Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki

Hunt for a Killer is the first scenario of the Learn to Play tutorial campaign in Age of Mythology. Arkantos travels to a far-away island in order to slay a Cyclops.

This tutorial teaches the player how to select and move units, and how to attack enemies.


  1. Select Arkantos. (Left-click on Arkantos to select him.)
  2. Right-click on the blue flag to move along the path. (Using your mouse, move the cursor near the closest blue flag and right-click near it.)
  3. Continue along the path to the next flag. (Using your mouse, place the cursor near the next blue flag and right-click on the ground near it. Remember, to scroll the view, move the mouse to the edge of the screen.)
  4. Group-select Arkantos and the other hunters. (Using your mouse, put the cursor slightly above and to the left of the group, then, holding the left mouse button, move the cursor slowly down and to the right to make a selection box around the group of men.)
  5. Continue along the path to the next flag. (Right-click with all your units selected to move them in a group.)
  6. Move your men forward through the black area. (With your men selected, right-click in or beyond the black area.)
  7. Continue along the path to the next flag. (Remember, left-click to select units and right-click to move them.)
  8. Seek out the Cyclops. (Follow the path and you should find the Cyclops.)
  9. Slay the Cyclops. (With your soldiers selected, right-click on the Cyclops to attack.)



  • Arkantos (AoMR Zeus icon Zeus): The player starts with Arkantos and eventually gains more troops as he follows the trail of the Cyclops.



  • Cyclops (ZeusPortrait Zeus): Consists of a single Cyclops, and must be defeated to win the scenario.


The player starts out in the Archaic Age, with Zeus as the major god. Arkantos is alone on a beach, but when the player selects and moves him along the path, he is soon joined by a Hoplite, a Toxotes, and a Hypaspist.

By following the path, Arkantos soon locates the enemy Cyclops, which must be defeated. The player can send in Arkantos first, to try to ensure that the Cyclops attacks him instead of the human soldiers, but either way, the fight will be short and easy.


  • Originally, Arkantos and his men were to kill a Fenris Wolf Brood instead of a Cyclops.
Campaigns in Age of Mythology
Learn to PlayHunt for a Killer ยท Pleasing the Gods ยท Uninvited Guests
AoM foil FotT Fall of the TridentOmens ยท Consequences ยท Scratching the Surface ยท A Fine Plan ยท Just Enough Rope ยท I Hope This Works ยท More Bandits ยท Bad News ยท Revelation ยท Strangers ยท The Lost Relic ยท Light Sleeper ยท Tug of War ยท Isis, Hear My Plea ยท Let's Go ยท Good Advice ยท The Jackal's Stronghold ยท A Long Way From Home ยท Watch That First Step ยท Where They Belong ยท Old Friends ยท North ยท The Dwarven Forge ยท Not From Around Here ยท Welcoming Committee ยท Union ยท The Well of Urd ยท Beneath the Surface ยท Unlikely Heroes ยท All Is Not Lost ยท Welcome Back ยท A Place in My Dreams
AoM foil TGG The Golden GiftBrokk's Journey ยท Eitri's Journey ยท Fight at the Forge ยท Loki's Temples
AoM foil TNA The New AtlantisA Lost People ยท Atlantis Reborn ยท Greetings from Greece ยท Odin's Tower ยท The Ancient Relics ยท Mount Olympus ยท Betrayal at Sikyos ยท Cerberus ยท Rampage ยท Making Amends ยท Atlantis Betrayed ยท War of the Titans
AoM foil TotD Tale of the DragonRising Waters ยท To the West ยท From Below ยท Trapped ยท Confrontation ยท The Realm of the Dead ยท The Water Palace ยท A Way Out ยท Yin and Yang
Mythical BattlesReginleif's Rally
StandaloneClose to Home ยท E3 2001 Story Showcase (cut) ยท PAX East scenario ยท Tutorial ยท Kronos' Escape