Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the god in Age of Mythology. For the god in Age of Empires: Mythologies, see Hephaestus (Age of Empires: Mythologies).

You have advanced to the Mythic Age through the Toil of Hephaestus.
—Age up text in Age of Mythology

Hephaestus is a Mythic Age Greek minor god in Age of Mythology. Worshipers of all Greek major gods can choose Hephaestus.


God power[]

  • AoMR Plenty Vault icon Plenty: Creates a Plenty Vault that generates 15 Food, Wood, and Gold every 5 seconds. The vault is indestructible, but can be captured if surrounded by enemy units.


Myth unit[]

  • AoMR Colossus icon Colossus: A slow moving but nigh-unstoppable siege weapon due to high armor, hit points, and attack vs buildings. Can regain hit points by eating trees and gold mines.

Technology tree[]

AoMR Hephaestus artwork
AoMR Mythic Age icon
God power
AoMR Plenty Vault icon
AoMR Temple icon
AoMR Colossus icon
AoMR Hand of Talos icon
Hand of Talos
AoMR Shoulder of Talos icon
Shoulder of Talos
AoMR Armory icon
AoMR Forge of Olympus icon
Forge of Olympus
AoMR Olympian Weapons icon
Olympian Weapons


Hephaestus grants military and economic bonuses. Forge of Olympus greatly decreases the cost of Armory technologies, allowing them to be researched more quickly and giving an advantage over opponents. Technologies made cheaper include Weapon of the Titans, which improves the attack of Myrmidons, Hetairos, and Gastraphetoros, depending on the major god.

Hephaestus' Myth Unit, the Colossus, is the strongest non-Titan myth unit in the game. Once fully upgraded, it can withstand pitched battles due to its massive amount of hit points and armor and can heal by eating trees and gold mines. It also serves as a building destroyer due to its high damage versus buildings.

Hephaestus' god power generates an unlimited supply of Food, Wood, and Gold. This is equivalent to at least three Villagers per resource, and ties in with Forge of Olympus to make Armory technologies even quicker to research.

Hephaestus is difficult to get the full benefit of. He is recommended for ending a race to the Mythic Age, at which point he will provide a massive economic spike to help the player boom an underdeveloped economy more quickly and knock out enemies with the player's superior human units and powerful Colossi.


The god of fire, volcanoes, blacksmiths, and metal working, he had a strong following in the cities where his skills were important to commerce and war. He is usually seen with an axe. In one account he sided with his mother Hera against Zeus who threw him so far that he fell all day and limped thereafter. Hephaestus was associated with Mt. Etna on the island of Sicily. In his workshop he fashioned many wondrous things for the gods, including thunderbolts for Zeus, Athena's shield, arrows for Eros, and the chariot with which Helios the sun god rode across the sky. He also helped create the first human woman from clay, named Pandora, who released the evils of the world on humankind from her magic jar.
—In-game help section


  • Hephaestus and Tyr are the only two minor gods that are available to more than two major gods in the original game.


Gods in Age of Mythology
AoMR Archaic Age icon Archaic Age
AoMR Classical Age icon Classical Age
AoMR Heroic Age icon Heroic Age
AoMR Mythic Age icon Mythic Age
AoMR Greeks icon Greeks AoMR Zeus icon Zeus
AoMR Hades icon Hades
AoMR Poseidon icon Poseidon
AoMR Athena icon Athena

AoMR Hermes icon Hermes

AoMR Ares icon Ares
AoMR Apollo icon Apollo

AoMR Dionysus icon Dionysus

AoMR Aphrodite icon Aphrodite
AoMR Hera icon Hera

AoMR Hephaestus icon Hephaestus

AoMR Artemis icon Artemis
AoMR Egyptians icon Egyptians AoMR Ra icon Ra
AoMR Isis icon Isis
AoMR Set icon Set
AoMR Bast icon Bast

AoMR Ptah icon Ptah

AoMR Anubis icon Anubis
AoMR Sobek icon Sobek ( HathorIcon Hathor)

AoMR Sekhmet icon Sekhmet

AoMR Nephthys icon Nephthys
AoMR Osiris icon Osiris

AoMR Horus icon Horus

AoMR Thoth icon Thoth
AoMR Norse icon Norse AoMR Thor icon Thor
AoMR Odin icon Odin
AoMR Loki icon Loki
AoMR Freyr icon Freyr
AoMR Freyja icon Freyja

AoMR Heimdall icon Heimdall

AoMR Forseti icon Forseti

AoMR Ullr icon Ullr
AoMR Skadi icon Skadi

AoMR Bragi icon Bragi

AoMR Njord icon Njord

AoMR Aegir icon Aegir
AoMR Baldr icon Baldr

AoMR Tyr icon Tyr

AoMR Hel icon Hel

AoMR Vidar icon Vidar
AoMR Atlanteans icon Atlanteans AoMR Kronos icon Kronos
AoMR Oranos icon Oranos
AoMR Gaia icon Gaia
AoMR Prometheus icon Prometheus

AoMR Leto icon Leto

AoMR Oceanus icon Oceanus
AoMR Hyperion icon Hyperion

AoMR Rheia icon Rheia

AoMR Theia icon Theia
AoMR Helios icon Helios

AoMR Atlas icon Atlas

AoMR Hekate icon Hekate
ChinesePortrait Chinese FuXiPortrait Fu Xi
NuWaPortrait Nü Wa
ShennongPortrait Shennong
HuangDiIcon Huang Di

SunWukongIcon Sun Wukong

ChangEIcon Chang'e
DaboGongIcon Dabo Gong

ZhongKuiIcon Zhong Kui

HeBoIcon He Bo
ChongliIcon Chongli

AoKuangIcon Ao Kuang

XiWangmuIcon Xi Wangmu