Age of Empires Series Wiki
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This article is about the technology in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. For the technology in Age of Empires IV, see Gambesons (Age of Empires IV).

Gambesons is a technology in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition introduced in update 81058 that can be researched at the Barracks. It can be researched after Supplies has been researched and the Castle Age is reached. Once researched, it increases the pierce armor of the Militia-line units by +1.

Despite lacking Gambesons, the Malians have the Militia-line with the best pierce armor, thanks to their civilization bonus giving them +1/+2/+3 pierce armor in the Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age, resulting in Malian Champions sporting 8 pierce armor.

Despite lacking both Gambesons and Plate Mail Armor, the Romans have the same amount of pierce armor (5) as the Malians in the Castle Age, thanks to their civilization bonus doubling the effect of infantry armor upgrades. In the Imperial Age, the Romans' Legionary upgrade gives 1 pierce armor, so combined with their armor bonus, they end up with +6, the same as a fully upgraded Champion.

Availability chart[]

Gambesonsavailable AvailableGambesonsunavailable Unavailable
means that the civilization had access to Gambesons in the past, but does not currently.

Civilizations bonuses[]

Team bonuses[]

  • Goths AoE2 Goths: Researching Gambesons is 20% faster.
  • Portuguese AoE2 Portuguese: Researching Gambesons is 25% faster.


AoE2Icon-ReturnRome Return of Rome[]


The popularity of the Obuch paved the road for the swordsman line to be made viable. The advantages of the Obuch over the Swordsman line were:

  • Armor-tearing effect (special ability) and huge attack vs buildings - offset by lower attack
  • ~34% more hit points
  • +1/+1 armor

The developers applied the third factor to make the swordsman-line, and to a lesser extent unique heavy infantry, more viable. They already had increased the melee armor some months after Dawn of the Dukes. It was time for a pierce armor increase, which came in the form of a technology, since otherwise it would have been very strong.


A gambeson (also aketon, padded jack, pourpoint, or arming doublet) is a padded defensive jacket, worn as armour separately, or combined with mail or plate armour. Gambesons were produced with a sewing technique called quilting. They were usually made from linen or wool; the stuffing varied, and could be for example scrap cloth or horse hair. During the 14th century, illustrations usually show buttons or laces up the front.


  • The Gambesons icon is a Knight's armor.


Technologies in Age of Empires II
Economic technologies
MaleVillDEFEMALEVILLDE VillagerWheelbarrowDE Wheelbarrow · HandcartDE Hand Cart
Aoe2de food FoodHorseCollarDE Horse Collar · HeavyPlowDE Heavy Plow · CropRotationDE Crop Rotation
GillnetsDE Gillnets
Aoe2de wood WoodDoubleBitAxe aoe2DE Double-Bit Axe · BowSawDE Bow Saw · TwoManSawDE Two-Man Saw
Aoe2de gold GoldGoldMiningDE Gold Mining · GoldShaftMiningDE Gold Shaft Mining
CaravanDE Caravan
Aoe2de stone StoneStoneMiningDE Stone Mining · StoneShaftMiningDE Stone Shaft Mining
Civilian shipsDryDockDE Dry Dock · ShipwrightDE Shipwright
Market aoe2DE MarketCoinageDE Coinage · BankingDE Banking
GuildsDE Guilds
Military technologies
GeneralConscriptionDE Conscription
HeresyDE Heresy · Devotion icon AoE2DE Devotion · FaithDE Faith
Melee unitsForging aoe2de Forging · IronCastingDE Iron Casting · BlastFurnaceDE Blast Furnace
CavalryBloodlinesDE Bloodlines · HusbandryDE Husbandry
ScaleBardingArmorDE Scale Barding Armor · ChainBardingDE Chain Barding Armor · PlateBardingArmorDE Plate Barding Armor
InfantrySuplliesicon Supplies · AoE2 Gambesons Gambesons · SquiresDE Squires · ArsonDE Arson
ScaleMailArmorDE Scale Mail Armor · ChainMailArmorDE Chain Mail Armor · PlateMailArmorDE Plate Mail Armor
Ranged unitsBallisticsDE Ballistics · ChemistryDE Chemistry
FletchingDE Fletching · BodkinArrowDE Bodkin Arrow · BracerDE Bracer
ArchersPaddedArcherArmorDE Padded Archer Armor · LeatherArcherArmorDE Leather Archer Armor · RingArcherArmorDE Ring Archer Armor
ThumbRingDE Thumb Ring · ParthianTacticsDE Parthian Tactics
SiegeSiegeEngineersDE Siege Engineers
ShipCareeningDE Careening · DryDockDE Dry Dock
ShipwrightDE Shipwright
WarGalleyDE War Galley
BuildingTownWatchDE Town Watch · TownPatrolDE Town Patrol
Masonry aoe2de Masonry · ArchitectureDE Architecture
HeatedShotDE Heated Shot · ArrowSlitsDE Arrowslits · MurderHolesDE Murder Holes · TreadmillCraneDE Treadmill Crane · HoardingsDE Hoardings · BombardTower aoe2DE Bombard Tower
HerbalDE Herbal Medicine
MonkRedemptionDE Redemption · AtonementDE Atonement · SanctityDE Sanctity · FervorDE Fervor · IlluminationDE Illumination · BlockPrintingDE Block Printing · TheocracyDE Theocracy
MaleVillDEFEMALEVILLDE VillagerLoomDE Loom · SapperDE Sappers
Miscellaneous technologies
SpiesDE Spies · SpiesDE Treason · UniqueTechCastle-DEUniqueTechImperialDE Unique technologies
Removed/cut generic technologies
Bombardcannonresearch Bombard Cannon · CannongalleonresearchDE Cannon Galleon · Cartography aoe2de Cartography · Handcannon Hand Cannon · Huntingdogs Hunting Dogs · Revetments · TrackingDE Tracking