portrait aoe3de White Buffalo · Jaguar white portrait AoE3DE White Jaguar · White wolf portrait aoe3de White Wolf
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefsSpc wagon aoe3de Black Powder Wagon · Flat-bottomed boat aoe3de Flat-bottomed Boat
3ADIcon48px The Asian DynastiesBird unit icon AoE3DE Bird
Age3DE Icon Definitive EditionBedouin horse archer aoe3de Bedouin Horse Archer · Berber archer aoe3de Berber Archer · Berber spearman aoe3de Berber Spearman · Berber arquebusier aoe3de Berber Arquebusier · Javelin rider aoe3de Javelin Rider · Knife thrower aoe3de Knife Thrower · Shotel warrior aoe3de Shotel Warrior · Somali arquebusier aoe3de Somali Arquebusier · Spearman aoe3de Spearman · Tribal horseman aoe3de Tribal Horseman
Age3DE Icon The African RoyalsWarrior de Akan Archer · Aoe3de zebu Cash Cow · Aoe3de zebu Wood Cattle
Age3DE Icon Knights of the MediterraneanCity Militia City Guard
Treasure guardians in Age of Empires III
HumansAfrican vagabond portrait African Vagabond · Ambushing shongo thrower portrait Ambushing Shongo Thrower · Caravan bandit portrait Caravan Bandit · Carib blowgunner aoe3de Carib Blowgunner · Colonial gunslinger portrait Colonial Gunslinger · Colonial looter portrait Colonial Looter · Colonial officer portrait Colonial Officer · Colonial oppressor portrait Colonial Oppressor · Colonial swashbuckler portrait Colonial Swashbuckler · Comanchero icon aoe3de Comanchero · Phanar evzone portrait Evzone · Guardian haramija portrait Haramija · Knife thrower aoe3de Knife Thrower · Outlaw pirate portrait aoe3de updated Pirate · Pistolero aoe3de Pistolero · Plague doctor portrait Plague Doctor · Renegado aoe3de Renegado · Wokou horseman aoe3de Wokou Horseman · Blind monk aoe3de Wokou Monk · Wokou pirate aoe3de Wokou Pirate · Wayward ronin aoe3de Wokou Ronin
Land animalsTibetan macaque aoe3de Baboon · Beast portrait Beast · Black bear aoe3de Black Bear · Black panther aoe3de Black Panther · Grizzly aoe3de Brown Bear · Cougar aoe3de Cougar · Pet wolf aoe3de Coyote · Elephant aoe3de Elephant · Ethiopian Wolf portrait Ethiopian Wolf · Hippo portrait Hippo · Honey Badger portrait Honey Badger · Hyena portrait aoe3de Hyena · Jaguar pet aoe3de Jaguar · Jaguar pet aoe3de Leopard · Lion aoe3de Lion · Liontailed macaque aoe3de Lion-Tailed Macaque · Guardian dog portrait Mad Dog · Orangutan portrait aoe3de Orangutan · Panda portrait aoe3de Panda · Polar bear aoe3de portrait Polar Bear · Rhino aoe3de Rhinoceros · Snow leopard aoe3de Snow Leopard · Snowmonkey aoe3de Snow Monkey · Tibetan macaque aoe3de Tibetan Macaque · Tiger icon aoe3de Tiger · Warthog portrait Warthog · White tiger aoe3de White Tiger · Warthog portrait Wild Boar · Pet wolf aoe3de Wolf
Marine animalsAlligator aoe3de Alligator · Alligator aoe3de Crocodile · Hippo portrait Hippo · Monitor lizard aoe3de Komodo Dragon · Orca aoe3de Orca · Greatwhiteshark aoe3de Shark
ShipsCatamaran aoe3de Marathan Catamaran · Wokou junk aoe3de Wokou Junk