Age of Empires Series Wiki
AoE4 Vizier Point icon

The Imperial Council is a gameplay mechanic available to the Ottomans in Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition similar to the cards and decks system in Age of Empires III.


With the Imperial Council system, the Ottomans gain Vizier XP for every unit they produce and for advancing in Age. Upon hitting certain thresholds, the player receives a Vizier Point, of which a maximum of 5 can be earned by default. Building the Istanbul Imperial Palace raises this limit to 8. These Vizier Points can be spent on unlocking the benefits listed below. Level 2 and Level 3 benefits require at least one benefit from the previous level to have been chosen.

Level 1[]

  • AoE4 FieldWork Field Work: Spawn 2 Imams at the Landmark Town Center. Imams now passively heal nearby units for 1 hit point every second. They can still freely use their standard heal ability in addition to this.
  • AoE4 MehterDrums Mehter Drums: Spawn 1 Mehter at the Landmark Town Center. Mehters increase the movement speed of units in the same formation by 15%. Note that the units have to be in the same formation as the Mehter, not just nearby.
  • AoE4 AnatolianHills Anatolian Hills: Spawn 8 Sheep at the Landmark Town Center and increase Villagers' mining speed by 15%.

Level 2[]

  • AoE4 MilitaryCampus Military Campus: The maximum amount of Military Schools the player can build is increased by 1.
  • AoE4 SiegeCrews Siege Crews: Allows all siege engines to be garrisoned by infantry units. While garrisoned, a siege engine's attack and setup speed is increased by 25%.
  • AoE4 TradeBags Trade Bags: Increase the amount of gold Traders collect by 40%.

Level 3[]

Vizier Point[]

Each Vizier Point up to the 5th one requires an increasing amount of Vizier XP to obtain.

Vizier Point XP Required
1 60
2 100
3 150
4 240
5 320
6 320
7 320

Vizier XP[]

Vizier XP is gained either by creating units or advancing to the next Age. The amount of XP gained is roughly dependent on the type and cost of the unit, but there is no direct relationship. When the units are created from a building within the radius of the Istanbul Imperial Palace, these values are doubled.

Note: Building a Battering Ram using an infantry unit provides 8XP regardless of whether it is built within the aura of the Istanbul Imperial Palace. Building a Siege Tower always yields 0XP (likely because it cannot be created from a production building and has no assigned XP value).

Unit/Age XP Gained
GameIcon-FeudalAgeAoE4 Feudal Age 15
GameIcon-CastleAgeAoE4 Castle Age 45
GameIcon-ImperialAgeAoE4 Imperial Age 100
AoE4 Scout Scout 1
AoE4 GenericVillager Villager 2
AoE4 Trader Trader 2
AoE4 RegularSpearman Spearman 2
AoE4 RegularSipahi Sipahi 3
AoE4 RegularManAtArms Man-at-Arms 3
AoE4 RegularCrossbowman Crossbowman 3
AoE4 Mehter Mehter 4
AoE4 RegularJanissary Janissary 4
AoE4 Monk Imam 4
AoE4 RegularKnight Lancer 6
AoE4 BatteringRam Battering Ram 8
AoE4 Springald Springald 12
AoE4 Mangonel Mangonel 15
AoE4 CounterweightTrebuchet Counterweight Trebuchet 19
AoE4 Ribauldequin Ribauldequin 25
AoE4 GreatBombard Great Bombard 30
AoE4 FishingBoat Fishing Boat 2
AoE4 TransportShip Transport Ship 2
AoE4 IncendiaryShip Incendiary Ship 4
AoE4 TradeShip Trade Ship 5
AoE4 ArcherShip Archer Ship 6
AoE4 SpringaldShip Springald Ship 8
AoE4 Warship Warship 15
AoE4 GrandGalley Grand Galley 20


  • Originally, the second, third, and fourth Vizier points required 80, 120, and 200 experience points respectively. With update 10.0.576, they now require 100, 150, and 240 experience points.
Gameplay elements in the Age of Empires series
Age · Ability (II · M · III · IV) · Architecture set (II · III) · Area of Effect (Trample damage) · Armor/Resists (hack/melee · pierce/ranged · crush/siege)  · Armor class/Tag (I - original · I - Return of Rome · II · IV) · Artificial intelligence · Attack (Attack bonus/Multiplier) · Attack delay · Attack ground · Aura (IV) · Auto Scout · Building (I · II · M · III · IV · AoE:DS) · Civilization (I · II · M · III · IV) · Civilization bonus · Cheat code (I · II · M · III · IV) · Conversion · Counter · Diplomacy · Gaia/Mother Nature · Game modes · Garrison · Gather Point · Healing · Hit points · Hotkey · Line of Sight · Mini map · Mobile building · Player · Population · Range · Rate of Fire · Regeneration · Relic (II · M · IV) · Repairing · Resource (Renewable resource) · Scenario Editor (I · II · M · III · IV) · Score · Signal Allies/Flare · Soundtrack (I · II · M · III · IV) · Speed · Stealth mode · Taunt · Technology (I · II · M · III · IV) · Technology tree (I · II · IV) · Terrain (AoE:DS · AoM:DS) · Town Bell · Trade (IV) · Tribute · Unit (I · II · M · III · IV · AoE:DS · AoM:DS) · Unit formation · Unit stance (III) · Upgrade (I · II · III · IV) · User interface · Victory · Villager Priority
Genie Engine
Frame delay · Full Tech Tree · Team bonus
ReturnRome-AoEIcon Age of EmpiresRuins · Discovery
AoE2-DLCicon-0 Age of Empires IIPass-through damage · Projectile duplication
Bang Engine
Autoqueue · Snare
Aom original icon Age of MythologyGod (Major · Minor) · God power · Settlement
3Icon48px Age of Empires IIIAge-up methods (Politician/Tribal Council/Wonder/Federal State/Alliance· Banner army · Consulate · Damage Cap · Home City · Home City Card · Inspiring Flag · Minor civilization · Promotion · Revolution · Target Lock · Trade Monopoly · Trade Route · Treasure
Essence Engine
GameIcon-AoE4 Age of Empires IVBounty · Dynasty · Fire armor · Imperial Council (Vizier Point) · Influence · Landmark · Religion · Sacred Site · Variant civilization
If a gameplay element has different pages across games, like civilization, the individual pages are linked in brackets.
Resources in Age of Empires series
CommonFood · Wood · Gold/Coin · Stone*
Age of MythologyFavorAOM Favor
Age of Empires IIIResource xp XP · Aoe3 export Export · Aoe3de influence Influence
Age of Empires IVAoE4 Bounty icon Bounty · AoE4 Vizier Point icon Vizier Point · Resource olive oil Olive Oil
Extractable resource sources in the Age of Empires series
CommonTree · Gold Mine · Stone Mine· Berry Bush · Farm (I · II · M · III · IV) · Animals (Fish · Herdable animal)
Age of Empires IIFish trap aoe2DE Fish Trap
Age of MythologyAoMR Dwarven Mine icon Dwarven Mine · AoM Gold Mine icon Jade Mine
Age of Empires IIICherry orchard portrait aoe3de Cherry Orchard · Coal mine portrait Coal Mine · Copper mine portrait Copper Mine · Food crate icon AoE3DE Crate · Gold mine portrait Diamond Mine · Plantation aoe3de Estate · Field portrait aoe3de Field · Hacienda portrait Hacienda · MangoGroveDE Mango Grove · Mill aoe3de Mill · China rice paddy icon aoe3de Rice Paddy · Rock supply icon AoE3DE Rock · Gold mine portrait Salt Mine · Silver Mine icon AoE3DE Silver Mine · Gold mine portrait Tin Mine
Age of Empires IVAoE4 OliveGrove Olive Grove
* not used in Age of Mythology and Age of Empires III