Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the unit in Age of Empires IV. For the Safavid Emperor, see Ismail (Age of Empires II) and Shah Ismail. For the campaign based on the latter, see Ismail.

Expert in siege warfare.
Age of Empires IV description

Ismail is a heavy melee infantry leader in the The Fall of Xiangyang scenario of the The Mongol Empire campaign. He has the ability to construct the Huihui Pao trebuchet for 250 wood, 1,000 stone without the need for researching Siege Engineering, though he may also construct other siege engines after researching the technology.

He also has two other special abilities. The Imperial Falcon is a greatly enhanced version of the Scouting Falcon normally available to Mongol Scouts and Khans, giving Line of Sight over a much wider area for 120 seconds. His other ability, Grunt Work, allows infantry to repair the bridges to Xiangyang and Fancheng. It is unique in that once it is activated, its effect is permanent through the rest of the scenario. His main weapon is a khanda.


  • AoE4 ScoutingFalcon Imperial Falcon (Active): Releases a specially trained falcon that provides vision in a great area for 120 seconds.
  • AoE4 leader construction speed boost Grunt Work (Active): Allows infantry to build the bridges to Xiangyang.
  • AoE4 HealEnhancement Fortitude (Passive): Heals while out of combat.

Ismail's most notable ability is that he is able to construct siege engines, including the Huihui Pao, which is required to complete the scenario. He can also construct other siege engines once the Improved Siege Engineering technology is researched:

Campaign appearances[]

The Mongol Empire[]

  • The Fall of Xiangyang: Ismail must assist Liu Zheng in besieging the twin cities of Fancheng and Xiangyang by constructing the mighty Huihui Pao siege engines. He also assists in the siege by scouting out the enemy defenses with his Imperial Eagle and directing the Yuan infantry to repair the bridges to the twin cities.


Ismail (Arabic: إسماعيل; Chinese: 亦思馬因 Yisimayin) was a Muslim siege expert from the Illkhanate who was sent by Ilkhan Abaqa, cousin of Kublai Khan, to serve in the Yuan army during the conquest of the Southern Song dynasty. He, along with other engineers from the Middle East, such as the Persian Al al-Din, helped design and operate the Counterweight Trebuchets used by the Mongols to great effect during the campaign. As a result, the siege engines became known as Huihui Pao (回回炮), or "Muslim Trebuchets" in Chinese. In-game, Ismail can construct both the Huihui Pao and the generic Counterweight Trebuchet (normally not available to the Mongols), despite both names historically referring to the same engine.


Campaign-only content in Age of Empires IV
The NormansDuke William · King Harold · King Henry I · Robert Curthose · King Louis VI · King Stephen · Willikin of the Weald · William Marshal
The Rise of MoscowPrince Dmitry · Ivan III · Ivan IV
The Hundred Years WarJean de Beaumanoir · Olivier Arrel · Guy de Rochefort · Geoffroy du Bois · Yves Charruel · Jeanne d'Arc
The Mongol EmpireGeneral Subutai · Genghis Khan · Mongke Khan · Baidar · Batu Khan · Liu Zheng · Ismail
The Sultans AscendTughtekin · Shirkuh · Saladin · Reynald of Châtillon (flagship) · Reynald of Châtillon · Shajar al-Durr · Baybars · Templar Grand Master · Hospitaller Grand Master · Teutonic Grand Master · Qutuz · Kitbuqa
Scout Ship · Danish Raider · Gilded Landsknecht · Huihui Pao · Dismounted Knight · German Mercenary · Knight Templar · Knight Hospitaller · Militia · Militia Archer · Pirate · Pirate Ship · Raiding Galley · Spy · Turkic Horse Archer · The Beast · Teutonic Knight · Genoese Crossbowman
Buildings and other
Arsenal · York Castle · Military Tent · Bureau Brothers' Workshop · Siege Camp · Acre Tower · Leader Tent · Resource Pickup · Stone Ruins
Heavy Sledge · Planned Extraction · Applied Masonry · Steel Barding · Elite Spear Tactics · Grapered Lances · Silk Bowstrings · Crannequins · Superior Transport Construction · Doused Armor · Corned Gunpowder · Chain Shot · Efficiency Training · Longbow Mastery · Musketeer Regiment · Scouting Falcon · Husbandry · Improved Blacksmith and Arsenal Technologies · Setup Camp · Food Reserves · Berry Cultivation · Construction Drills · Ancient Relics · Any Port In A Storm
AsianCivIcon-FatimidAoE4 Fatimid Caliphate · CivIcon-IlkhanateAoE4 Ilkhanate · CivIcon-MamlukSultanateAoE4 Mamluk Sultanate · Ayyubids AoE4 Saladin · CivIcon-SeljukEmpireAoE4 Seljuk Empire
EuropeanCivIcon-ASEAoE4 Anglo-Saxon England · CivIcon-AntiochAoE4 Antioch · CivIcon-CyprusAoE4 Cyprus · CivIcon-DanesAoE4 Danes · CivIcon-LithuaniaAoE4 Grand Duchy of Lithuania · CivIcon-JerusalemAoE4 Jerusalem · CivIcon-BohemiaAoE4 Kingdom of Bohemia · CivIcon-HungaryAoE4 Kingdom of Hungary · CivIcon-PolandAoE4 Kingdom of Poland · CivIcon-KnightsHospitallerAoE4 Knights Hospitaller · CivIcon-KnightsTemplarAoE4 Knights Templar · CivIcon-NormansAoE4 Normans · CivIcon-NovgorodAoE4 Novgorod Republic · CivIcon-TeutonicOrderAoE4 Teutonic Order
Classification of campaign-only civilizations is based on their base civilizations, not geographical locations.