Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
Age of Empires Series Wiki
Info icon
This article is about the hero unit. For the scenario, see Henry the Lion.

โ€œ Barbarossa, I do hate to strike you when you are down, but the Lombard League has agreed thatI would make a beer emperor. So sorry. โ€
—Betraying the player (anew) in The Lombard League

Henry the Lion is a cavalry hero available in the Scenario Editor in The Last Khans. His unit does not appear in the Barbarossa campaign, but he plays a part in the Henry the Lion and The Lombard League scenarios, betraying Barbarossa both times.

In-game, he is represented by a Knight, but with 80 more hit points while the attack and armor remain the same. Like other cavalry, Henry the Lion is affected by all technologies that affect cavalry as well as any other bonuses that affect them. He is also a hero, so he cannot be converted and can regenerate health.

Campaign appearances[]

CampaignIcon-EdwardDE Edward Longshanks[]

  • Hammer of the Scots: John Comyn is a renamed Henry the Lion. He is present in discussions with Edward Longshanks and Robert the Bruce during the siege of Stirling. He is killed by Robert the Bruce in Scotland shortly before the latter betrays Edward.

While not appearing personally, Henry the Lion's troops make an appearance in the Henry the Lion and The Lombard League scenarios of the Barbarossa campaign.


Heroes in Age of Empires II
AoE2-DLCicon-0 The Age of Kings
Non-military Monk hero aoe2DE Archbishop ยท Empbarrel aoe2DE Emperor in a Barrel ยท Monk hero aoe2DE Friar Tuck ยท Monk render Harold Haardraade (removed) ยท Ornluthewolf aoe2DE Ornlu the Wolf ยท Shah aoe2DE Shah
Infantry Aethelfrith aoe2DE Aethelfrith ยท Charlemagne aoe2DE Charlemagne ยท Charlesmartel aoe2DE Charles Martel ยท El cid campeador aoe2DE El Cid ยท Erikthered aoe2DE Erik the Red ยท Hrolf the ganger aoe2DE Hrolf the Ganger ยท Hunting wolf aoe2DE Hunting Wolf ยท Joan maid aoe2DE Joan the Maid ยท King arthur aoe2DE King Arthur ยท Kitabatake aoe2DE Kitabatake ยท Lahire aoe2DE La Hire ยท Minamoto aoe2DE Minamoto ยท Sheriff nottingham aoe2DE Sheriff of Nottingham ยท King arthur aoe2DE Siegfried ยท Ataulf aoe2DE Theodoric the Goth ยท William wallace new aoe2de William Wallace
Cavalry Belisarius aoe2DE Belisarius ยท Gawain aoe2DE Constable Richemont ยท Dukedalencon aoe2DE Duke D'Alenรงon ยท Frankish paladin aoe2de Frankish Paladin ยท Gawain aoe2DE Gawain ยท Guy Joesselyne icon AoE2DE updated Guy Josselyne ยท Joan arc aoe2DE Joan of Arc ยท Kushluk aoe2DE Kushluk ยท Lancelot aoe2DE Lancelot ยท Alexandernevski aoe2DE Master of the Templar ยท Lancelot aoe2DE Mordred ยท Reynaldde aoe2DE Reynald de Chatillon ยท Lionheart aoe2DE Richard the Lionheart ยท Roland aoe2DE Roland ยท Sieurbertrand aoe2DE Sieur Bertrand ยท Sieurdemetz aoe2DE Sieur de Metz ยท Sirjohnfastolf aoe2DE Sir John Fastolf ยท Gawain aoe2DE The Black Prince
Archer Archereyes aoe2DE Archer of the Eyes ยท Genghiskhan aoe2DE Genghis Khan ยท Lorddegraville aoe2DE Lord de Graville ยท Robin hood aoe2de Robin Hood  ยท Subotai AoE2DE Subotai ยท Tamerlane aoe2DE Tamerlane
Siege Hero trebuchet packed aoe2DE Bad Neighbor ยท Hero trebuchet packed aoe2DE God's Own Sling ยท Jeanbureau aoe2DE Jean Bureau ยท Jeandelorrain aoe2DE Jean de Lorrain ยท Saboteur aoe2DE Saboteur
Building Wonder aoe2DE Dome of the Rock ยท Pyramid aoe2DE Great Pyramid ยท Accursed tower aoe2DE The Accursed Tower ยท Accursed tower aoe2DE The Tower of Flies
AoE2-DLCicon-1 The Conquerors
Non-military Aoe2 Imam Imam ยท Kingalfonso aoe2DE King Alfonso ยท Kingsancho aoe2DE King Sancho ยท Popeleoi aoe2DE Pope Leo I
Infantry Erikthered aoe2DE Harald Hardrada ยท Minamoto aoe2DE Nobunaga ยท Scythianwildwoman aoe2DE Scythian Wild Woman
Cavalry Alexandernevski aoe2DE Alexander Nevski ยท Attilathehun aoe2DE Attila the Hun ยท Bledathehun aoe2DE Bleda the Hun ยท El cid campeador aoe2DE El Cid Campeador ยท Henryv aoe2DE Henry V ยท Scythian scout aoe2DE Scythian Scout ยท Williamconq aoe2DE William the Conqueror
Ship Yisun aoe2DE Admiral Yi Sun-Shin
AoE2-DLCicon-2 The Forgotten
Non-military Chand bardai aoe2DE Chand Bardai ยท Queen aoe2DE Queen (formerly) ยท Sanyogita aoe2DE Sanyogita
Infantry Cuauhtemoc aoe2DE Cuauhtemoc ยท Fransforza aoe2DE Francesco Sforza ยท Fredbarb aoe2DE Frederick Barbarossa
Cavalry Jarl aoe2DE Jarl ยท Saladin aoe2DE Saladin ยท Savar aoe2DE Savar (removed) ยท Vladdracula aoe2DE Vlad Dracula
Archer Franciscode aoe2DE Francisco de Orellana ยท Pizarro aoe2DE Gonzalo Pizarro ยท Khosrau aoe2DE Khosrau ยท Osman aoe2DE Osman ยท Prithvi aoe2DE Prithvi ยท Prithviraj aoe2DE Prithviraj
Building Wonder aoe2DE Quimper Cathedral
AoE2-DLCicon-3 The African Kingdoms
Non-military Yodit aoe2DE Princess Yodit
Infantry Gidajan aoe2DE Gidajan ยท Henry ii aoe2DE Henry II ยท Itzcoatl aoe2DE Itzcoatl ยท Little john aoe2DE Little John ยท Pachacuti aoe2DE Pachacuti ยท Yekuno aoe2DE Yekuno Amlak ยท Yodit aoe2DE Yodit
Cavalry Abraha elephant aoe2DE Abraha Elephant ยท Babur aoe2DE Babur ยท Miklos toldi aoe2DE Miklos Toldi ยท Richarddeclare aoe2DE Richard de Clare ยท Sumanguru aoe2DE Sumanguru ยท Sundjata aoe2DE Sundjata ยท Miklos toldi aoe2DE Tristan ยท Zawisza DOTD Zawisza the Black
Archer Dagnajan aoe2DE Dagnajan ยท Guglielmo aoe2DE Guglielmo Embriaco ยท Huayna capac aoe2DE Huayna Capac ยท Musa ibn aoe2DE Musa ibn Nusayr ยท Mustafa pasha aoe2DE Mustafa Pasha ยท Pacal ii aoe2DE Pacal II ยท Su dingfang aoe2DE Su Dingfang ยท Tariq aoe2DE Tariq ibn Ziyad
Building Accursed tower aoe2DEScenario tower orie aoe2deScenario tower east aoe2deScenario tower asia aoe2deScenario tower meso aoe2deScenario tower medi aoe2deScenario tower slav aoe2deScenario tower indi aoe2deScenario tower afri aoe2deScenario tower seas aoe2deScenario tower ceas aoe2de Fortified Tower
AoE2-DLCicon-4 Rise of the Rajas
Non-military Buibi aoe2DE Bui Bi ยท Jayanegara aoe2DE Jayanegara ยท Udaya aoe2DE Udayadityavarman I
Infantry GajahMada aoe2DE Gajah Mada ยท Jayaviravarman aoe2DE Jayaviravarman ยท Lelaiicon Le Lai (removed) ยท Leloi aoe2DE Le Loi ยท LeTrien aoe2DE Le Trien ยท Sunda aoe2DE Sunda Royal Fighter
Cavalry Bayinnaung aoe2DE Bayinnaung ยท DinhLe aoe2DE Dinh Le ยท Envoy aoe2DE Envoy ยท RadenWijaya aoe2DE Raden Wijaya ยท Suryavarman aoe2DE Suryavarman I ยท Wangtong aoe2DE Wang Tong
Archer Luu Nhan Chu aoe2DE Luu Nhan Chu ยท Tabinshwehti aoe2DE Tabinshwehti
Building Wonder aoe2DE Gol Gumbaz ยท Wonder aoe2DE Sanchi Stupa
AoE2-DLCicon-5 The Last Khans
Non-military King bela iv aoe2de King Bela IV
Infantry Ataulf aoe2DE Ataulf ยท Cusi yupanqui aoe2de Cusi Yupanqui ยท Ivaylo aoe2DE Ivaylo ยท Sosso guard aoe2de Sosso Guard ยท Topa yupanqui Topa Yupanqui
Cavalry Ataulf aoe2DE Alaric the Goth ยท Cuman chief aoe2de Cuman Chief ยท Henrythelion aoe2DE Henry the Lion ยท Ivaylo aoe2DE Ivaylo ยท Lelai aoe2DE Le Lai ยท Tokkhan aoe2DE Tokhtamysh Khan ยท Tsar aoe2DE Tsar Konstantin ยท Vytautus the great aoe2de Vytautas the Great
Archer Girgen khan aoe2de Girgen Khan ยท KotyanKhan aoe2DE Kotyan Khan ยท UrusKhan aoe2DE Urus Khan
Ship Erikthered aoe2DE Leif Erikson ยท The middlebrook aoe2de The Middlebrook ยท Pizarro aoe2DE Vasco da Gama
AoE2Icon-LordsWest Lords of the West
Non-military Jacqueline of hainaut aoe2de Jacqueline of Hainaut
Infantry Dafydd ap gruffydd aoe2de Dafydd ap Gruffydd ยท Llywelyn ap gruffydd aoe2de Llywelyn ap Gruffydd
Cavalry Bernard darmagnae aoe2de Bernard d'Armagnac ยท Bohemond aoe2de Bohemond ยท Edward longshanks aoe2de Edward Longshanks ยท Gilbert de clare aoe2de Gilbert de Clare ยท John the fearless aoe2de John the Fearless ยท Philip the good aoe2de Philip the Good ยท Robert guiscard aoe2de Robert Guiscard ยท Roger bosso aoe2de Roger Bosso
Siege Hero trebuchet packed aoe2DE Warwolf Trebuchet
Dawn of the Dukes icon Dawn of the Dukes
Non-military Jadwiga aoe2de Jadwiga
Infantry Young Jadwiga aoe2de Young Jadwiga
Cavalry Algirdas aoe2de Algirdas ยท Dmitry of Moscow aoe2de Dmitry of Moscow ยท Emperor Sigismund aoe2de Emperor Sigismund ยท Jan Zizka aoe2de Jan Zizka ยท Jogaila aoe2de Jogaila ยท Kestutis aoe2de Kestutis ยท Mikhail of Tver aoe2de Mikhail of Tver ยท Ulrich von Jungingen aoe2de Ulrich von Jungingen
AoE2Icon-DynastiesIndia Dynasties of India
Infantry Aoe2de amoghavarsha Amoghavarsha
Cavalry Aoe2de General Araiyan General Araiyan ยท AoE2DE Mihira Bhoja icon Mihira Bhoja ยท AoE2DE Rajendra Chola icon Rajendra Chola ยท Aoe2de Young Babur icon Young Babur
Archer AoE2DE Ibrahim Lodi icon Ibrahim Lodi ยท AoE2DE Qutlugh Icon Qutlugh ยท Aoe2de shaybani khan icon Shaybani Khan
AoE2Icon-MountainRoyals The Mountain Royals
Non-military AoE2DE Tamar icon Tamar
Infantry Yury icon AoE2DE Yury ยท Zakare icon AoE2DE Zakare ยท Stephan icon AoE2DE Stephan ยท Mleh icon AoE2DE Mleh
Cavalry AoE2DE Ismail icon Ismail ยท AoE2DE Shah Ismail icon Shah Ismail ยท Selim icon AoE2DE Selim the Grim ยท AoE2DE Thoros icon Thoros ยท Ivane icon AoE2DE Ivane