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Artaphernes, satrap of Lydia, readies an expedition to seize the island of Naxos. This should be a simple task - or so the wily Greek Aristagoras claims ...
—In-game summary

Greeks Bearing Gifts is the second scenario of the Battle for Greece grand campaign in Chronicles: Battle for Greece.


You may have the impression that Darius was nothing but a violent conqueror — and indeed, he crushed all who opposed him with brutal force — but he was also an admirable administrator. Once the slaughter was over, he divided his empire into provinces known as satrapies, to be governed by trusted men.

On the western edge of the empire lay the satrapy of Lydia, which Darius gave to his half-brother Artaphernes. A remote posting, though not an unpleasant one: Lydia was a wealthy land of fine horses, gold-bearing rivers, and wine to rival any Mediterranean vintage.

Along Lydia's western coast was a region called Ionia, and here dwelt Greeks, who many centuries ago had planted colonies along the Ionian shore. These Greeks rarely caused trouble for their Persian masters — and so long as they paid their tribute on time, the Persians were happy to leave their foreign subjects to their own devices.

Enter Aristagoras, ruler of the Greek city of Miletus, a man whose ambitions regularly outstripped his capacities. His head filled with imagined glories, Aristagoras went to the court of the satrap Artaphernes, and proposed a scheme to his master: if the Persians would provide Aristagoras with a fleet, he would conquer the island of Naxos for the Great King.

Artaphernes was intrigued. Naxos was a gem that would surely please his half-brother the king. And so Artaphernes summoned all that the expedition might require: shipwrights and steersmen; baggage-handlers and quartermasters; cedar wood for triremes and cornel wood for spears; plump goats for eating and white lambs for sacrifice.

A glorious conquest seemed sure to follow.

Scenario instructions[]

Starting conditions[]


Main objectives[]

  • Await the first convoy.
  • Train more units until you have at least 10.
  • Ensure enough carts survive for Aristagoras to build 90 ships.
  • Do not lost 4 or more Supply Carts.
  • Destroy both Naxian Shipyards.

Secondary objectives[]

  • Bring Artaphernes to the Oracle's Temple.
  • Tribute 500 food and 300 gold to the Ionians. PC: diplomacy button at the top right; Xbox: Press Y while hovering over the Oracle's Temple.
  • Choose an aura effect at the Oracle's Temple. Your choice will persist in future scenarios!


  1. Escort Supply Carts to Miletus to fund Aristagoras's fleet.
  2. Each convoy you successfully bring in will also grant you resources.
  3. This scenario contains an aura quest. Visit the Oracle and fulfil her quest to give Artaphernes an aura that improves nearby infantry, archers, or cavalry.
  4. To send tribute on PC: diplomacy button at the top right; on Xbox: Press Y while hovering over the Oracle's Temple; Xbox alternative: Menu, then Chat & Diplomacy, then Diplomacy tab.
  5. In Chronicles, some of the decisions you make will affect future scenarios. In this scenario, your choice of aura effect for Artaphernes will persist in future scenarios.
  6. Heroes can obtain multiple aura effects. You will have the option to add additional auras to Artaphernes in future scenarios.
  7. The Achaemenids have the War Chariot at their disposal, a powerful cavalry unit that tramples nearby infantry underfoot.



  • Player (Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids): The player starts with a small military base outside the city of Miletus where more troops can be produced. The player must secure the passages through which Supply Carts will enter the map and accompany the carts as they head to the city to prevent them from being destroyed by bandits. Once the invasion of Naxos starts, the player must only destroy the Naxian navy and Shipyards.


  • Royal Convoys (Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids - Ionians): The Supply Carts sent by Darius will arrive from various passages across the map, each accompanied by a few guards. They will eventually be overwhelmed by bandit attacks, especially as the scenario progresses and bandit numbers increase, unless supported by the player.
  • Ionians (Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids - Ionians): They initially represent outlying passive civilians and farmsteads, as well as the Oracle. Once the assault on Naxos begins, the ownership of the city of Miletus is also transferred to this player to remove the player's Line of Sight over it while still having vision over Aristagoras's forces.
  • Aristagoras (Athenians Chronicles Athenians - Ionians): He rules the city of Miletus and his soldiers have set up outposts at various points on the roads to repel bandits. He will build a navy and eventually attack Naxos by sea and land troops there to breach the city.


  • Naxos (Athenians Chronicles Athenians - Greeks): The city of Naxos has excellent defenses, being situated on an island and walled, with towers and Forts behind. The Naxiots will fiercely repel the Milesian landing forces in the west, while the Naxian navy will be arrayed in the east and must be engaged by the player.
  • Bandits (Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids - Ionians): They will spawn at several points around the map and attempt to intercept the Supply Carts to destroy and rob them.


Initial start[]

The bandits spawn in pre-set locations around all the map, most notably the cave not far from the eastern gate. Having soldiers nearby to intercept them when they spawn will keep them away from attacking the carts. The player can also make mobile patrol groups that follow the carts for safety.

It's useful to research some technologies in the Blacksmith, Stable, and Archery Range. A composition of Light Cavalry and Cavalry Archers is recommended.

The initial bodyguard group which is led by Datis can be used as a small escort team in the beginning. Quickly train and group units with Artaphernes to act as a second escort team. The player should train group of units based on resources coming from 1 or 2 Supply Carts.

Getting an aura for Artaphernes[]

It is important to find the Oracle's Temple to the northeast of Miletus in order to choose a second aura for Artaphernes. Move Artaphernes there after successfully protecting the first and second convoy.

Remember to save 500 food and 300 gold for tributing to the Ionians. Resources from a single cart are more than enough for the tribute quest.

Achievement "All Accounted For"[]

For this achievement, the player cannot lose any of the resource carts heading for the city. It is recommended to do this achievement on standard difficulty.

The carts will begin spawning one at a time initially, but soon will spawn up to 4 or 5 on the map at the same time. For this reason, the player will need to train multiple groups of units to quickly react to the situation. Either ambushing the spawning locations of bandits or to escorting the carts is up to the player's choice. The player should have 4 or 5 groups of units when all the carts are present in the region.

There are four spawn points total. One in the south, one on the center eastern edge, one near the eastern corner, and one up north, which has the longest travel distance. The initial carts will spawn from the north, east, and south. Later, the northeast cart will be spawned. Shortly after this, all four will spawn again at the same time. On hard, spawn locations are randomized, except for the first cart.

There are three small bases by the road where the player's allies will try to help the player, but do not rely on these, as they can be overrun throughout the scenario if not assisted. Protecting them is not necessary, since all three bases are more effective as baits.

Keeping small forces of units near any bandit spawn points the player finds can stop the threat before the carts are in danger, but until the player finds and learn these, always keep units near the carts, and send them back to the cart spawn point the moment the carts reach the gates. On standard, bandit groups will not get too large, but the player's troops can be careless and pursue one group too far from the cart to stop a second that might reach it from the opposite side. On hard, it's recommended to escort the carts rather than focusing on camping at bandits' spawn locations.

Naval section[]

The player's land army is no longer available. Instead, groups of War Galleys and Catapult Ships are given to the player. Use War Galleys to snipe Incendiary Ships and tank Biremes' attacks. Catapults Ships can be used to effectively kill Naxos's Biremes.

The player does not need to pay attention to Aristagoras's army or help them. Even if the player destroys all Shipyards quickly, Aristagoras's army will fail due to incompetency. This results in Aristagoras's retreat, ending the game.


Campaigns in Chronicles
Battle for Greece
Achaemenids Chronicles Achaemenids Prologue: Gates of the Gods · Greeks Bearing Gifts · The Ionian Revolt · A City Ablaze · Chasing Smoke · Death to Traitors · Earth and Water
Athenians Chronicles Athenians The Battle of Marathon · Raise the Sails · The Hot Gates · Divine Salamis · Across the Wine-Dark Sea · Wrath of the Regent · The Fruits of Empire · Within the Long Walls
Spartans Chronicles Spartans I am Brasidas · Pyres on the Coast · Speeches and Spears · To the Wall! · Blood and Gold · The Fall of Athens